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Previous: V. Appendixes Appendix A Next: B. Host Status File Internals

A. The File

In Part I of this book a configuration file that always forwards to the hub was partly developed. This appendix presents it in annotated and cross-referenced form, but please use this file only to learn about sendmail . If you really need a client file that always forwards to a hub, use the nullclient feature described in Chapter 16, The File and m4 .


Chapter 5, 
The File

  # Defined macros                                                      

Chapter 7, 

Note that in the next two lines you should replace mailhost
with the real internal name of your mail hub and
with the real canonical name of your mail hub.
  D{REMOTE}mailhost         # The name of the mail hub                  

Chapter 7

 D{HUB}         # Hub as known to the outside world         

Chapter 11, 
Rule Sets 1 and S=

 Cw localhost              # My other names                            

Chapter 12, 

 Fw -o /etc/    # A file of other names                     

Chapter 12

 Ct root daemon                                                        

Chapter 14, 
Headers, Precedence, and Trust

  # Options                                                             

Chapter 13, 
Setting Options

Note that you must change the next line to the path for your
queue directory before putting this configuration file into use.
  O QueueDirectory=/tmp     # Use /var/spool/mqueue upon release        

Chapter 13

 O Timeout.queuewarn=4h                                                

Chapter 13

 O Timeout.queuereturn=5d                                              

Chapter 13

 O DeliveryMode=background                                             

Chapter 13

 O TempFileMode=0600                                                   

Chapter 13

 O DefaultUser=1:1                                                     

Chapter 13

 O LogLevel=9                                                          

Chapter 13

 O OldStyleHeaders=True                                                

Chapter 13

 O BlankSub=.              # Replace unquoted spaces                   

Chapter 13

  # Headers                                                             

Chapter 14

 HFrom: <$g>                     # Added only if missing               

Chapter 14

Note that this is a minimal Received: header. See 
Section 35.10.25, Received:
a more complete version of this header.
  HReceived: by $j; $b            # Always added                        

Chapter 14

 H?x?Full-Name: $?x$x$.          # Add full name if available          

Chapter 14

 H?D?Date: $a                    # Add if F=D                          

Chapter 14

 H?M?Message-Id: <$t.$i@$j>      # Add if F=M                          

Chapter 14

  # Precedence                                                          

Chapter 14


Chapter 14


Chapter 14


Chapter 14


Chapter 14


Chapter 14

  # Delivery agent definition to forward mail to hub                    

Chapter 6, 
The Mail Hub and Delivery Agents

 Mhub, P=[IPC], S=Hubset, R=0, F=xmDFMuXa, T=DNS/RFC822/SMTP, A=IPC $h 

Chapter 6
Chapter 11
Chapter 14

 # Sendmail requires this, but we won't use it.                        

Chapter 6

 Mlocal, P=/bin/mail, F=lsDFMAw5:/|@rmn, S=0, R=0, A=mail -d $u        

Chapter 6

  S0 # select delivery agent                                            

Chapter 9, 
Rule Set 0

 R@ $+                   $#error $: Missing user name                  

Chapter 9

 R$+                     $#hub $@${REMOTE} $:$1  forward to hub        

Chapter 9

  S3 # preprocessing for all rule sets                                  

Chapter 10, 
Rule Set 3

 R$* <> $*               $n              handle <> error address       

Chapter 10

 R$* < $* <$*> $* > $*   $2<$3>$4        de-nest brackets              

Chapter 10

 R$* < $* > $*           $2              basic RFC822 parsing          

Chapter 10

  SHubset # Rewrite the sender for the hub R$-                     $@ $1@${HUB}    user -> user@hub              

Chapter 11

 R$- @ $=w               $@ $1@${HUB}    user@local -> user@hub        

Chapter 11
Chapter 12

 R$- @ $=w . $m          $@ $1@${HUB}    [email protected] -> user@hub 

Chapter 12

Previous: V. Appendixes sendmail Next: B. Host Status File Internals
V. Appendixes Book Index B. Host Status File Internals