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Anthony Piers


Pornucopia Оценка: 4.0 (1)
Жанр: фэнтези
Pornucopia is a picaresque black comedy that transgresses all bounds of everyday good taste. It begins in a near-future world where sex-vending machines and genital transplants are taken for granted.

Prior Gross, the hero and sex object of this wild adventure, thinks his fantasies have all come true when a beautiful young woman seduces him on a public beach. She turns out to be a succubus, beginning his initiation into a realm populated by demons that are not merely horned, but horny. He encounters a perverse cast of characters that includes a satyr, a vampire, and a pair of luscious sisters, one of whom tricks him out of his manhood.

So Prior Gross sets out on a perverse odyssey, taking him to a distant planet where he discovers the key to the return of his property and, ultimately, the origin of the universe itself.
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  1. Piers Anthony Pornucopia  
  2. Part I: Smegma
  3. Chapter One
  4. Chapter Two
  5. Chapter Three
  6. Chapter Four
  7. Chapter Five
  8. Chapter Six
  9. Chapter Seven
  10. Chapter Eight
  11. Chapter Nine
  12. Part II: Prosthesis
  13. Chapter Ten
  14. Chapter Eleven
  15. Chapter Twelve
  16. Chapter Thirteen
  17. Chapter Fourteen
  18. Chapter Fifteen
  19. Chapter Sixteen
  20. Chapter Seventeen
  21. Chapter Eighteen
  22. Chapter Nineteen
  23. Part III: The Cherry Tree
  24. Chapter Twenty
  25. Chapter Twenty-One
  26. Chapter Twenty-Two
  27. Chapter Twenty-Three
  28. Chapter Twenty-Four
  29. Chapter Twenty-Five
  30. Chapter Twenty-Six
  31. Chapter Twenty-Seven
  32. Chapter Twenty-Eight
  33. Chapter Twenty-Nine
  34. Part IV: Dildo
  35. Chapter Thirty
  36. Chapter Thirty-One
  37. Chapter Thirty-Two
  38. Chapter Thirty-Three
  39. Chapter Thirty-Four

Ваше впечатление от этой книги  


Vulgar, but funny in a droll yet blackhumor kind of way. When you first begin it seems extremely erotic, and it gets even more so a you go along... but then you realize it's meant as a parodical approach to how people think about the extremes of sexuality rather than a purely sexual work itself.... all hidden in a hero's quest style story. Worth a read for light entertainment if you don't mind the chauvinism and the fact you may or may not experience unexpected bouts of arousal.

Оценка 4 из 5 звёзд от Sandy 07.08.2014 15:00  

Всего обзоров: 1
Средний рейтинг 4.0 из 5

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