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WebMaster in a Nutshell

WebMaster in a Nutshell
By Stephen Spainhour & Valerie Quercia; ISBN: 1-56592-229-8, 356 pages.
First Edition, October 1996.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: HTML Overview
Chapter 3: HTML Tags
Chapter 4: Frames
Chapter 5: Tables
Chapter 6: Color Names and Values
Chapter 7: Character Entities
Chapter 8: Browser Comparison
Chapter 9: CGI Overview
Chapter 10: HTML Form Tags
Chapter 11: CGI Environment Variables
Chapter 12: Cookies
Chapter 13: Server Side Includes
Chapter 14: Windows CGI
Chapter 15: Perl Quick Reference
Chapter 16: Other CGI Resources
Chapter 17: HTTP Overview
Chapter 18: Server Response Codes
Chapter 19: HTTP Headers
Chapter 20: Media Types and Subtypes
Chapter 21: JavaScript Quick Reference
Chapter 22: Server Configuration Overview
Chapter 23: Apache and NCSA Server Configuration
Chapter 24: CERN Server Configuration
Chapter 25: Netscape Server Configuration
Chapter 26: WebSite Server Configuration

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