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Index: Symbols and Numbers

0 flag : sendmail, 30.8. Alphabetized F= Flags
10BaseT networks
Practical UNIX & Internet Security, Eavesdropping by Ethernet and 10Base-T
Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 16.1. Networking
-144bsd option : sendmail, 18.5.2. Remove -l44bsd
3 flag : sendmail, 30.8. Alphabetized F= Flags
5 flag : sendmail, 30.8. Alphabetized F= Flags
6-bit serial lines, running over : TCP/IP Network Administration, 5.2. Linux Kernel Configuration
7 flag : sendmail, 30.8. Alphabetized F= Flags
7 (SevenBitInput) option : sendmail, 34.8. Alphabetized Reference
7-bit encoding
sendmail, 18.8. Alphabetized Reference
sendmail, 34.8. Alphabetized Reference
7bit encoding type : TCP/IP Network Administration, 3.4.3. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
8 flag : sendmail, 30.8. Alphabetized F= Flags
8 (EightBitMode) option
sendmail, 30.8. Alphabetized F= Flags
sendmail, 34.8. Alphabetized Reference
8-bit encoding
sendmail, 18.8. Alphabetized Reference
sendmail, 30.8. Alphabetized F= Flags
sendmail, 34.8. Alphabetized Reference
8bit encoding type : TCP/IP Network Administration, 3.4.3. Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
8mm video tape : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 7.1.4. Guarding Against Media Failure
9 flag : sendmail, 30.8. Alphabetized F= Flags
< > (angle brackets)
sendmail, 10.1. Why Preprocess?
sendmail, At least one <> pair
> option : sendmail, D.5. The > Option
>>> as leading characters : sendmail, 4.2. Verbose (-v)
sendmail, 10.4. Nested Angle Brackets
sendmail, Strip to left of <
null address : (see addresses, null)
'' (apostrophes) (expect nothing) : TCP/IP Network Administration, 6.3.3. chat
* (asterisk)
in mail queue listing
sendmail, 4.1.2. Show Queue Mode (-bp)
sendmail, 23.4. Printing the Queue
meaning interface not enabled : TCP/IP Network Administration, 6.1.1. Determining the Interface Name
in name field, indicating wildcard character : TCP/IP Network Administration, C.3.1. Standard Resource Records
@ (at sign)
in addresses
sendmail, Handle null address
sendmail, 29.4.5. Focusing for @ Syntax
chacl command with : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, HP-UX access control lists
for current origin : TCP/IP Network Administration, C.3.1. Standard Resource Records
excluding an individual parameter : TCP/IP Network Administration, 9.4. A BOOTP Server
referencing current domain : TCP/IP Network Administration, 8.3.5. The Reverse Domain File
in xhost list : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, The xhost facility
@ flag : sendmail, 30.8. Alphabetized F= Flags
\ (backslash)
escaping newline characters
TCP/IP Network Administration, 9.2.1. The printcap File
TCP/IP Network Administration, A.3. chat
TCP/IP Network Administration, C.3.1. Standard Resource Records
in header fields : sendmail, 35.3.2. Escape Character in the Header Field
mail command and : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 15.1.3. mail Command
in rules : sendmail, Backslashes in rules
in UUCP addresses
sendmail, 17.1.4. UUCP Addresses
sendmail, 19.6. Alphabetized m4 Macros
! (bang) and mail command : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 15.1.3. mail Command
: (colon)
in addresses
sendmail, A rule to handle List:;
sendmail, 34.8. Alphabetized Reference
beginning and ending fields
TCP/IP Network Administration, 9.2.1. The printcap File
TCP/IP Network Administration, 9.2.2. Solaris Line Printer Service
separating parameters : TCP/IP Network Administration, 9.4. A BOOTP Server
: flag : sendmail, 30.8. Alphabetized F= Flags
{} (curly braces)
sendmail, 5.3.2. Macros
sendmail, 5.3.5. Class Macros
sendmail, 7.1. Overview
configuration statements
TCP/IP Network Administration, A host configuration
TCP/IP Network Administration, B.2. The gated Configuration Language
TCP/IP Network Administration, D.3. The dhcpd.conf Configuration File
long variable names : TCP/IP Network Administration, 10.5. sendmail Configuration
macro names : TCP/IP Network Administration, 10.5.2. The Define Macro Command
$ (dollar sign)
$ line (qf file) : sendmail, 23.9. The qf File Internals
$ rule-testing command : sendmail, 38.3.1. Dump a Defined Macro with $
in macro names : sendmail, 31.5. Macro Expansion: $ and $&
wildcard operators
sendmail, 8.7. Wildcard Operators
(see also wildcard operators)
$1, $2, ... : (see positional operators)
sendmail, 28.6.4. Rewrite Through Another Rule Set: $>set
sendmail, 31.5.3. Use Value as Is with $&
$> : sendmail, 28.6.4. Rewrite Through Another Rule Set: $>set
$* : sendmail, 10.2.1. The LHS
sendmail, 9.2.2. The Host ($@)
sendmail, 9.3. Testing Rule Set 0
sendmail, 11.4.1. Rewrite the Lone Username
sendmail, Handle null address
sendmail, 28.6.3. Rewrite-and-Return Prefix: $@
sendmail, The $@ dsn part
sendmail, 33.4.2. Specify Numbered Substitution with $@
$[ and $]
sendmail, 19.6. Alphabetized m4 Macros
sendmail, 21.2.4. The $[ and $] Operators
sendmail, 28.6.6. Canonicalize Hostname: $[ and $]
sendmail, 33.4.3. $[ and $]: A Special Case
sendmail, 9.2.3. The User ($:)
sendmail, 9.3. Testing Rule Set 0
sendmail, 28.6.2. Rewrite Once Prefix: $:
sendmail, 29.6.1. Further Processing: $:user
sendmail, 30.5.3. The $: Part
sendmail, 33.4.1. Specify a Default with $:
sendmail, 33.4. Use Maps with $( and $) in Rules
sendmail, 14.1.3. Testing So Far
sendmail, 31.6. Macro Conditionals: $?, $|, and $.
sendmail, 12.1. The Class Command
sendmail, 32.2.1. Matching Any in a Class: $=
sendmail, 38.3.2. Dump a Class Macro with $=
sendmail, 9.2.1. The Delivery Agent ($#)
sendmail, 28.6.5. Specify a Delivery Agent: $#
$- : sendmail, 11.4.1. Rewrite the Lone Username
$( and $) : sendmail, 33.4. Use Maps with $( and $) in Rules
$+ : sendmail, 8.7. Wildcard Operators
sendmail, 14.1.3. Testing So Far
sendmail, 31.6. Macro Conditionals: $?, $|, and $.
$~ : sendmail, 32.2.2. Matching Any Not in a Class: $~
$| : sendmail, 31.6. Macro Conditionals: $?, $|, and $.
$_ macro
sendmail, 20.2.4. Verify identd Information
sendmail, 23.9. The qf File Internals
sendmail, relay= the host that sent or accepted the message
sendmail, 31.10. Alphabetized Reference
. (dot)
. line (qf file) : sendmail, 23.9. The qf File Internals
checking for in ${pd} : sendmail, D.1. Sun Enhancements
for current directory : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 5.1.1. Directories
to end messages
sendmail, 4.2. Verbose (-v)
sendmail, 30.8. Alphabetized F= Flags
filenames starting with, disabling creation of : Building Internet Firewalls, Be careful of writable
host status file line : sendmail, B.1. Status file lines
leading in messages : sendmail, 34.8. Alphabetized Reference
trailing in FQDNs
sendmail, 15.3. MX Records
sendmail, 17.4. Rule Set 4
sendmail, 29.5.1. Stripping Trailing Dots
.. directory : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 5.1.1. Directories
.. for domain name : TCP/IP Network Administration, C.3.1. Standard Resource Records
! (exclamation point) and mail command : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 15.1.3. mail Command
# (hash mark; sharp sign) : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 6.5.1. Message Digests
for comments
sendmail, 5.1. Overview
sendmail, 5.2.2. Comments
sendmail, 27.2. Comments
sendmail, 38.2. Configuration Lines
TCP/IP Network Administration, 3.2. The Host Table
TCP/IP Network Administration, 5.4. The Internet Daemon
TCP/IP Network Administration, A host configuration
TCP/IP Network Administration, 9.1.4. NFS Automounter
TCP/IP Network Administration, 9.2.1. The printcap File
TCP/IP Network Administration, 9.4. A BOOTP Server
TCP/IP Network Administration, A.1.1. The dip Script File
TCP/IP Network Administration, D.3. The dhcpd.conf Configuration File
disabling services with : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 17.3. Primary UNIX Network Services
in :include: lists : sendmail, 25.2.1. Comments in :include: Lists
lines in : sendmail, 3.1. Role in the Filesystem
in m4 files : sendmail, 19.5. Pitfalls
- (hyphen)
in machine conversation : sendmail, 4.2. Verbose (-v)
non-equivalent host : TCP/IP Network Administration, 12.2.5. Secure the r Commands
-> (arrow), for copying files : TCP/IP Network Administration, 9.6.1. rdist
() (parentheses), for continuation characters : TCP/IP Network Administration, C.3.1. Standard Resource Records
% in addresses
sendmail, 17.1.5. The % Hack
sendmail, 21.5.1. Offsite MX Hosts
+ (plus sign)
in configuration file : sendmail, 1.3.1. The Configuration File
indicating a trusted host : TCP/IP Network Administration, 12.2.5. Secure the r Commands
in hosts.equiv file : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, Searching for .rhosts files
marking users with : sendmail, 24.4.3. Plussed Users
in NIS
Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 19.4. Sun's Network Information Service (NIS)
Practical UNIX & Internet Security, NIS is confused about "+"
? for delivery agent flags
sendmail, 14.2. Headers Versus Delivery Agent Flags
sendmail, 35.4. ?flags? in Header Definitions
" (quotation marks)
sendmail, 13.2.8. The Unquoted Space Replacement Character
sendmail, 19.1.1. m4 is greedy
sendmail, 31.3.2. Syntax of the Configuration File Macro's Text
dequote database class : sendmail, 33.8. Alphabetized Reference
in header fields : sendmail, 35.3.3. Quoted Strings in the Header Field
stripping from addresses
sendmail, 30.8. Alphabetized F= Flags
sendmail, -q don't strip quotes from key (V8.7 and above)
"" (expect nothing)
TCP/IP Network Administration, 6.3.3. chat
TCP/IP Network Administration, A.3. chat
; (semicolon)
comment character : TCP/IP Network Administration, C.3.1. Standard Resource Records
ending gated configuration statements
TCP/IP Network Administration, A host configuration
TCP/IP Network Administration, B.2. The gated Configuration Language
# (sharp sign; hash mark) : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 6.5.1. Message Digests
for comments
sendmail, 5.1. Overview
sendmail, 5.2.2. Comments
sendmail, 27.2. Comments
sendmail, 38.2. Configuration Lines
TCP/IP Network Administration, 3.2. The Host Table
TCP/IP Network Administration, 5.4. The Internet Daemon
TCP/IP Network Administration, A host configuration
TCP/IP Network Administration, 9.1.4. NFS Automounter
TCP/IP Network Administration, 9.2.1. The printcap File
TCP/IP Network Administration, 9.4. A BOOTP Server
TCP/IP Network Administration, A.1.1. The dip Script File
TCP/IP Network Administration, D.3. The dhcpd.conf Configuration File
disabling services with : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 17.3. Primary UNIX Network Services
in :include: lists : sendmail, 25.2.1. Comments in :include: Lists
lines in : sendmail, 3.1. Role in the Filesystem
in m4 files : sendmail, 19.5. Pitfalls
/ (slash)
/ flag : sendmail, 30.8. Alphabetized F= Flags
character in alias
sendmail, 24.2.2. Delivery to Files
sendmail, 25.7.3. Appending to Files
IFS separator : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, IFS attacks
root directory
Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 5.1.1. Directories
(see also root directory)
~ (tilde)
in automatic backups : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, Beware stray CGI scripts
for home directory
Practical UNIX & Internet Security, $HOME attacks
sendmail, 25.7. The User's ~/.forward File
~! in mail messages : Practical UNIX & Internet Security, 8.1.3. Accounts That Run a Single Command
| (vertical bar)
! flag : sendmail, 30.8. Alphabetized F= Flags
| prefix
sendmail, 22.4.3. The F Command - Program Form
sendmail, 24.2.3. Delivery via Programs
in addresses : (see programs, delivering to)

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