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Oracle PL/SQL Programming, 2nd Edition

Oracle PL/SQL Programming, 2nd EditionSearch this book
Previous: 17.2 Syntax for Calling Stored Functions in SQL Chapter 17
Calling PL/SQL Functions in SQL
Next: 17.4 Restrictions on PL/SQL Functions in SQL

17.3 Requirements for Stored Functions in SQL

There are several requirements a programmer-defined PL/SQL function must meet in order to be callable from within a SQL statement:

All of the following function specifications would be rejected if used within a SQL statement:

/* SQL doesn't know about PL/SQL tables. */ TYPE string_tabtype IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(30) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; FUNCTION temp_table RETURN string_tabtype;  /* SQL doesn't know about Booleans. */ FUNCTION call_is_open (call_id_in IN call.call_id%TYPE) RETURN BOOLEAN;  FUNCTION calc_sales    (company_id_in IN NUMBER, use_closed_orders_in IN BOOLEAN) RETURN NUMBER;

Previous: 17.2 Syntax for Calling Stored Functions in SQL Oracle PL/SQL Programming, 2nd Edition Next: 17.4 Restrictions on PL/SQL Functions in SQL
17.2 Syntax for Calling Stored Functions in SQL Book Index 17.4 Restrictions on PL/SQL Functions in SQL

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