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UNIX in a Nutshell: System V Edition

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msgfmt [options] pofiles

Solaris only. msgfmt translates "portable object files" (file.po) into loadable message files that can be used by a running application via the gettext(3C) and dgettext(3C) library functions.

Portable object files are created using xgettext from the original C source code files. A translator then edits the .po file, providing translations of each string (or "message") in the source program. The format is described in the msgfmt(1) manpage.

Once compiled by msgfmt, the running program uses the translations for its output when the locale is set up appropriately.


-o file

Place the output in file. This option ignores domain directives and duplicate msgids.


Be verbose. Duplicate message identifiers are listed, but message strings are not redefined.

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