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12.6. Operators
The addition operator works with both numbers and strings, but its
results vary with the data types of its operands. When both operands
are numbers, the result is the sum of the two numbers; when both
operands are strings, the result is a concatenation of the two
strings (in the order of the operands); when one operand is a number
and the other a string, the number data type is converted to a
string, and the two strings are concatenated. To convert a string
operand to a number, use the
parseInt( ) or
parseFloat( ) function.
var mySum = number1 + number2;
var newString = "string1" + "string2";
This is the add-by-value operator. This class of operator combines a
regular assignment operator (
=) with one of the
many other operators to carry out the assignment by performing the
stated operation on the left operand with the value of the right
operand. For example, if a variable named
a has a
string stored in it, you can append a string to
with the
+= operator:
a += " and some more.";
Without the add-by-value operator, the operation had to be structured
as follows:
a = a + " and some more";
The following table shows all the assignment operators that function
this way.
a += b
a = a + b
a -= b
a = a - b
a *= b
a = a * b
a /= b
a = a / b
a %= b
a = a % b
a <<= b
a = a << b
a >>= b
a = a >> b
a >>>= b
a = a >>> b
a &= b
a = a & b
a |= b
a = a | b
a ^= b
a = a ^ b
output += "<H1>Section 2</H1>";
total *= .95;
The AND operator compares two Boolean expressions for equality. If
both expressions evaluate to
true, the result of
&& operator also evaluates to
true; if either or both expressions are
false, the
&& operator
evaluates to
A Boolean expression may consist of a comparison expression (using
any of the many comparison operators) or a variety of other values.
Here are the most common data types, values, and their Boolean value
Data type
Boolean equivalent
Number other than zero
Any nonempty string
Empty string
Any object
Using this information, you can create compound conditions with the
help of the
&& operator. For example, if
you want to see if someone entered a value into a form field and it
is a number greater than 100, the condition would look like the
var userEntry = document.forms[0].entry.value ;
if (userEntry && parseInt(userEntry) >= 100) {
If the user had not entered any value, the string would be an empty
string. In the compound condition, when the first operand evaluates
to false, the &&
operator rules mean that the entire expression returns
false (because both operands must be
true for the operator to return
true). Because evaluation of expressions such as
the compound condition are evaluated from left to right, the
false value of the first operand short-circuits
the condition to return false, meaning that the
second operand isn't evaluated.
if (a <= b && b >= c) {
The assignment operator assigns the evaluated value of the right-hand
operand to the variable on the left. After the operation, the
variable contains data of the same data type as the original value.
Assignment operations can also be chained, with the evaluation of the
entire statement starting from the right and working left. Therefore,
after the expression:
a = b = c = 25;
all three variables equal 25.
var myName = "Theodore Roosevelt";
var now = new Date( );
The bitwise AND operator performs binary math on two operands (their
binary values). Each column of bits is subjected to the Boolean AND
operation. If the value of a column in both operands is 1, the result
for that column position is 1. All other combinations yield a zero.
The resulting value of the operator is the decimal equivalent of the
binary result. For example, the binary values of 3 and 6 are 0011 and
0110, respectively. After an AND operation on these two values, the
binary result is 0010; the decimal equivalent is 2.
var n = 3 & 6;
The bitwise left-shift operator shifts the bits of the first operand
by the number of columns specified by the second operand. For
example, if the binary value of 3 (0011) has its bits shifted to the
left by 2, the binary result is 1100; the decimal equivalent is 12.
var shifted = 3 << 2;
This is the bitwise NOT operator. This unary operator inverts the
value of the binary digit in each column of a number. For example,
the binary 6 is 0110 (with many more zeros off to the left). After
the negation operation on each column's value, the
binary result is 1001, plus all zeros to the left inverted to 1s. The
decimal equivalent is a negative value (-5).
var n = ~6;
The bitwise OR operator performs binary math on two operands (their
binary values). Each column of bits is subjected to the Boolean OR
operation. If the value of a column in both operands is 0, the result
for that column position is 0. All other combinations yield a 1. The
resulting value of the operator is the decimal equivalent of the
binary result. For example, the binary values of 3 and 6 are 0011 and
0110, respectively. After an OR operation on these two values, the
binary result is 0111; the decimal equivalent is 7.
var n = 3 | 6;
The bitwise right-shift operator shifts the bits of the first operand
by the number of columns specified by the second operand. For
example, if the binary value of 6 (0110) has its bits shifted to the
right by 2, the binary result is 0001; the decimal equivalent is 1.
Any digits that fall off the right end of the number are discarded.
var shifted = 6 >> 2;
The bitwise exclusive OR (XOR) operator performs binary math on two
operands (their binary values). Each column of bits is subjected to
the Boolean XOR operation. If the value of a column in either operand
(but not both operands) is 1, the result for that column position is
1. All other combinations yield a 0. The resulting value of the
operator is the decimal equivalent of the binary result. For example,
the binary values of 3 and 6 are 0011 and 0110, respectively. After
an XOR operation on these two values, the binary result is 0101; the
decimal equivalent is 5.
var n = 3 ^ 6;
This is the bitwise zero-fill right-shift operator. This operator
shifts the bits of the first operand (to the right) by the number of
columns specified by the second operand. With the bitwise right-shift
operator (
>>), new digits that fill in from
the left end are 1s; with the zero-fill right-shift operator
>>>), the new digits at the left are
zeros. Any digits that fall off the right end of the number are
discarded. Microsoft also refers to this operator as the unsigned
right-shift operator.
var shifted = 6 >>> 2;
The comma operator (with or without optional white space following
it) can delimit expressions in the same line of script. It can be
used in a number of ways. For example, to declare multiple variables,
the syntax would be:
var varName1, varName2, ... varNameN;
Multiple script statements may also be joined together on the same
line. Therefore, the following script line:
alert("Howdy"), alert("Doody");
presents two alert dialog boxes in sequence (the second one appears
after the first is dismissed by the user). Another application is in
for loops when you wish to involve two (or more)
variables in the loop:
for (var i = 0, var j = 2; i < 20; i++, j++) {
var isCSS, isIEMac;
The conditional operator provides a shortcut syntax to an
if/else control structure. There are three
components to the deployment of this operator: a condition and two
statements. If the condition evaluates to
the first of the statements is executed; if the condition evaluates
false, the second statement is evaluated. The
syntax is as follows:
condition ? statement1 : statement2
You can nest these operators as a way of adding more decision paths
within a single statement. In the following syntax, if
conditionA evaluates to
false, conditionB is
evaluated, and the entire expression returns the value of
statement2 or
statement3 depending on the results of
conditionA ? statement1 : (conditionB ? statement2 : statement3)
This operator is a shortcut in appearance only. It invokes the same
internal processing as an if...else construction.
var newColor = (temp > 100) ? "red" : "blue";
The decrement operator (a unary operator) subtracts 1 from the
current value of a variable expression. You can place the operator in
front of or behind the variable for a different effect. When the
operator is in front of the variable, the variable is decremented
before it is evaluated in the current statement. For example, in the
following sequence:
var a, b;
a = 5;
b = --a;
one is subtracted from a before being assigned to
b. Therefore, both b and
a are 4 when these statements finish running. In
contrast, in the following sequence:
var a, b;
a = 5;
b = a--;
the subtraction occurs after a is assigned to
b. When the statements complete,
b is 5 and a is 4.
This behavior impacts the way for-loop-counting
variables are defined and used. Typically, a loop counter that counts
backwards from a maximum value decrements the counter after the
statements in the loop have run. Thus most loop counters place the
operator after the counter variable:
for (var i = 10; i >=0; i--) {...}
The division operator divides the number to the left of the operator
by the number to the right. Both operands must be numbers. An
expression with this operator evaluates to a number.
var myQuotient = number1 / number2;
The equality operator compares two operand values and returns a
Boolean result. The behavior of this operator differs with the
version of JavaScript specified for the
element. If the
language attribute is set to
JavaScript or
some operands are automatically converted as shown in the following
Left operand
Right operand
Object reference
Object reference
Compare evaluation of object references.
Any data type
Convert Boolean operand to a number (1 for
true; 0 for
false) and compare against other operand.
Object reference
Convert object to string (via toString( )) and
compare strings.
Convert string to a number and compare numeric values.
Navigator 4 and later observes slightly different value conversions
for determining equality when you explicitly set the
script element to
language="JavaScript1.2". The browser is more
literal about equality, meaning that no automatic data conversions
are performed. Therefore, whereas the expression:
123 == "123"
evaluates to true in most situations due to
automatic data type conversion, the expression evaluates to
false in Navigator 4 and later but only in
statements belonging to explicitly JavaScript 1.2 scripts. Because
newer DOM and XHTML standards don't provide a place
to specify scripting language versions, you should avoid these
special-case situations. If your scripts require tests for absolute
equality of operands, use the newer === identity
operator instead. For typical value equality testing, the standard
equality operators work perfectly well.
Regardless of version, if you wish to compare the values of objects
(for example, comparing strings explicitly generated with the
new String( ) constructor), you
should compare the values derived from methods such as
toString( ) or valueOf( ).
if (n == m) {
The greater-than operator compares the values of operands on either
side of the operator. If the numeric value of the left operand is
larger than the right operand, the expression evaluates to
true. Strings are converted to their Unicode
values for comparison of those values.
if (a > b) {
The greater-than-or-equal operator compares the values of operands on
either side of the operator. If the numeric value of the left operand
is larger than or equal to the right operand, the expression
evaluates to
true. Strings are converted to their
Unicode values for comparison of those numeric values.
if (a >= b) {
The strictly equals (identity) operator compares two operand values
and returns a Boolean result. Both the value and data type of the two
operands must be identical for this operator to return
true (no automatic data type conversions occur).
See the equality operator (
==) for more liberal
equality comparisons.
if (n === m) {
The increment operator (a unary operator) adds 1 to the current value
of a variable expression. You can place the operator in front of or
behind the variable for a different effect. When the operator is in
front of the variable, the variable is incremented before it is
evaluated in the current statement. For example, in the following
var a, b;
a = 5;
b = ++a;
1 is added to a before being assigned to
b. Therefore, both b and
a are 6 when these statements finish running. In
contrast, in the following sequence:
var a, b;
a = 5;
b = a--;
the addition occurs after a is assigned to
b. When these statements complete,
b is 5 and a is 6.
This behavior impacts the way for-loop-counting
variables are defined and used. Typically, a loop counter that counts
upward from a minimum value increments the counter after the
statements in the loop have run. Thus, most loop counters place the
operator after the counter variable:
for (var i = 10; i >=0; i++) {...}
The inequality operator compares two operand values and returns a
Boolean result. The behavior of this operator differs with the
version of JavaScript specified for the
element. If the
language attribute is set to
JavaScript or
some operands are automatically converted as for the equality
==) operator. The situation is a bit different in
Navigator 4 or later when the
script element is
set to
language="JavaScript1.2". The browser is
more literal about inequality, meaning that no automatic data
conversions are performed. Therefore, whereas the expression:
123 != "123"
evaluates to false in most situations due to
automatic data type conversion, the expression evaluates to
true in Navigator 4 and later in statements
belonging to explicitly JavaScript 1.2 scripts. Because newer DOM and
XHTML standards don't provide a place to specify
scripting language versions, you should avoid these special-case
situations. If your scripts require tests for absolute inequality of
operands, use the newer !== identity operator
instead. For typical value inequality testing, the standard
inequality operators work perfectly well.
Regardless of version, if you wish to compare the values of objects
(for example, strings explicitly generated with the
new String( ) constructor), you
should compare the values derived from methods such as
toString( ) or valueOf( ).
if (n != m) {
The less-than operator compares the values of operands on either side
of the operator. If the numeric value of the left operand is smaller
than the right operand, the expression evaluates to
true. Strings are converted to their Unicode
values for comparison of those values.
if (a < b) {
The less-than-or-equal operator compares the values of operands on
either side of the operator. If the numeric value of the left operand
is smaller than or equal to the right operand, the expression
evaluates to
true. Strings are converted to their
Unicode values for comparison of those numeric values.
if (a <= b) {
The modulus operator divides the number to the left of the operator
by the number to the right. If a remainder exists after the division,
the expression evaluates to that remainder as an integer. If there is
no remainder, the returned value is zero. Both operands must be
numbers. An expression with this operator evaluates to a number. Even
if you aren't interested in the remainder value,
this operator is a quick way to find out if two values are evenly
if ((dayCount % 7) > 0) {
The multiplication operator multiplies the number to the left of the
operator by the number to the right. Both operands must be numbers.
An expression with this operator evaluates to a number.
var myProduct = number1 * number2;
This is the negation operator. This unary operator negates the value
of the single operand. For example, in the following statements:
a = 5;
b = -a;
the value of b becomes -5. A negation operator
applied to a negative value returns a positive value.
var myOpposite = -me;
The strict-not-equals (nonidentity) operator compares two operand
values and returns a Boolean result. Both the value and data type of
the two operands must be identical for this operator to return
false. For less stringent comparisons, see the
inequality operator (
if (n !== m) {
This is the NOT operator. This unary operator evaluates to the
negative value of a single Boolean operand. The NOT operator should
be used with explicit Boolean values, such as the result of a
comparison or a Boolean property setting.
if (a == !b) {
The OR operator compares two Boolean expressions for equality. If
either or both expressions evaluate to
true, the
result of the
|| operator also evaluates to
true; if both expressions are
false, the
|| operator
evaluates to
false. A Boolean expression may
consist of a comparison expression (using any of the many comparison
operators) or a variety of other values. See the discussion of the
AND operator for a summary of the most common data types, values, and
their Boolean value equivalent.
You can create compound conditions with the help of the
|| operator. For example, if you want to see if
either or both of two conditions are true, you would create a
condition such as the following:
var userEntry1 = document.forms[0].entry1.value;
var userEntry2 = document.forms[0].entry2.value;
if (userEntry1 || userEntry2) {
In the compound condition, the || operator wants
to know if either or both operands is true before
it evaluates to true. If the user entered text
into the first field, the condition short-circuits because a
true value of either operand yields a
true result. If text were entered only in the
second field, the second operand is evaluated. Because it evaluates
to true (a nonempty string), the condition
evaluates to true. Only when both operands
evaluate to false does the compound condition
evaluate to false.
if (a <= b || b >= c) {
The subtraction operator subtracts the number to the right of the
operator from the number on the left. Both operands must be numbers.
An expression with this operator evaluates to a number.
var myDifference = number1 - number2;
delete operator removes a property from an
object (e.g., a prototype property from an instance of an object to
whose static object your script added the prototype earlier) or an
item from a script-generated array. Removing an array entry does not
alter the array's length or the numerical indexes of
existing items. Instead, the value of the deleted item is simply
undefined. The
delete operator
is not a memory management tool.
in | NN 6 IE 5.5(Win) ECMA n/a |
in operator lets scripts quickly uncover
whether an object has a particular property or method implemented for
it. The left operand is a string containing the name of the property
or method (method name without parentheses), while the right operand
is a reference to the object. If your exploration requires DOM
references entailing "dots," put
them in the object reference side of the expression. In other words,
instead of trying
"style.filter" in
document.body, use
"filter" in Were it not that so few browsers
implement this future ECMA operator, it would be a useful tool in
object detection.
if ("createDocument" in document.implementation) {
// go ahead and use document.implementation.createDocument( )
instanceof | NN 6 IE 5(Win) ECMA n/a |
instanceof operator lets scripts determine if
an object (the left operand) is an instance of a known object (or
inherited from the known object). In some ways, this operator is like
typeof operator, but rather than returning a
broad object type, an expression with the
instanceof operator returns a Boolean value
against your test for a more specific object type. In fact, you can
query an object against custom objects and, in Netscape 6, W3C DOM
tree object prototypes. Whereas the
operator on an array returns
object, you can find
out if an object was instantiated specifically as an array:
myVar instanceof Array
Note, however, that if the above expression evaluates to
true, so does:
myVar instanceof Object
An array is a descendant of the root Object
object, and is thus an instance of that root object, as well.
In Netscape 6, either or both operands can also be references to DOM
prototype objects. Therefore, the following expression is legal and
operational in Netscape 6:
document.getElementById("widget") instanceof HTMLDivElement
if (theVal instanceof Array) {
// go ahead and treat theVal as an array
new operator creates instances of the
following ECMA standard static objects:
An expression with this operator evaluates to an instance of the
object. In other words, invoking this operator makes JavaScript look
for a constructor function with the same name. Thus, the
new operator also works with custom objects that
are formed via custom constructor functions. It also works in IE for
Windows for creating instances of proprietary objects, such as
ActiveX and VBArray objects.
Syntax rules allow naming the static object, the static object with
empty parentheses, and the static object with parameters in
var myArray = new Array;
var myArray = new Array( );
var myArray = new Array("Larry", "Moe", "Curly");
Only the last two examples are guaranteed to work in all scriptable
browser versions. With the exception of the Date
object, if you omit assigning parameters during the native object
creation, the newly minted instance has only the properties that are
assigned to the prototype of the static object.
var now = new Date( );
Refers to the current object. For example, in a form control object
event handler, you can pass the object as a parameter to the
<input type="text" name="ZIP" onchange="validate(this);">
Inside a custom object constructor, the keyword refers to the object
itself, allowing you to assign values to its properties (even
creating the properties at the same time):
function CD(label, num, artist) {
this.label = label;
this.num = num;
this.artist = artist;
Inside a function, the this keyword refers to the
function object. However, if the function is assigned as a method of
a custom object constructor, this refers to the
instance of the object in whose context the function executes.
<input type="text" name="phone" onchange="validate(this.value);">
typeof operator returns one of six string
descriptions of the data type of a value. Those returned types are:
The object type includes arrays, but the operator provides no further
information about the type of object or array of the value (see the
instanceof operator).
if (typeof someVar == "string") {
This unary operator evaluates the expression to its right but returns
a value of
undefined, even if the expression (such
as a function call) evaluates to some value. This operator is
commonly used with
javascript: pseudo-URLs that
invoke functions. If the function returns a value, that value is
ignored by the calling expression.
<a href="javascript: void getSound( );" >...</a>
 |  |  |
12.5. Core Objects |  | 12.7. Control Statements |
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