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Елизавета I

1) Источники

Aikin L. Memoirs of the Court of Elizabeth, Queen of England. London, 1869.

Calendar of State Papers. 1547–1703, Domestic Series, v. 1—44. London, 1856–1924.

Camden W. The History of Elizabeth, late Queen of England. Selected chapters. Chicago-London, 1970.

The Letters of Queen Elizabeth. Ed. G. B. Harrison. London, 1968.

2) Литература

Дмитриева О. В. Елизавета Тюдор. М., 2004.

Стрэчи Дж. Л. Королева Елизавета и граф Эссекс. М., 1992.

Эриксон К. Елизавета I. М., 2001.

Black J. В. The reign of Elizabeth. Oxford, 1959.

Jenkins E. Elizabeth the Great. London, 1965.

Luke M.M. Gloriana. The years of Elizabeth I. N.Y., 1973.

Mac Caffrey W.T. Queen Elizabeth and making of policy. Princeton, N.J., 1981.

Neale J. E. Queen Elizabeth. London, 1943.

Strickland A. The life of Queen Elizabeth. London — N. Y., 1924.

Williams N. The life and times of Elizabeth I. London, 1972.

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