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Index: N

name service : (see DNS)
named programs, DNS : Set up a real DNS server on an internal system for internal hosts to use
NCSA Mosaic : 2.5. The World Wide Web
nested IP over IP : IP over IP
netacl program : Using netacl to protect services
Netscape Navigator : 2.5. The World Wide Web
access layer, TCP/IP : C.4. Network Access Layer
architecture : (see firewalls, architecture of)
checking connectivity of : (see ping program)
disconnecting, after incident
13.1.2. Disconnect or Shut Down, as Appropriate
13.4.3. Planning for Disconnecting or Shutting Down Machines
encryption : 10.5. Network-Level Encryption
File System : (see NFS)
filesystems : 2.12. Network File Systems
functions, SOCKS version of : 7.6. Using SOCKS for Proxying
insecure : 4.4.2. Insecure Networks
joint : 4.4.4. Joint Venture Firewalls
lab/test : 4.4.1. Laboratory Networks
location of bastion host on : 5.5. Locating the Bastion Host on the Network
management services : 2.10. Network Management Services
configuring : 8.12. Network Management Services
monitoring automatically : 5.9.2. Consider Writing Software to Automate Monitoring
4.1. Some Firewall Definitions Perimeter network
protecting internally : 4.4. Internal Firewalls
security : (see security)
taps : Information Theft
Time Protocol : (see NTP)
transferring information across : (see packets, filtering)
Network Information Service : (see NIS/YP)
network news : 2.4. Usenet News
Network News Transfer Protocol : (see NNTP)
network unreachable codes : (see ICMP)
news : (see NNTP)
newsgroups : 2.4. Usenet News
keeping current : Newsgroups
security resources via : A.4. Newsgroups
next hop : C.11. The Routing Table
NFS (Network File System) : 2.12. Network File Systems
configuring : 8.14. Network File System (NFS)
exporting news via : Exporting news to clients via NFS
services of : Which services should you disable?
NIS+ : 8.15. Network Information Service/Yellow Pages (NIS/YP)
NIS/YP (Network Information Service)
2.9. Name Service Which services should you disable?
8.10. Domain Name System (DNS)
configuring : 8.15. Network Information Service/Yellow Pages (NIS/YP)
NIST CSRC (Computer Security Resource Clearinghouse) : A.5.3. NIST CSRC
NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol)
2.4. Usenet News
7.5. Proxying Without a Proxy Server
configuring : 8.5. Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP)
in screened host architecture : NNTP
in screened subnet architecture : NNTP
nonrouting dual-homed hosts
5.2.1. Nonrouting Dual-homed Hosts Turning off routing
notifying people about problems
13.1.4. Make `Incident in Progress' Notifications
13.4.4. Planning for Notification of People Who Need to Know
NTP (Network Time Protocol)
2.11. Time Service
7.5. Proxying Without a Proxy Server
configuring : 8.13. Network Time Protocol (NTP)
numbers, port : C.12.2. Port Numbers
numbers, protocol : C.12.1. Protocol Numbers

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