Class Name: javax.servlet.GenericServlet
Superclass: java.lang.Object
Immediate Subclassesjavax.servlet.http.HttpServlet
Availability: Servlet API 1.0 and later
GenericServlet provides a basic implementation of
the Servlet interface for protocol-independent
servlets. As a convenience, it also implements the
ServletConfig interface. Most servlet developers
subclass this class or HttpServlet, rather than
implement the Servlet interface directly.
GenericServlet includes basic versions of the
init() and destroy() methods,
which perform basic setup and cleanup tasks, such as managing the
server's ServletConfig object. It's
good form for a servlet that overrides one of these methods to call
the superclass version of the method.
GenericServlet also includes a
log() method that provides easy access to the
logging functions from ServletContext.
The service() method is declared as abstract and
must be overridden. Well written servlets also override
Class Summary
public abstract class GenericServlet
implements Servlet, ServletConfig, {
// Constructors
public GenericServlet();
// Instance Methods
public void destroy();
public String getInitParameter(String name);
public Enumeration getInitParameterNames();
public ServletConfig getServletConfig();
public ServletContext getServletContext();
public String getServletInfo();
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException;
public void log(String msg);
public abstract void service(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException;
public GenericServlet()
The default GenericServlet constructor does no
work. Any servlet initialization tasks should be performed in
init(), rather than in the constructor.
Instance Methods
public void destroy()
Called by the server before unloading the servlet. The default
implementation logs the servlet's destruction in the server log
file using the log() method. A servlet can
override this method to save its state, free its resources, etc.
public String getInitParameter(String name)
Returns the value of the named servlet initialization parameter or
null if no matching parameter is found. From the
ServletConfig interface.
public Enumeration getInitParameterNames()
Returns all the servlet's init parameter names as an
Enumeration of String objects
or an empty Enumeration if no parameters exist.
From the ServletConfig interface.
public ServletConfig getServletConfig()
Returns the servlet's ServletConfig object.
In practice, this method is rarely called by a
GenericServlet because all of the
ServletConfig methods are duplicated internally.
public ServletContext getServletContext()
Returns the servlet's ServletContext object.
From the ServletConfig interface.
public String getServletInfo()
Returns a programmer-defined String that describes
the servlet. A servlet should override this method and provide a
customized identity string (e.g., "Al's Message Board
Servlet v1.21"), but it is not required.
public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException
Called by the server after the servlet is first loaded and before the
servlet's service() method is called. The
default implementation of init() logs the
servlet's initialization and stores the
ServletConfig object for use by the methods in the
ServletConfig interface. A servlet can override
this method to perform additional one-time setup, creation of
resources, etc. A servlet should always call the superclass
implementation of init() using
super.init(config) before executing any custom
initialization code.
public void log(String msg)
Writes the given message to a servlet log, usually an event log file.
Both the output format and location are server-specific.
public abstract void service(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException
Called to handle a single client request. A servlet receives request
information via a ServletRequest object and sends
data back to the client via a ServletResponse
object. This is the only method that must be overridden when
extending GenericServlet. Because multiple service
requests may execute concurrently, the service()
method must be thread safe, unless the servlet also implements the
SingleThreadModel interface.
Interface Name: javax.servlet.Servlet
Super-interface: None
Immediate Subinterfaces: None
Implemented By: javax.servlet.GenericServlet
Availability: Servlet API 1.0 and later
All servlets implement the Servlet interface,
either directly or by subclassing the
GenericServlet or HttpServlet
class. Most servlet developers find it easier to subclass one of the
two existing servlet classes than to implement this interface
directly. The interface declares the basic servlet
functionality--initializing a servlet, handling a client
request, and destroying a servlet.
Interface Declaration
public interface Servlet {
// Methods
public abstract void destroy();
public abstract ServletConfig getServletConfig();
public abstract String getServletInfo();
public abstract void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException;
public abstract void service(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException;
public abstract void destroy()
Called when the server is preparing to unload a servlet. Used to
clean up any outstanding resources (database connections, threads,
file handles and so forth). The servlet programmer is responsible for
making sure that any requests currently executing are allowed to
public abstract ServletConfig getServletConfig()
Returns the ServletConfig object passed to the
init() method.
public abstract String getServletInfo()
Returns a programmer-defined String that describes
the servlet.
public abstract void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException
Called by the server when the servlet is first loaded. The
init() method should store the
ServletConfig object for retrieval by
getServletConfig(). When using either
GenericServlet or HttpServlet,
the default init() implementation handles this
task. This method can also be used to perform any one-time actions
required by the servlet, such as creating database connections. It is
guaranteed to finish before any client requests are accepted.
public abstract void service(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res)
throws ServletException, IOException
Called to handle a single client request. A servlet receives request
information via the ServletRequest object and
sends data back to the client via the
ServletResponse object.
Interface Name: javax.servlet.ServletConfig
Superinterface: None
Immediate Subinterfaces: None
Implemented By: javax.servlet.GenericServlet
Availability: Servlet API 1.0 and later
Servers use ServletConfig objects to pass
initialization and context information to servlets. The
initialization information generally consists of a series of
initialization parameters (init parameters) and
a ServletContext object, which provides
information about the server environment. A servlet can implement
Servlet-Config to allow easy access to init
parameters and context information, as
GenericServlet does.
Interface Declaration
public interface ServletConfig {
// Methods
public abstract String getInitParameter(String name);
public abstract Enumeration getInitParameterNames();
public abstract ServletContext getServletContext();
public abstract String getInitParameter(String name)
Returns the value of the named servlet initialization parameter or
null if no matching parameter is found.
public abstract Enumeration getInitParameterNames()
Returns the names of all the servlet's initialization
parameters as an Enumeration of
String objects or an empty
Enumeration if no parameters exist.
public abstract ServletContext getServletContext()
Returns the ServletContext object for this
servlet, allowing interaction with the server.
Interface Name: javax.servlet.ServletContext
Superinterface: None
Immediate Subinterfaces: None
Implemented By: None
Availability: Servlet API 1.0 and later
The ServletContext interface defines a set of
methods that can be used to communicate with the server in a
non-request-specific manner. This includes finding path information,
accessing other servlets running on the server, and writing to the
server log file. Different virtual servers may return different
servlet contexts.
Interface Declaration
public interface ServletContext {
// Methods
public abstract Object getAttribute(String name);
public abstract String getMimeType(String file);
public abstract String getRealPath(String path);
public abstract String getServerInfo();
public abstract Servlet getServlet(String name) throws ServletException;
public abstract Enumeration getServletNames(); // New in 2.0
public abstract Enumeration getServlets(); // Deprecated
public abstract void log(Exception exception, String msg); // New in 2.0
public abstract void log(String msg);
public abstract Object getAttribute(String name)
Returns the value of the named server attribute as an
Object or null if the attribute
does not exist. The attributes are server-dependent and allow web
servers to provide servlets with information above and beyond that
provided for by the base Servlet API. Attribute names should follow
the same convention as package names. The package names
java.* and javax.* are reserved
for use by the Java Software division of Sun Microsystems (formerly
known as JavaSoft), and com.sun.* is reserved for
use by Sun Microsystems. See your server's documentation for a
list of its attributes. Remember that servlets relying on
server-specific attributes are not portable.
public abstract String getMimeType(String file)
Returns the MIME type of the given file or null if
it is not known. Some implementations return
"text/plain" if the specified file does not exist.
Common MIME types are "text/html",
"text/plain", "image/gif", and
public abstract String getRealPath(String path)
Returns the real file system path of any given "virtual
path" or null if the translation cannot be
performed. If the given path is "/", the method
returns the document root for the servlet. If the given path is the
same as the one returned by getPathInfo(), the
method returns the same real path as would be returned by
getPathTranslated(). There is no CGI counterpart.
public abstract String getServerInfo()
Returns the name and version of the server software, separated by a
forward slash (/). The value is the same as the
public abstract Servlet getServlet(String name) throws ServletException
Returns the loaded servlet matching the given name or
null if the servlet is not found. The specified
name can be the servlet's registered name (e.g.,
"file") or class name (e.g.,
"com.sun.server.webserver .FileServlet"). The
server maintains one servlet instance per name, so
getServlet("file") returns a different servlet
instance than get-Servlet("com.sun.server.webserver.FileServlet"). If the
servlet implements SingleThreadModel, the server
may return any instance of the servlet from the current pool. The
server may--but is not required to--load the named servlet
and execute its init() method if it was not
already loaded. A ServletException is thrown if
there is a problem during the load.
public abstract Enumeration getServletNames()
Returns an Enumeration of the names of the servlet
objects loaded in this context. When used with
getServlet(String name), it can replace the
deprecated getServlets(). This method was
introduced in the Servlet API 2.0.
public abstract Enumeration getServlets() throws ServletException
Returns an Enumeration of the
Servlet objects loaded in this context. This
method was deprecated in the Servlet API 2.0 in favor of
public abstract void log(Exception exception, String msg)
Writes an exception's stack trace and a given message to a
servlet log, usually an event log file. Both output format and
location are server-specific. Notice the non-standard placement of
the optional Exception parameter as the first
parameter instead of the last. This method was introduced in the
Servlet API 2.0.
public abstract void log(String msg)
Writes the given message to a servlet log, usually an event log file.
Both the output format and location are server-specific.
Class Name: javax.servlet.ServletException
Superclass: java.lang.Exception
Immediate Subclasses:javax.servlet.UnavailableException
Interfaces Implemented: None
Availability: Servlet API 1.0 and later
A generic exception thrown by servlets encountering difficulties.
Class Summary
public class ServletException extends java.lang.Exception {
// Constructors
public ServletException(); // New in 2.0
public ServletException(String msg);
public ServletException()
public ServletException(String msg)
Constructs a new ServletException , with an
optional descriptive message. If a message is specified, it can be
retrieved by calling getMessage() and is usually
included in server logs and user error messages.
Class Name: javax.servlet.ServletInputStream
Immediate Subclasses: None
Interfaces Implemented: None
Availability: Servlet API 1.0 and later
Provides an input stream for reading binary data from a client
request, including an efficient readLine() method
for reading data one line at a time. A
ServletInputStream is returned by the
getInputStream() method of
ServletRequest. A servlet that filters binary
output from other sources generally gets its input via this stream.
Class Summary
public abstract class ServletInputStream extends {
// Constructors
protected ServletInputStream();
// Instance Methods
public int readLine(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException;
protected ServletInputStream()
The default constructor does nothing. Because servlets rarely, if
ever, create their own input streams, it can be safely ignored.
Instance Methods
public int readLine(byte b[], int off, int len) throws IOException
Reads bytes from the input stream into the byte array
b, starting at an offset in the array given by
off. It stops reading when it encounters an
'\n' or it has read len number
of bytes. The ending '\n' character is read into
the buffer as well. Returns the number of bytes read, or
-1 if the end of the stream is reached.
Class Name: javax.servlet.ServletOutputStream
Immediate Subclasses: None
Interfaces Implemented: None
Availability: Servlet API 1.0 and later
Provides an output stream for sending binary data back to a client. A
servlet obtains a ServletOutputStream object from
the getOutputStream() method of
ServletResponse. Although it includes a range of
print() and println() methods
for sending text or HTML, the ServletOutputStream
has been superseded by PrintWriter. It should be
used only for sending binary data or with early servlet
implementations built on the Servlet API 1.0.
If you subclass ServletOutputStream, you must
provide an implementation of the write(int)
Class Summary
public abstract class ServletOutputStream extends {
// Constructors
protected ServletOutputStream();
// Instance Methods
public void print(boolean b) throws IOException;
public void print(char c) throws IOException;
public void print(double d) throws IOException;
public void print(float f) throws IOException;
public void print(int i) throws IOException;
public void print(long l) throws IOException;
public void print(String s) throws IOException;
public void println() throws IOException;
public void println(boolean b) throws IOException;
public void println(char c) throws IOException;
public void println(double d) throws IOException;
public void println(float f) throws IOException;
public void println(int i) throws IOException;
public void println(long l) throws IOException;
public void println(String s) throws IOException;
protected ServletOutputStream()
The default constructor does nothing.
Instance Methods
public void print(boolean b) throws IOException
public void print(char c) throws IOException
public void print(double d) throws IOException
public void print(float f) throws IOException
public void print(int i) throws IOException
public void print(long l) throws IOException
public void print(String s) throws IOException
Writes the given data to the client, without a trailing carriage
return/line feed (CRLF).
public void println() throws IOException
public void println(boolean b) throws IOException
public void println(char c) throws IOException
public void println(double d) throws IOException
public void println(float f) throws IOException
public void println(int i) throws IOException
public void println(long l) throws IOException
public void println(String s) throws IOException
Writes the given data to the client, with a trailing CRLF. The method
with no parameters simply writes a CRLF.
Interface Name: javax.servlet.ServletRequest
Superinterface: None
Immediate Subinterfaces: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest
Implemented By: None
Availability: Servlet API 1.0 and later
A ServletRequest object encapsulates information
about a single client request, including request parameters,
implementation-specific attributes, and an input stream for reading
binary data from the request body. ServletRequest
can be subclassed to provide additional protocol-specific
information. HttpServletRequest, for instance,
includes methods to manipulate HTTP headers.
Interface Declaration
public interface ServletRequest {
// Methods
public abstract Object getAttribute(String name);
public abstract String getCharacterEncoding(); // New in 2.0
public abstract int getContentLength();
public abstract String getContentType();
public abstract ServletInputStream getInputStream() throws IOException;
public abstract String getParameter(String name);
public abstract Enumeration getParameterNames();
public abstract String[] getParameterValues(String name);
public abstract String getProtocol();
public abstract BufferedReader getReader() throws IOException;// New in 2.0
public abstract String getRealPath(String path);
public abstract String getRemoteAddr();
public abstract String getRemoteHost();
public abstract String getScheme();
public abstract String getServerName();
public abstract int getServerPort();
public abstract Object getAttribute(String name)
Returns the value of the named server-specific attribute as an
Object, or null if the server
does not support the named request attribute. Servers may use this
method to provide servlets with custom information about a request.
Attributes should follow the same conventions as package names, with
the package names java.* and
javax.* reserved for use by the Java Software
division of Sun Microsystems (formerly known as JavaSoft), and
com.sun.* reserved for use by Sun Microsystems.
Remember that servlets that rely on server-specific request
attributes are non-portable.
public abstract String getCharacterEncoding()
Returns the charset encoding for the servlet's input stream, or
null if not known. This method was introduced in
the Servlet API 2.0. It does not exist in the Java Web Server 1.1.x.
public abstract int getContentLength()
Returns the length, in bytes, of the content being sent via the input
stream, or -1 if the length is not known (such as
when there is no data). Equivalent to the CGI variable
public abstract String getContentType()
Returns the media type of the content being sent via the input stream
or null if the type is not known or there is no
data. The same as the CGI variable CONTENT_TYPE.
public abstract ServletInputStream getInputStream() throws IOException
Retrieves the input stream as a ServletInputStream
object. Servlet-InputStream is a direct subclass
of InputStream and can be treated identically to a
normal InputStream, with the added ability to
efficiently read input a line at a time into an array of bytes. This
method should be used for reading binary input. It throws an
IllegalStateException if
getReader() has been called before on the request.
The IllegalState-Exception does not need to be
explicitly caught.
public abstract String getParameter(String name)
Returns the value of the named parameter as a
String. Returns null if the
parameter does not exist, or an empty string if the parameter exists
but without a value. The value is guaranteed to be in its normal,
decoded form. If the parameter has multiple values, the value
returned is server dependent. If there is any chance that a parameter
has more than one value, you should use the
getParameterValues() method instead. If the
parameter information came in as encoded POST data, it may not be
available if the POST data has already been manually read using the
getReader() or getInputStream()
methods. This method was deprecated momentarily in favor of
getParameterValues(), but thanks to an
overwhelming flood of support from the developer community, it has
been restored in the Servlet API 2.0.
public abstract Enumeration getParameterNames()
Returns all the parameter names as an Enumeration
of String objects. It returns an empty
Enumeration if the servlet has no parameters.
public abstract String[] getParameterValues(String name)
Returns all the values of the named parameter as an array of
String objects, or null if the
parameter does not exist. A single value is returned in an array of
length 1.
public abstract String getProtocol()
Returns the name and version of the protocol used by the request as a
string of the form
Equivalent to the CGI variable SERVER_PROTOCOL.
public abstract BufferedReader getReader() throws IOException
This method retrieves the input stream as a
BufferedReader object, which should be used for
reading character-based input, since the reader translates charsets
as appropriate. This method throws an
IllegalStateException if
getInputStream() has been called before on this
same request. It throws an
UnsupportedEncodingException if the character
encoding of the input is unsupported or unknown. This method was
introduced in the Servlet API 2.0.
public abstract String getRealPath(String path)
Returns the real file system path of any given "virtual
path" or null if the translation cannot be
performed. If the given path is "/" it returns the
document root for the server. If the given path is the same as the
one returned by getPathInfo(), it returns the same
real path as would be returned by
getPathTranslated(). There is no CGI counterpart.
public abstract String getRemoteAddr()
Returns the IP address of the client machine as a
String. This information comes from the socket
connecting the server to the client, so the remote address may be
that of a proxy server. It is the same as the CGI variable
public abstract String getRemoteHost()
Returns the name of the client host. This comes from the socket
connecting the server to the client and may be the name of a proxy
server. It is the same as the CGI variable
public abstract String getScheme()
This method returns the scheme used to make this request. Examples
include "http", "https", and
"ftp", as well as the newer Java-specific schemes
"jdbc" and "rmi".
public abstract String getServerName()
Returns the name of the server that received the request. It is an
attribute of the ServletRequest because it can
change for different requests if the server has more than one name (a
situation that might arise if one server is hosting more than one web
site). Equivalent to the CGI variable SERVER_NAME.
public abstract int getServerPort()
Returns the port number on which this request was received. The same
as the CGI variable SERVER_PORT.
Interface Name: javax.servlet.ServletResponse
Superinterface: None
Immediate Subinterfaces: javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse
Interfaces Implemented: None
Availability: Servlet API 1.0 and later
Servlets use ServletResponse objects to send MIME
encoded data back to the client. The servlet engine creates this
object and passes it to the servlet's
service() method. To send binary data, use the
ServletOutputStream returned by
getOutputStream(). To send character data, use the
PrintWriter returned by
getWriter(). You can explicitly set the
output's MIME type using the
setContentType() method. If you elect to set this
manually, do so before calling getWriter(), as
getWriter() consults the content type to determine
which charset to use. Consult RFC 2045 at http:/ for more
information on MIME.
Interface Declaration
public interface ServletResponse {
// Methods
public abstract String getCharacterEncoding(); // New in 2.0
public abstract ServletOutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException;
public abstract PrintWriter getWriter() throws IOException; // New in 2.0
public abstract void setContentLength(int len);
public abstract void setContentType(String type);
public abstract String getCharacterEncoding()
Returns the charset encoding used for this MIME body. This is the
charset specified by the assigned content type or
"ISO-8859-1" if no charset has been specified.
This method was introduced in the Servlet API 2.0.
public abstract ServletOutputStream getOutputStream() throws IOException
Returns a ServletOutputStream for writing binary
(byte-at-a-time) response data. No encoding is performed. Throws an
IllegalStateException if
getWriter() has already been called on this
public abstract PrintWriter getWriter() throws IOException
Returns a PrintWriter for writing character-based
response data. The writer encodes the characters according to
whatever charset is given in the content type. If no charset is
specified in the content type, as is generally the case, the writer
uses the ISO-8859-1 (Latin-1) encoding appropriate for Western
European languages. Throws an
IllegalStateException if
getOutputStream() has already been called on this
response, and an UnsupportedEncodingException if
the encoding of the output stream is unsupported or unknown. This
method was introduced in the Servlet API 2.0.
public abstract void setContentLength(int len)
Sets the length of the content being returned by the server. In HTTP
servlets, it sets the HTTP Content-Length header.
HTTP servlets use this method to enable persistent connections and
help client progress monitors, so its use is optional.
public abstract void setContentType(String type)
This method sets the content type of the response to be the specified
type. In HTTP servlets, it sets the Content-Type
HTTP header.
Interface Name: javax.servlet.SingleThreadModel
Superinterface: None
Immediate Subinterfaces: None
Implemented By: None
Availability: New as of Servlet API 2.0; found in JSDK 2.0, JWS 1.1
SingleThreadModel is a tag interface with no
methods. If a servlet implements this interface, the server ensures
that each instance of the servlet handles only one service request at
a time. Servers implement this functionality by maintaining a pool of
servlet instances and dispatching incoming requests to free servlets
within the pool. SingleThreadModel provides easy
thread safety, but at the cost of increased resource requirements as
more servlet instances are loaded at any given time.
public interface SingleThreadModel {
Class Name: javax.servlet.UnavailableException
Superclass: javax.servlet.ServletException
Immediate Subclasses: None
Interfaces Implemented: None
Availability: Servlet API 1.0 and later
A servlet can throw an UnavailableException at any
time to indicate that it is not available to service client requests.
There are two types of unavailability: permanent (where some
corrective action must be taken on the server) and temporary. A
servlet is temporarily unavailable if some system-wide problem
momentarily prevents it from servicing requests. This may include
network troubles or a crashed or overloaded database server. To mark
a servlet as temporarily unavailable, specify a duration (in seconds)
when constructing the exception. Well-written servers check back
after this time. Servlet implementations are not required to treat
temporary and permanent unavailability differently.
Servers generally provide clients with polite error messages when
handling requests for unavailable servlets. For example, the Java Web
Server returns a 404 (Unavailable) message.
Class Summary
public class UnavailableException extends ServletException {
// Constructors
public UnavailableException(int seconds, Servlet servlet, String msg);
public UnavailableException(Servlet servlet, String msg);
// Instance Methods
public Servlet getServlet();
public int getUnavailableSeconds();
public boolean isPermanent();
public UnavailableException(int seconds, Servlet servlet, String msg)
public UnavailableException(Servlet servlet, String msg)
Constructs an UnavailableException with a given
explanatory message. You can optionally specify a period of
unavailability, given in seconds. If no time estimate can be made, a
nonpositive value can be passed to the constructor, indicating
permanent unavailability. Notice the nonstandard placement of the
optional seconds parameter as the first parameter
instead of the last. This may be changed in an upcoming release.
public Servlet getServlet()
Returns the servlet that threw this exception.
public int getUnavailableSeconds()
Returns the number of seconds for which this servlet will be
unavailable. A negative number indicates permanent unavailability. No
attempt is made to compensate for the time elapsed since the
exception was thrown.
public boolean isPermanent()
Returns true if the servlet is unavailable
indefinitely, false otherwise.