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34.2 Configuration-File Options

Beginning with version 8.7 sendmail , configuration-file options may use multicharacter option names. Prior to version 8.7, only single characters were allowed. We describe the old form first, then the new.

34.2.1 Pre-V8.7 Configuration-File Declarations

The old form for an option command in the file is



<- prior to V8.7

Like all configuration commands, the uppercase letter O must begin the line. It is immediately followed (with no intervening space) by another single letter, which selects a specific option. Uppercase letters are distinct from lowercase for single-character option names (that is, X is different from x ). Depending on the option selected, an argument may be required. There must be no intervening space between the single-character option name and its argument.

34.2.2 V8.7 Configuration File Declarations

Beginning with version 8.7, option names may be single-character or multicharacter. A space is used to differentiate between single-character and multicharacter (long) names:

O LongName=argument       
<- beginning with V8.7
a space (not a tab)

Whenever the O configuration command is followed by a space (not a tab), everything following that space is taken as the declaration of a multicharacter option. Unlike single-letter option names, multicharacter names are interpreted by sendmail without regard to case. Therefore the following three examples all produce the same effect:

O QueueDirectory=/var/tmp O queuedirectory=/var/tmp O QuEuEdIrEcToRy=/var/tmp

There may be optional space (not tab) characters surrounding the = character:

O QueueDirectory = /var/tmp                 
spaces, not tabs

Multicharacter names in the configuration file must not be abbreviated or expressed in shorthand:

O QueueDirectory=/var/spool/mqueue    
<- good
 O QueueDir=/var/spool/mqueue          
<- bad

Failure to use the full multicharacter name will cause sendmail to print spurious warnings every time it is run. The possible warnings are listed in Section, "Multicharacter name shorthand" . Multicharacter names are beneficial because they allow option names to have mnemonic recognition. For example, the multicharacter name ForwardPath , which lists the default path for ~/.forward files, is much more recognizable than the single-character name J .

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34.1 Command-Line Options Book Index 34.3 Configuring with V8 m4 Options