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Index: G

get( ) function: 1.5. LWP in Action
2.3.1. Basic Document Fetch
GET forms: 5.2. LWP and GET Requests
fixed URLs and: 5.2.1. GETting Fixed URLs
GET query, HTTP: 2.5. Example: AltaVista
getprint( ) function: 2.3.3. Fetch and Print
getstore( ) function: 2.3.2. Fetch and Store
get_tag( ) method: 7.5. More HTML::TokeParser Methods
7.5.4. The get_tag( ) Method
parameters: 7.5.5. The get_tag( ) Method with Parameters
get_text( ) method: 7.5. More HTML::TokeParser Methods
7.5.1. The get_text( ) Method
applet elements and: 8.6.2. Images and Applets
img elements and: 8.6.2. Images and Applets
parameters: 7.5.2. The get_text( ) Method with Parameters
get_token( ) method: 8.5. Narrowing In
get_trimmed_text( ) method: 7.5. More HTML::TokeParser Methods
7.5.3. The get_trimmed_text( ) Method
applet elements and: 8.6.2. Images and Applets
img elements: 8.6.2. Images and Applets
greedy matches, regular expressions: 6.2.4. Minimal and Greedy Matches

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