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tags, HTML (see HTML tags)
Tcl (UNIX Only)
decoding forms in
versus Perl : Tcl
tclsh (Tcl shell) : Tcl (UNIX Only)
<TD> tag : Accessing a Sybase Database
TeachText (ttxt) : AppleScript
telnet to simulate clients : Client Simulation
test forms
Quiz/Test Form Application
testing CGI programs
Debugging and Testing CGI Applications
Set UID/GID Wrapper
CGI Lint tool
CGI Lint--A Debugging/Testing Tool
CGI Lint in Action
files, displaying : Extra Path Information
as form input
Text and Password Fields
multiline fields of : Multiline Text Fields
as question type : Quiz/Test Form Application
<TEXTAREA> tags : Multiline Text Fields
textfield method : Form Creation and Parsing
formatting : Tailoring SSI Output
localtime function : Creating Dynamic Home Pages
timelocal subroutine : Counting Days Until . . .
timestamp : Why doesn't print...
zones : Creating Dynamic Home Pages
time command : CGI Side Includes
timelocal subroutine : Counting Days Until . . .
tr (translate) operator : Designing Applications Using Forms ...
ttxt (Teach Text) : AppleScript
TYPE attribute (<INPUT>)
Why shouldn't I have people type in...
Multipart Forms
Text and Password Fields
Radio Buttons and Checkboxes
TYPE attribute (<QUESTION>) : Quiz/Test Form Application

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