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Index: F
- FETCH INTO clause : 5.3. Bulk Querying with the BULK COLLECT Clause
- FETCH statement, native dynamic SQL : 4.3.1. FETCH into Variables or Records
- FGAC (fine-grained access control)
- 1.3.7. Fine-Grained Access Control (Chapter 8, Deploying Fine-Grained Access Control)
7.3. DBMS_RLS: Implementing Fine-Grained Access Control
- components : 8.1. FGAC Components
- context attribute values, setting : 8.3. SET_CONTEXT: Setting Context and Attribute Values
- context data dictionary views : 8.4.3. Context Data Dictionary Views
- context for schema, setting : 8.5.2. Setting the Context for the Schema
- context information, obtaining : 8.4. SYS_CONTEXT and LIST_CONTEXT: Obtaining Context Information
- creating contexts : 8.2. CREATE CONTEXT: Creating Contexts
- debugging : 8.5.6. Debugging FGAC Code
- example : 8.5. A Complete FGAC Example
- list of defined context attributes, obtaining : 8.4.2. LIST_CONTEXT: Obtaining the List of Defined Context Attributes
- LOGON triggers, setting up, : 8.5.5. Setting Up the LOGON Trigger
- overview
: 8. Deploying Fine-Grained Access Control
- policies, defining : 8.5.4. Defining the Policy
- predicates, defining : 8.5.3. Defining the Predicate
- security packages, creatinging : 8.5.1. Creating the Security Package
- fgac.sql file : 8.5. A Complete FGAC Example
- FOR loops
- 1.3.4. Bulk Binds and Collects (Chapter 5, Bulking Up with PL/SQL 8.1)
- 5.3.3. Using the RETURNING Clause with Bulk Operations
- 5.5. Analyzing the Impact of Bulk Operations
- 7.4. UTL_COLL: Using Collection Locators
- FOR UPDATE : 4.5. Working with Objects and Collections
- FORALL statement
5.5. Analyzing the Impact of Bulk Operations
5.2. Bulk DML with the FORALL Statement
- 1.3.4. Bulk Binds and Collects (Chapter 5, Bulking Up with PL/SQL 8.1)
- 5. Bulking Up with PL/SQL 8.1
- 5.3.3. Using the RETURNING Clause with Bulk Operations
- forallerr.sql file : 5.2.2. ROLLBACK Behavior with FORALL
- FREETEMPORARY procedure, DBMS_LOB package : FREETEMPORARY: Freeing the temporary LOB
- FUNCTION column, *_POLICIES data dictionary views : 8.4.3. Context Data Dictionary Views
- function_schema parameter, ADD_POLICY procedure : 7.3.4. ADD_POLICY: Adding a Policy
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