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Apache The Definitive Guide, 3rd EditionApache: The Definitive GuideSearch this book

1.6. Planning the Apache Installation

Unless you're using a prepackaged installation, you'll want to do some planning before setting up the software. You'll need to consider network integration, operating system choices, Apache version choices, and the many modules available for Apache. Even if you're just using Apache at an ISP, you may want to know which choices the ISP made in its installation.

1.6.1. Fitting Apache into Your Network

Apache installations come in many flavors. If an installation is intended only for local use on a developer's machine, it probably needs much less integration with network systems than an installation meant as public host supporting thousands of simultaneous hits. Apache itself provides network and security functionality, but you'll need to set up supporting services separately, like the DNS that identifies your server to the network or the routing that connects it to the rest of the network. Some servers operate behind firewalls, and firewall configuration may also be an issue. If these are concerns for you, involve your network administrator early in the process.

1.6.2. Which Operating System?

Many webmasters have no choice of operating system — they have to use what's in the box on their desks — but if they have a choice, the first decision to make is between Unix and Windows. As the reader who persists with us will discover, much of the Apache Group and your authors prefer Unix. It is, itself, essentially open source. Over the last 30 years it has been the subject of intense scrutiny and improvement by many thousands of people. On the other hand, Windows is widely available, and Apache support for Windows has improved substantially in Apache 2.0.

1.6.3. Which Unix?

The choice is commonly between some sort of Linux and FreeBSD. Both are technically acceptable. If you already know someone who has one of these OSs and is willing to help you get used to yours, then it would make sense to follow them. If you are an Apple user, OS X has a Unix core and includes Apache.

Failing that, the difference between the two paths is mainly a legal one, turning on their different interperations of open source licensing.

Linux lives at, and there are more than 160 different distributions from which Linux can be obtained free or in prepackaged pay-for formats. It is rather ominously described as a "Unix-type" operating system, which sometimes means that long-established Unix standards have been "improved", not always in an upwards direction.

Linux supports Apache, and most of the standard distributions include it. However, the default position of the Config files may vary from platform to platform, though usually on Linux they are to be found in /etc. Under Red Hat Linux they will be in/etc/httpd/conf by default.

FreeBSD ("BSD" means "Berkeley Software Distribution" — as in the University of California, Berkeley, where the version of Unix FreeBSD is derived from) lives at We have been using FreeBSD for a long time and think it is the best environment.

If you look at and go to What's that site running?, you can examine any web site you like. If you choose, let's say,, you will discover that the site's uptime (length of time between rebooting the server) is about 12 days, on average. One assumes that Microsoft's servers are running under their own operating systems. The page Longest uptimes, also at Netcraft, shows that many Apache servers running Unix have uptimes of more than 1380 days (which is probably as long as Netcraft had been running the survey when we looked at it). One of the authors (BL) has a server running FreeBSD that has been rebooted once in 15 years, and that was when he moved house.

The whole of FreeBSD is freely available from But we would suggest that it's well worth spending a few dollars to get the software on CD-ROM or DVD plus a manual that takes you though the installation process.

If you plan to run Apache 2.0 on FreeBSD, you need to install FreeBSD 4.x to take advantage of Apache's support for threads: earlier versions of FreeBSD do not support them, at least not well enough to run Apache.

If you use FreeBSD, you will find (we hope) that it installs from the CD-ROM easily enough, but that it initially lacks several things you will need later. Among these are Perl, Emacs, and some better shell than sh (we like bash and ksh), so it might be sensible to install them straightaway from their lurking places on the CD-ROM.

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