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Previous: 7.1 Overview Chapter 7
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7.2 Defining Macros

In the previous chapter you roughed out delivery agent definitions for the hub and local delivery agents. Notice that the last part of each, the A= command-line part, ended with a macro:

V7 # Delivery agent definition to forward mail to hub   Mhub,   P=[IPC], S=0, R=0, F=mDFMuXa, T=DNS/RFC822/SMTP, A=IPC 


 # Sendmail requires this, but we won't use it. Mlocal, P=/bin/mail, F=lsDFMAw5:/|@rmn, S=0, R=0, A=mail -d 



There are two kinds of macros: those that you define and those that sendmail defines. Macros that begin with uppercase letters, such as R and {REMOTE} , are ones that you optionally define. Those that begin with a lowercase letter, such as h and u , are ones that sendmail either defines or requires you to define.

You have already seen an example of an uppercase macro:


This gives the macro named {REMOTE} the value mailhost .

Somewhere on your network, there may be a machine whose alias is mailhost or something similar, such as mailrelay . This is the alias of the machine that serves your site's mail hub. If no such alias exists, you must use an actual machine name (such as ). Now edit \ , and add your first macro, {REMOTE} :


# Defined macros                                          

<- new

D{REMOTE}mailhost         # The name of the mail hub      

<- new


<- new
 # Delivery agent definition to forward mail to hub Mhub,   P=[IPC], S=0, R=0, F=mDFMuXa, T=DNS/RFC822/SMTP, A=IPC $h # Sendmail requires this, but we won't use it. Mlocal, P=/bin/mail, F=lsDFMAw5:/|@rmn, S=0, R=0, A=mail -d $u

Here, three new lines have been added to the file. The first is a comment, and the third is a blank line to visually separate macro definitions from delivery agent definitions. The second line is the new macro definition. As the comment says, this {REMOTE} macro will contain as its value the name of the host to which all mail will be forwarded.

Take a moment to test this new version of the file:


./sendmail -bt </dev/null

The sendmail program reads and parses the file. There are no errors in the file, so sendmail prints no error messages.

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7.1 Overview Book Index 7.3 Predefined Macros