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UNIX in a Nutshell: System V Edition

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15.4 Sample Document

.(l C
Whizprog \- The Be All and End All Program
.ce 2
J. Programmer
Wizard Corp.
.+c Abstract
This memorandum discusses the design and
implementation of
.i whizprog ,
the next generation of really
.b cool
do-it-all programs.
.+c "The Whole Story"
.sh 1 Requirements
The following requirements were identified. ...
.sh 1 Analysis
Here is what we determined. ...
.sh 1 Design
After much popcorn, we arrived at the
following design. ...
.sh 1 Implementation
After more popcorn and lots of Jolt Cola, we
.i whizprog
using ...
.+c "Conclusion"
We're ready to blow the socks off the market!

Previous: 15.3 Predefined Number RegistersUNIX in a Nutshell: System V EditionNext: 16. man Macros
15.3 Predefined Number RegistersBook Index16. man Macros

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