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Index: N

NAME_IN program, Oracle Developer's FormsBuilder : 4.6.3. Dynamic PL/SQL
NAMESPACE column,*_CONTEXT data dictionary views : 8.4.3. Context Data Dictionary Views
namespace parameter
CREATE CONTEXT statment : 8.2. CREATE CONTEXT: Creating Contexts
SET_CONTEXT procedure : 8.3. SET_CONTEXT: Setting Context and Attribute Values
NCLOB : (see NLS character large object)
NDS (native dynamic SQL)
1.3.3. Native Dynamic SQL (Chapter 4, Native Dynamic SQL in Oracle8i)
4. Native Dynamic SQL in Oracle8i
4.5. Working with Objects and Collections
argument modes, binding : 4.4.3. Argument Modes
binding limitations : 4.4.2. Limitations on Binding
binding versus concatenation : 4.4.1. Binding Versus Concatenation
DBMS_SQL, compared to : 4.1. DBMS_SQL Versus NDS
duplicate placeholders : 4.4.4. Duplicate Placeholders
dynamic PL/SQL : 4.6.3. Dynamic PL/SQL
error handling : 4.6.2. Error Handling
exclusive capabilities : 4.1. DBMS_SQL Versus NDS
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement : 4.2. NDS Statement Summary
FETCH statement : 4.3.1. FETCH into Variables or Records
generic GROUP BY package : 4.3.4. Generic GROUP BY Package
generic GROUP BY procedure : 4.3.3. Generic GROUP BY Procedure
multirow queries with cursor variables : 4.3. Multirow Queries with Cursor Variables
OPEN FOR statement : 4.2.2. The OPEN FOR Statement
sharing NDS programs with invoker rights : 4.6.1. Sharing NDS Programs with Invoker Rights
USING clause (OPEN FOR statement) : 4.3.2. The USING Clause in OPEN FOR
utility package : 4.7. NDS Utility Package
ndsutil.pkg file : 4.7. NDS Utility Package
blocks : 4.6.3. Dynamic PL/SQL
table columns, triggers on
1.3.5. New Trigger Capabilities (Chapter 6, New Trigger Features in Oracle8i)
6. New Trigger Features in Oracle8i
table view columns : 6.1. Triggers on Nested Table View Columns
4.1. DBMS_SQL Versus NDS
5. Bulking Up with PL/SQL 8.1
nesttrig.sql file : 6.1. Triggers on Nested Table View Columns
NLS character large object : 7.5.1. The TO_LOB Function
NLS_CALENDAR attribute, SYS_CONTEXT function : 8.4.1. The SYS_CONTEXT Function
NLS_CURRENCY attribute, SYS_CONTEXT function : 8.4.1. The SYS_CONTEXT Function
NLS_DATE_FORMAT attribute, SYS_CONTEXT function : 8.4.1. The SYS_CONTEXT Function
NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE attribute, SYS_CONTEXT function : 8.4.1. The SYS_CONTEXT Function
NLS_SORT attribute, SYS_CONTEXT function : 8.4.1. The SYS_CONTEXT Function
NLS_TERRITORY attribute, SYS_CONTEXT function : 8.4.1. The SYS_CONTEXT Function
NO_DATA_FOUND error : 5.4. Using Cursor Attributes
NOCOPY parameter mode hint
1.3.9. Miscellaneous New Features and Performance Improvements (Chapter 10, More Goodies for Oracle8i PL/SQL Developers) Managing temporary LOBs
impact : 10.1.2. Impact of NOCOPY Use
overview : 10. More Goodies for Oracle8i PL/SQL Developers
parameter aliasing : 10.1.3. Parameter Aliasing
performance gains : 10.1.4. Performance Gains with NOCOPY
restrictions : 10.1.1. Restrictions on NOCOPY
non-bulk FOR loop : 5.3.3. Using the RETURNING Clause with Bulk Operations
notification capabilities : 7.6.4. Improved Publish/Subscribe Support
NULL predicates : 7.3.4. ADD_POLICY: Adding a Policy

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