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Anthony James

Fire and Rust
Iron Dogs.
2. Alien Firestorm.
3. Havoc Squad.

Obsidiar Fleet
Negation Force.
2. Inferno Sphere.
3. God Ship.
4. Earth's Fury.
5. Suns of the Aranol.
6. Mission: Eradicate.

Survival Wars
Crimson Tempest.
2. Bane of Worlds.
3. Chains of Duty.
4. Fires of Oblivion.
5. Terminus Gate.
6. Guns of the Valpian.
7. Mission: Nemesis.

The Transcended
2. Fleet Vanguard.
3. Far Strike.
4. Galaxy Bomb.
5. Void Blade.
6. Monolith.
7. Mission: Destructor.

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