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UNIX in a Nutshell: System V Edition

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genmsg [options] files ...

Solaris only. Extract messages strings from source code that uses catgets(3C) for further processing with gencat. The purpose of this command is to create the initial data for use by a translator when internationalizing an application. See also gencat and mkmsgs.



Append (merge) the output into the file specified by -o.


Place extracted comments after the corresponding message, instead of before it.

-c tag

Extract messages containing tag and write them, prefixed by $, in a comment in the output file.


Also add the original messages as comments in the output file.


With -r, overwrite the original input files. With -l, also overwrite the project files.

-g file

Create file as a project file, listing set numbers and their maximum message numbers.

-l file

Use information in file as a project file to calculate new message numbers.

-m prefix

Fill in the message with prefix. Intended for testing.

-M suffix

Fill in the message with suffix. Intended for testing.


Add comments in the output indicating the original file's name and line number for the message.

-o msgfile

Put the output in msgfile.

-p preprocessor

Run the source files through preprocessor before extracting messages.


Replace message numbers with -1 (negative one). Reverse action of -l.

-s tag

Extract comments of the form /* SET tag */ from the source files. Write them to the output as comments, prefixed with $. Only the first matching comment for tag is extracted.


Triple the lengths of extracted messages. Intended for testing.


Don't warn about message and set number range checks and conflicts.

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