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Index: S

SAM (Security Accounts Manager): 3.2.1. NT/2000 User Identity Storage and Access
SASL (Simple Authentication and Security Layer): 6.4.2. The Initial LDAP Connection
schema-defined properties: 6.5.1. ADSI Basics
6.5.5. So How Do You Know Anything About an Object?
6.5.5. So How Do You Know Anything About an Object?
scopes of searches: 6.4.3. Performing LDAP Searches
scripts: 7.8.1. SQL
(see also Perl)
for sending email: 8.2.1. Overzealous Message Sending
message body of: 8.2.3. Insufficient Information in the Message Body
for user administration processes: 3.3.3. The Process Scripts
search base: 6.4.3. Performing LDAP Searches
search filters: 6.4.3. Performing LDAP Searches
secondary servers: 5.3. Domain Name Service (DNS)
DNS: Creating the administrative header
Secure Socket Layer (SSL): 6.4.2. The Initial LDAP Connection
of bots: 4.3.4. Using the Proc::ProcessTable Module
of SNMP: E. The Twenty-Minute SNMP Tutorial
breaches in, documenting: 10.2.1. Local Signs of Peril
denial-of-service attacks: 10.4.1. Perl Saves the Day
detecting changes
to files: 10.1.1. Local Filesystem Changes
to networks: 10.1.2. Network Service Changes
of Perl: 1.6. It's Not Easy Being Omnipotent
suspicious activities, noticing: 10.2.1. Local Signs of Peril
SYN attacks, detecting from Perl: 10.4.1. Perl Saves the Day
Security Accounts Manager (SAM): 3.2.1. NT/2000 User Identity Storage and Access
security identifier (SID): 3.2.2. NT/2000 User ID Numbers
3.2.2. NT/2000 User ID Numbers
(see also users, identity of, Windows NT/2000)
SELECT command (SQL): D.3. Querying Information
D.3.3. Simple Manipulation of Data Returned by Queries
Sendmail for NT program: 8.1.1. Getting sendmail (or Similar Mail Transport Agent)
sendmail program: 8.1. Sending Mail
8.1.3. Speaking to the Mail Protocols Directly
blacklists, local: Checking against a local blacklist
directory (see directory services)
TCP/IP (see TCP/IP, name services)
shadow password files (Unix): 3.1.4. Shadow Passwords
shell field (Unix): 3.1.1. The Classic Unix Password File
SID (security identifier): 3.2.2. NT/2000 User ID Numbers
3.2.2. NT/2000 User ID Numbers
(see also users, identity of, Windows NT/2000)
Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL): 6.4.2. The Initial LDAP Connection
Simple Mail Transport Protocol (see SMTP)
Simple Network Management Protocol (see SNMP)
slave servers: 5.2. NIS, NIS+, and WINS
5.3. Domain Name Service (DNS)
DNS: Creating the administrative header
SMI RFCs: E.1. SNMP in Practice
SMTP (Simple Mail Transport Protocol): 8.1.3. Speaking to the Mail Protocols Directly
SNMP Extension Module for the UCD SNMPv3 Library: 10.3.1. Using SNMP from Perl
SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol): E. The Twenty-Minute SNMP Tutorial
access policy: E. The Twenty-Minute SNMP Tutorial
communities: E. The Twenty-Minute SNMP Tutorial
modules, comparing: 10.3.1. Using SNMP from Perl
monitoring networks with: 10.3.1. Using SNMP from Perl
security of: E. The Twenty-Minute SNMP Tutorial
theory: E. The Twenty-Minute SNMP Tutorial
tutorial: E.1. SNMP in Practice
using from Perl: 10.3.1. Using SNMP from Perl
variables: E. The Twenty-Minute SNMP Tutorial
SNMP\:\:MIB module: 10.3.1. Using SNMP from Perl
SNMP_Session module: 10.3.1. Using SNMP from Perl
SNMP_utility module: 10.3.1. Using SNMP from Perl
SOA (Start of Authority): Creating the administrative header
software metering: 4.3.4. Using the Proc::ProcessTable Module
source control systems: 5.1.4. Incorporating a Source Code Control System
RCS (see RCS)
spam, finding source of: 8.3.3. Tracking Down Spam
blacklists, checking against
Internet-wide: Checking against Internet-wide blacklists
local: Checking against a local blacklist
split() function (Unix): 5.1.1. Generating Host Files
SQL databases
creating/deleting: D.1. Creating /Deleting Databases and Tables
data in, manipulating: D.3.3. Simple Manipulation of Data Returned by Queries
Perl-cliented: Using Perl-cliented SQL databases
querying information: D.3. Querying Information
stored procedures: D.6.3. Stored Procedures
SQL (Structured Query Language): 7. SQL Database Administration
commands, sending from Perl: 7.3. Using the ODBC Framework
documenting from Perl: 7.4. Server Documentation
interacting with from Perl: 7.1. Interacting with an SQL Server from Perl
managing logins from Perl: 7.5. Database Logins
monitoring from Perl: 7.6. Monitoring Server Health
using DBI: 7.2. Using the DBI Framework
using ODBC: 7.3. Using the ODBC Framework
tutorial: D. The Fifteen-Minute SQL Tutorial
SQL tables
changing: D.4. Changing Table Information
creating/deleting: D.1. Creating /Deleting Databases and Tables
inserting data into: D.2. Inserting Data into a Table
query results, adding: D.3.4. Adding the Query Results to Another Table
relating: D.5. Relating Tables to Each Other
rows in, retrieving: D.3.1. Retrieving All of the Rows in a Table
D.3.2. Retrieving a Subset of the Rows in a Table
views of: D.6.1. Views
SSL (Secure Socket Layer): 6.4.2. The Initial LDAP Connection
Start of Authority (SOA): Creating the administrative header
stat() function (Perl): 10.1.1. Local Filesystem Changes
statement handle, DBI: 7.2. Using the DBI Framework
Structure for Management Information (SMI): E.1. SNMP in Practice
Structured Query Language (see SQL)
host files: 5.1. Host Files
wtmp file: 9.2.1. Using unpack( )
suss program: 8.3.4. Support Mail Augmentation
Sybase OpenClient libraries: 7.1. Interacting with an SQL Server from Perl
Sybase server, documenting via DBI module: 7.4.2. Sybase Server via DBI
SYN-ACK attack: 10.4.1. Perl Saves the Day
SYN Flood: 10.4.1. Perl Saves the Day
Sys\:\:Hostname module: Using Perl-only databases
SyslogScan package: 9.5.3. Black Boxes
system administration
with ADSI: 6.5.8. Working with Users via ADSI
email for: 8. Electronic Mail
as support medium: 8.3.4. Support Mail Augmentation
limiting message sending: Controlling the frequency of mail
sending: 8.1. Sending Mail
log files: 9. Log Files
networks: 10.3.1. Using SNMP from Perl
security: 10. Security and Network Monitoring
Perl as language for: 1.2. How Perl Can Help
SQL databases and: 7. SQL Database Administration
system administrators
contacting: 6.3. The WHOIS Directory Service
mechanics vs. architects: 3.3.1. The Backend Database
\\\\$systemroot$\\\\system32\\\\drivers\\\\etc\\\\hosts file: 5.1. Host Files

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