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Managing and Using MySQL, 2nd Edition

By George Reese, Randy Jay Yarger and Tim King, with Hugh E. Williams
ISBN 0-596-00211-4
Second Edition, published April 2002.
(See the catalog page for this book.)

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Table of Contents

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Part I: Introduction

Chapter 1: MySQL
Chapter 2: Installation
Chapter 3: SQL According to MySQL
Chapter 4: Database Administration

Part II: MySQL Administration

Chapter 5: Performance Tuning
Chapter 6: Security
Chapter 7: Database Design

Part III: MySQL Programming

Chapter 8: Database Applications
Chapter 9: Perl
Chapter 10: Python
Chapter 11: PHP
Chapter 12: C API
Chapter 13: Java
Chapter 14: Extending MySQL

Part IV: MySQL Reference

Chapter 15: SQL Syntax for MySQL
Chapter 16: MySQL Data Types
Chapter 17: Operators and Functions
Chapter 18: MySQL PHP API Reference
Chapter 19: C Reference
Chapter 20: The Python DB-API


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