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3.5. HTTP Response Headers

The webmaster can set and remove HTTP response headers for special purposes, such as setting metainformation for an indexer or PICS labels. Note that Apache doesn't check whether what you are doing is at all sensible, so make sure you know what you are up to, or very strange things may happen.


HeaderName filename
Server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess

The HeaderName directive sets the name of the file that will be inserted at the top of the index listing. filename is the name of the file to include.

Apache 1.3.6 and Earlier

The module first attempts to include filename.html as an HTML document; otherwise, it will try to include filename as plain text. filename is treated as a filesystem path relative to the directory being indexed. In no case is SSI (server-side includes — see Chapter 14) processing done. For example:

HeaderName HEADER

When indexing the directory /web, the server will first look for the HTML file /web/HEADER.html and include it if found; otherwise, it will include the plain text file /web/HEADER, if it exists.

Apache Versions After 1.3.6

filename is treated as a URI path relative to the one used to access the directory being indexed, and it must resolve to a document with a major content type of "text" (e.g., text/html, text/plain, etc.). This means that filename may refer to a CGI script if the script's actual file type (as opposed to its output) is marked as text/html, such as with a directive like:

AddType text/html .cgi

Content negotiation will be performed if the MultiViews option is enabled. If filename resolves to a static text/html document (not a CGI script) and the Includes option is enabled, the file will be processed for server-side includes (see the mod_include documentation). This directive needs mod_autoindex.


HeaderName [set|add|unset|append] 
HTTP-header "value"HeaderName remove HTTP-header

The HeaderName directive takes two or three arguments: the first may be set, add, unset, or append; the second is a header name (without a colon); and the third is the value (if applicable). It can be used in <File>, <Directory>, or <Location> sections.


Header set|append|add header value


Header unset headerServer config, virtual host, access.conf, .htaccess

This directive can replace, merge, or remove HTTP response headers. The action it performs is determined by the first argument. This can be one of the following values:

The response header is set, replacing any previous header with this name.

The response header is appended to any existing header of the same name. When a new value is merged onto an existing header, it is separated from the existing header with a comma. This is the HTTP standard way of giving a header multiple values.

The response header is added to the existing set of headers, even if this header already exists. This can result in two (or more) headers having the same name. This can lead to unforeseen consequences, and in general append should be used instead.

The response header of this name is removed, if it exists. If there are multiple headers of the same name, all will be removed.

This argument is followed by a header name, which can include the final colon, but it is not required. Case is ignored. For add, append, and set, a value is given as the third argument. If this value contains spaces, it should be surrounded by double quotes. For unset, no value should be given.

Order of Processing

The Header directive can occur almost anywhere within the server configuration. It is valid in the main server config and virtual host sections, inside <Directory>, <Location>, and <Files> sections, and within .htaccess files.

The Header directives are processed in the following order:

main server 
virtual host 
<Directory> sections and .htaccess 

Order is important. These two headers have a different effect if reversed:

Header append Author "John P. Doe"
Header unset Author

This way round, the Author header is not set. If reversed, the Author header is set to "John P. Doe".

The Header directives are processed just before the response is sent by its handler. These means that some headers that are added just before the response is sent cannot be unset or overridden. This includes headers such as "Date" and "Server".


Options option option ...
Default: All
Server config, virtual host, directory, .htaccess

The Options directive is unusually multipurpose and does not fit into any one site or strategic context, so we had better look at it on its own. It gives the webmaster some far-reaching control over what people get up to on their own sites. option can be set to None, in which case none of the extra features are enabled, or one or more of the following:

All options are enabled except MultiViews (for historical reasons).

Execution of CGI scripts is permitted — and impossible if this is not set.

The server will follow symbolic links in this directory.

NOTE: Even though the server follows the symlink, it does not change the pathname used to match against <Directory> sections.

This option gets ignored if set inside a <Location> section (see Chapter 14).

Server-side includes are permitted — and forbidden if this is not set.

Server-side includes are permitted, but the #exec command and #exec CGI are disabled. It is still possible to #include virtual CGI scripts from ScriptAlias ed directories.

If the customer requests a URL that maps to a directory and there is no index.html there, this option allows the suite of indexing commands to be used, and a formatted listing is returned (see Chapter 7 ).

Content-negotiated MultiViews are supported. This includes AddLanguage and image negotiation (see Chapter 6).

The server will only follow symbolic links for which the target file or directory is owned by the same user id as the link.

TIP: This option gets ignored if set inside a <Location> section.

The arguments can be preceded by + or -, in which case they are added or removed. The following command, for example, adds Indexes but removes ExecCGI:

Options +Indexes -ExecCGI

If no options are set and there is no <Limit> directive, the effect is as if All had been set, which means, of course, that MultiViews is notset. If any options are set, All is turned off.

This has at least one odd effect, which we will demonstrate at .../site.options. Notice that the file go has been slightly modified:

test -d logs || mkdir logs
httpd -f 'pwd'/conf/httpd$1.conf -d 'pwd'

There is an ... /htdocs directory without an index.html and a very simple Config file:

User Webuser
Group Webgroup
DocumentRoot /usr/www/APACHE3/APACHE3/site.ownindex/htdocs

Type ./go in the usual way. As you access the site, you see a directory of ... /htdocs. Now, if you copy the Config file to .../conf/httpd1.conf and add the line:

Options ExecCGI

Kill Apache, restart it with ./go 1, and access it again, you see a rather baffling message:

You don't have permission to access / on this server

(or something similar, depending on your browser). The reason is that when Options is not mentioned, it is, by default, set to All. By switching ExecCGI on, you switch all the others off, including Indexes. The cure for the problem is to edit the Config file (.../conf/httpd2.conf) so that the new line reads:

Options +ExecCGI

Similarly, if + or - are not used and multiple options could apply to a directory, the last most specific one is taken. For example (.../conf/httpd3.conf ):

Options ExecCGI
Options Indexes

results in only Indexes being set; it might surprise you that CGIs did not work. The same effect can arise through multiple <Directory> blocks:

<Directory /web/docs>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
<Directory /web/docs/specs>
Options Includes

Only Includes is set for /web/docs/specs.

3.5.1. FollowSymLinks, SymLinksIfOwnerMatch

When we saved disk space for our multiple copies of the Butterthlies catalogs by keeping the images bench.jpg, hen.jpg, bath.jpg, and tree.jpg in /usr/www/APACHE3/main_docs and making links to them, we used hard links. This is not always the best idea, because if someone deletes the file you have linked to and then recreates it, you stay linked to the old version with a hard link. With a soft, or symbolic, link, you link to the new version. To make one, use ln -s source_filename destination_filename.

However, there are security problems to do with other users on the same system. Imagine that one of them is a dubious character called Fred, who has his own webspace, ... /fred/public_html. Imagine that the webmaster has a CGI script called fido that lives in ... /cgi-bin and belongs to webuser. If the webmaster is wise, she has restricted read and execute permissions for this file to its owner and no one else. This, of course, allows web clients to use it because they also appear as webuser. As things stand, Fred cannot read the file. This is fine, and it's in line with our security policy of not letting anyone read CGI scripts. This denies them explicit knowledge of any security holes.

Fred now sneakily makes a symbolic link to fido from his own web space. In itself, this gets him nowhere. The file is as unreadable via symlink as it is in person. But if Fred now logs on to the Web (which he is perfectly entitled to do), accesses his own web space and then the symlink to fido, he can read it because he now appears to the operating system as webuser.

The Options command without All or FollowSymLinks stops this caper dead. The more trusting webmaster may be willing to concede FollowSymLinks-IfOwnerMatch , since that too should prevent access.

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