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15.4. Gotchas
section clarifies a few aspects of CVS that can sometimes cause
- File orientation
While directories are supported, they are not versioned in the same
way as traditional files are. This is particularly important in the
early evolutionary stages of a project, when the structure may be in
flux. Also, if the project is undergoing major changes, the structure
is likely to change. See Section 15.5.4.
- Text orientation
There is no equivalent to diff for
binary files, although CVS's support for binary
files is usually sufficient. Use admin
-kb to tell CVS a file is binary.
- Line orientation
Moving a segment of code from one place in a file to another is seen
as a delete (from the old location) and an unrelated add (to the new
- CVS is not syntax-aware
As far as CVS is concerned, small formatting changes are equivalent
to sweeping logic changes in the same line ranges.
 |  |  |
15.3. Common Global Options |  | 15.5. CVS Administrator Reference |
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