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Index: C

c command (sed) : Chapter 10, Reference: c
C and C++ languages
call-graph profile data : Chapter 2, Reference: gprof
compilers : 1.2.1. Solaris Installation Levels and Bundling
compiling source files : Chapter 2, Reference: cc
debugging : Chapter 2, Reference: ctrace
detecting bugs and errors : Chapter 2, Reference: lint
extracting messages from : Chapter 2, Reference: xgettext
extracting strings for localization : Chapter 2, Reference: exstr
formatting files in : Chapter 2, Reference: cb
symbol cross references : Chapter 2, Reference: cxref
C shell : (see csh)
C- commands (emacs) : 7.3.1. Control-Key Sequences
cal command : Chapter 2, Reference: cal
calculator commands
bc command : Chapter 2, Reference: bc
dc command : Chapter 2, Reference: dc
calendar command : Chapter 2, Reference: calendar
calendars : Chapter 2, Reference: cal
call-graph profile data : Chapter 2, Reference: gprof
cancel command : Chapter 2, Reference: cancel
canceling commands (emacs) : 7.2.5. Stopping and Undoing Commands
capitalization : (see case)
converting : Chapter 2, Reference: dd
emacs commands for : 7.2.7. Capitalization Commands
case command
Chapter 4, Reference: case
Chapter 5, Reference: case
cat command : Chapter 2, Reference: cat
cb command : Chapter 2, Reference: cb
cc command : Chapter 2, Reference: cc
cd command
Chapter 2, Reference: cd
Chapter 4, Reference: cd
Chapter 5, Reference: cd
CD-ROM, ejecting : Chapter 2, Reference: eject
cdc command (SCCS) : Chapter 18, Reference: cdc
CDE (Common Desktop Environment) : Chapter 2, Reference: cde
cdpath shell variable : 5.3.3. Predefined Shell Variables
CDPATH shell variable : 4.3.3. Other Shell Variables
centering (see alignment/positioning) : 7.2.13. Centering Commands
cflow command : Chapter 2, Reference: cflow
change command (ex) : Chapter 9, Reference: change
changing directory : Chapter 2, Reference: cd
character classes
4.2.2. Filename Metacharacters
6.3.1. Search Patterns
character sets, converting : Chapter 2, Reference: iconv
(see also text)
Chapter 2, Reference: dd
ASCII character set : A. ASCII Character Set
buffer block size : Chapter 2, Reference: dd
converting DOS to ISO : Chapter 2, Reference: dos2unix
converting ISO to DOS : Chapter 2, Reference: unix2dos
counting in files : Chapter 2, Reference: wc
Greek (eqn preprocessor) : 17.2.5. Greek Characters
mathematical (eqn preprocessor) : 17.2.3. Mathematical Characters
nroff/troff requests for : 12.5.5. Font and Character Size
chdir command : Chapter 5, Reference: chdir
check pseudo-command (sccs) : 18.7.2. Pseudo-Commands
checkeq command : Chapter 2, Reference: checkeq
checking in files
Chapter 18, Reference: delta
Chapter 19, Reference: ci
18.3.2. Retrieving a File
19.2. Basic Operation
checking out files
Chapter 18, Reference: get
Chapter 19, Reference: co
19.2. Basic Operation
checknr command : Chapter 2, Reference: checknr
cksum command : Chapter 2, Reference: cksum
chgrp command : Chapter 2, Reference: chgrp
chkey command
(see also keylogin command; key-logout command)
Chapter 2, Reference: chkey
chmod command : Chapter 2, Reference: chmod
chown command : Chapter 2, Reference: chown
ci command (RCS)
Chapter 19, Reference: ci
19.2. Basic Operation
cksum command : Chapter 2, Reference: cksum
class files (Java), disassembling : Chapter 2, Reference: javap
classes, character
4.2.2. Filename Metacharacters
6.3.1. Search Patterns
classifying files by data type : Chapter 2, Reference: file
CLASSPATH environment variable : Chapter 2, Reference: javald
clean pseudo-command (sccs) : 18.7.2. Pseudo-Commands
clear command : Chapter 2, Reference: clear
clearing terminal display : Chapter 2, Reference: clear
clock modes, setting : Chapter 2, Reference: stty
close function (awk) : Chapter 11, Reference: close
cmp command : Chapter 2, Reference: cmp
cntrl character class : 4.2.2. Filename Metacharacters
co command (RCS)
Chapter 19, Reference: co
19.2. Basic Operation
cof2elf command : Appendix B, Obsolete Commands: cof2elf
col command : Chapter 2, Reference: col
merging file lines into : Chapter 2, Reference: paste
selecting from files : Chapter 2, Reference: cut
COLUMNS shell variable : 4.3.3. Other Shell Variables
comb command (SCCS) : Chapter 18, Reference: comb
combination modes, setting : Chapter 2, Reference: stty
combining files : Chapter 2, Reference: cat
comm command : Chapter 2, Reference: comm
command command : Chapter 4, Reference: command
command history
csh shell : 5.5. Command History
ksh shell : 4.5. Command History
command interpreters : (see shells)
command-line options : Conventions
command mode (vi) : 8.1.2. Command Mode
command substitution (csh) : 5.5.1. Command Substitution
aliases for
Chapter 4, Reference: alias
Chapter 4, Reference: unalias
Chapter 5, Reference: alias
all Unix commands (list) : 2.1. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
awk programming language : 11.8. Group Listing of awk Functions and Commands
bundling : Chapter 2, Reference: xargs
csh shell
5.2.4. Command Forms
5.8. Built-in C Shell Commands
descriptions of, displaying : Chapter 2, Reference: whatis
emacs commands, list of : 7.2. Summary of Commands by Group
after logout : Chapter 2, Reference: nohup
wait between : Chapter 2, Reference: sleep
list of basic : 1.4. Beginner's Guide
lower priority, executing : Chapter 2, Reference: nice
nroff/troff requests : 12.4. Default Operation of Requests
obsolete : B. Obsolete Commands
sed editor : 10.3. Syntax of sed Commands
sh and ksh shells
4.2.4. Command Forms
4.9. Built-in Commands (Bourne and Korn Shells)
SVR4 vs. BSD : 1.5. Guide for Users of BSD-Derived Systems
vi editor : 8.1.4. Syntax of vi Commands
in files, modifying : Chapter 2, Reference: mcs
sh and ksh shells : Chapter 4, Reference: #
Common Desktop Environment (CDE) : Chapter 2, Reference: cde
compacting files : (see compressing files)
directory contents : Chapter 2, Reference: dircmp
Chapter 2, Reference: bdiff
Chapter 2, Reference: cmp
Chapter 2, Reference: comm
Chapter 2, Reference: diff
Chapter 2, Reference: diff3
document drafts : Chapter 2, Reference: diffmk
comparison operators (csh) : Comparison operators
compiler error messages : Chapter 2, Reference: error
C source files : Chapter 2, Reference: cc
Java code : Chapter 2, Reference: java
RMI compiler : Chapter 2, Reference: rmic
regular expressions : Chapter 2, Reference: regcmp
compress command : Chapter 2, Reference: compress
Chapter 2, Reference: compress
Chapter 2, Reference: gunzip
Chapter 2, Reference: gzip
Chapter 2, Reference: unzip
configuration variables, system : Chapter 2, Reference: getconf
continue command (awk) : Chapter 11, Reference: continue
continue command (csh) : Chapter 5, Reference: continue
continue command (sh, ksh) : Chapter 4, Reference: continue
control assignments, setting : Chapter 2, Reference: stty
control modes, setting : Chapter 2, Reference: stty
Control-key commands (emacs) : 7.3.1. Control-Key Sequences
conversation between users : Chapter 2, Reference: talk
character sets : Chapter 2, Reference: iconv
case : Chapter 2, Reference: dd
DOS to ISO : Chapter 2, Reference: dos2unix
ISO to DOS : Chapter 2, Reference: unix2dos
spaces to tabs : Chapter 2, Reference: unexpand
tabs to spaces : Chapter 2, Reference: expand
string_files into msg_files : Chapter 2, Reference: mkmsgs
into tables : Chapter 2, Reference: yacc
troff to PostScript : Chapter 2, Reference: dpost
to Unicode : Chapter 2, Reference: native2ascii
number units : Chapter 2, Reference: units
coprocesses (Korn shell) : 4.2.6. Coprocesses
copy command (ex) : Chapter 9, Reference: copy
archives : Chapter 2, Reference: cpio
Chapter 2, Reference: cp
Chapter 2, Reference: dd
Chapter 2, Reference: ftp
Chapter 2, Reference: rcp
standard input
Chapter 2, Reference: tee
Chapter 2, Reference: tr
core images, creating : Chapter 2, Reference: gcore
cos function (awk) : Chapter 11, Reference: cos
cp command : Chapter 2, Reference: cp
cpio command : Chapter 2, Reference: cpio
CRCs (cyclic redundancy checks) : Chapter 2, Reference: cksum
create pseudo-command (sccs) : 18.7.2. Pseudo-Commands
creating directories : Chapter 2, Reference: mkdir
crontab command : Chapter 2, Reference: crontab
cross references
Chapter 2, Reference: cscope
Chapter 2, Reference: cxref
crypt command : Appendix B, Obsolete Commands: crypt
crypt algorithm : B.1. Introduction
cscope command : Chapter 2, Reference: cscope
csh (C shell)
Chapter 2, Reference: csh
3.3. Shell Flavors
5. The C Shell
built-in commands, list of : 5.8. Built-in C Shell Commands
command history
5.5. Command History
5.5.5. History Modifiers
command substitution : 5.5.1. Command Substitution
command syntax : 5.2.4. Command Forms
environment variables : 5.3.5. Environment Variables
expressions : 5.4. Expressions
features of : 3.4. Common Features
filename metacharacters : 5.2.2. Filename Metacharacters
invoking shell : 5.7. Invoking the Shell
job control : 5.6. Job Control
predefined shell variables : 5.3.3. Predefined Shell Variables
quoting : 5.2.3. Quoting
redirection : 5.2.5. Redirection Forms
variables : 5.3. Variables
word substitution : 5.5.3. Word Substitution
.cshrc file
5.2.1. Special Files
5.3.4. Example .cshrc File
csplit command : Chapter 2, Reference: csplit
ctags command : Chapter 2, Reference: ctags
ctrace commands : Chapter 2, Reference: ctrace
current date/time : Chapter 2, Reference: date
current system name : Chapter 2, Reference: uname
cursor-movement commands (emacs) : 7.2.2. Cursor-Movement Commands
customizing login session : 3.2.2. Customization of Your Unix Session
cu command : Appendix B, Obsolete Commands: cu
cut command
(see also join command; newform command; paste command)
Chapter 2, Reference: cut
cwd shell variable : 5.3.3. Predefined Shell Variables
cxref command : Chapter 2, Reference: cxref
cyclic redundancy checks (CRCs) : Chapter 2, Reference: cksum

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