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Index: M
- make procedure : 5.18.2. Creating and destroying lists
- max_line variable : 5.11.1. Package constants and exceptions
- max_line_size constant : 5.11.1. Package constants and exceptions
- max_row function : 5.19.2. Managing and accessing message text
- max_varchar2 variable
- 5.3.2. Anchoring datatypes
- 6.5. The Predefined Datatypes
- memory
- package architecture : 1.4.3. The Memory-Resident Architecture of Packages
- PL/Vision package requirements : 4.3.2. Storage Requirements
- SGA : (see SGA)
- shared : Managing packages in shared memory
- message, elapsed time display : 14.3.1. elapsed_message Function
- messages
- 5.19. PLVmsg: Message Handling
- 9. PLVmsg: Single-Sourcing PL/SQL Message Text
- error : Defining error messages with PLVmsg
- trace : (see tracing)
- min_row function : 5.19.2. Managing and accessing message text
- minute : (see date and time)
- MOD function : Getting back on track
- mode, file : 13.1.3. File Location, Name, and Mode
- modularization
- A.1.7. Modules
- A.2.7. Modules
- Benefits of internal modularization
- Modularization inside put_line
- layers : 4.1.1. The Benefits of PL/Vision
- modularizing : 2.9. Modularizing for Maintainable Packages
- module procedure
- 5.22.3. Parsing PL/SQL source code
- module procedure
- Converting a module
- Cataloguing a single module
- Retrieving stack contents
- modules, including in trace messages : 21.2.1. Directing Output from PLVtrc
- modules procedure
- 11.7.2. Constructing the Execution String
- Cataloguing multiple modules
- month : (see date and time)
- more procedure
- 5.14.4. Displaying online help
- 17.4.1. Showing the Help Text
- 17.5.6. Page Pausing with PLVhlp.more
- more_objects function
- 5.20.5. Interfacing with the PLVobj cursor
- 11.4.3. Checking for Last Record
- MS-DOS delimiter : 5.11.1. Package constants and exceptions
- mth_total function : Building utilities around infile
- multiline comments : 5.16.1. Analyzing PL/SQL string content
- multiobj procedure : Implementing multiobject actions
- multiple
- modules, cataloging : Cataloguing multiple modules
- objects, actions on : Implementing multiobject actions
- package construction : 2.11. Simultaneous Construction of Multiple Packages
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