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UNIX in a Nutshell: System V Edition

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ps [options]

Report on active processes. In options, list arguments should either be separated by commas or put in double quotes. In comparing the amount of output produced, note that -e > -d > -a and -l > -f. In the BSD version, options work much differently; you can also display data for a single process.



List all processes except group leaders and processes not associated with a terminal.


Same as -e. Solaris only.


List scheduler data set by priocntl (an administrative command).


List all processes except session leaders.


List all processes.


Produce a full listing.


List data only for specified list of group leader ID numbers (i.e., processes with same ID and group ID).

-G list

Show information for processes whose real group ID is found in list. Solaris only.


Print the process group ID and session ID.


Produce a long listing.


Use the alternate file for the list of function names in the running kernel (default is /unix); obsolete as of SVR4.

-o format

Customize information according to format. Rarely used. Solaris only.


List data only for process IDs in list.


List data only for session leader IDs in list.


List data only for terminals in list (e.g., tty1).


List data only for usernames in list.

-U uidlist

Show information for processes whose real user ID is found in list. Solaris only.


With -l, omit the F and ADDR columns and use kilobytes instead of pages for the RSS and SZ columns. Solaris only.

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