Index: V - e-Reading Library
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Index: V
- validation( ): 22.5.3. Discussion
- values
- (see also numbers strings variables)
- comma-separated
- initializing arrays with: 4.1.2. Solution
- parsing: 1.20.1. Problem
- converting strings between: 1.4.1. Problem
- definedness: 1.. Introduction
- 1.2.3. Discussion
- exchanging between scalar variables: 1.3.1. Problem
- false: 1.. Introduction
- values( ), traversing hashes: 5.5.3. Discussion
- variable-length text fields: 8.9.1. Problem
- variables
- constants: 1.21.1. Problem
- default values for: 1.2.1. Problem
- expanding in user input: 1.12.1. Problem
- filehandles in: 7.5.1. Problem
- functions private for: 12.5.1. Problem
- loop (iterator) variables: 4.5.3. Discussion
- magic, creating: 13.15.1. Problem
- persistent private, for subroutines: 10.3.1. Problem
- private, for modules: 12.4.1. Problem
- private, for subroutines: 10.2.1. Problem
- scalars (see scalars)
- sharing among different processes: 16.12.1. Problem
- strings (see strings)
- VERSION( ): 13.9.3. Discussion
- $VERSION variable (use pragma): 12.1.3. Discussion
- vertical bar (|)
- ||= (assignment) operator: 1.2.2. Solution
- || operator
- vs. or operator: 1.2.3. Discussion
- separating multiple comparisons: 4.16.3. Discussion
- visual bell: 15.7.3. Discussion
- VRFY command: 18.16. Program: expn and vrfy
- vrfy program: 18.16. Program: expn and vrfy
Symbols & Numbers
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