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Index: P

p command (sed) : Chapter 10, Reference: p
P command (sed) : Chapter 10, Reference: P
pack command : Appendix B, Obsolete Commands: pack
page command
(see also more command)
Chapter 2, Reference: page
PAGER environment variable : Chapter 2, Reference: man
pagination, nroff/troff requests for : 12.5.12. Pagination
paging files : Chapter 2, Reference: more
paragraphs, emacs commands for : 7.2.4. Paragraphs and Regions
passwd command : Chapter 2, Reference: passwd
passwd file : 5.2.1. Special Files
Chapter 2, Reference: chkey
Chapter 2, Reference: passwd
creating : Chapter 2, Reference: passwd
displaying information : Chapter 2, Reference: passwd
prompting for : Chapter 2, Reference: keylogin
paste command : Chapter 2, Reference: paste
patch command : Chapter 2, Reference: patch
PATH environment variable : 5.3.5. Environment Variables
PATH shell variable : 4.3.3. Other Shell Variables
pathchk command : Chapter 2, Reference: pathchk
pathname modifiers : Examples using pathname modifiers
checking for acceptability : Chapter 2, Reference: pathchk
searching for files : Chapter 2, Reference: find
stripping filenames from : Chapter 2, Reference: dirname
pattern matching : 6. Pattern Matching
patterns, awk : 11.3. Patterns and Procedures
pax command : Chapter 2, Reference: pax
pcat command : Appendix B, Obsolete Commands: pcat
PCMCIA memory cards, formatting : Chapter 2, Reference: fdformat
perl command : Chapter 2, Reference: perl
permissions, file
changing : Chapter 2, Reference: chmod
pg command : Appendix B, Obsolete Commands: pg
pic preprocessor (nroff/troff) : 17.3. pic
.plan file : Chapter 2, Reference: finger
.po files : Chapter 2, Reference: msgfmt
popd command : Chapter 5, Reference: popd
Portable Archive Exchange (PAX) : Chapter 2, Reference: pax
portable object files : Chapter 2, Reference: msgfmt
positioning : (see alignment/positioning)
POSIX 1003.2 standards
C.8. Standards
(Reference page)
1.6. Solaris: Standard Compliant Programs
21.8. Standards
PostScript files
adding fonts to : Chapter 2, Reference: download
creating from troff : Chapter 2, Reference: dpost
PPID shell variable : 4.3.2. Built-in Shell Variables
pr command : Chapter 2, Reference: pr
predefined shell variables
csh shell : 5.3.3. Predefined Shell Variables
sh and ksh shells : 4.3.2. Built-in Shell Variables
preprocessors for nroff/troff system : 17. troff Preprocessors
preserve command (ex) : Chapter 9, Reference: preserve
prime factors : Chapter 2, Reference: factor
primitives, pic preprocessor : 17.3.3. Primitives
print character class : 4.2.2. Filename Metacharacters
print command (awk) : Chapter 11, Reference: print
print command (ex) : Chapter 9, Reference: print
print command (ksh) : Chapter 4, Reference: print
print pseudo-command (sccs) : 18.7.2. Pseudo-Commands
printenv command : Chapter 2, Reference: printenv
printf command
Chapter 2, Reference: printf
Chapter 4, Reference: printf
printf command (awk) : Chapter 11, Reference: printf
banners : Chapter 2, Reference: banner
cancelling print requests : Chapter 2, Reference: cancel
current system name : Chapter 2, Reference: uname
environment variable values : Chapter 2, Reference: printenv
file contents : (see files, printing)
file creation mode mask : Chapter 2, Reference: umask
Chapter 2, Reference: cat
Chapter 2, Reference: lp
from archives : Chapter 2, Reference: ar
lines specified : Chapter 2, Reference: tail
displaying : Chapter 2, Reference: lpq
removing requests from : Chapter 2, Reference: lprm
status of : Chapter 2, Reference: lpstat
sending files : Chapter 2, Reference: lpr
to standard output : Chapter 2, Reference: echo
strings : Chapter 2, Reference: printf
system configuration variables : Chapter 2, Reference: getconf
system usage information : Chapter 2, Reference: uptime
terminal capability : Chapter 2, Reference: tput
terminal device name : Chapter 2, Reference: tty
procedures, awk : 11.3.2. Procedures
controlling : (see job control)
core images of : Chapter 2, Reference: gcore
terminating IDs : Chapter 2, Reference: kill
prof command : Chapter 2, Reference: prof
.profile file
(see also shell variables)
4.2.1. Special Files
profile data, displaying : Chapter 2, Reference: gprof
for files : Chapter 2, Reference: prof
for programs generally : Chapter 2, Reference: lprof
displaying profile data for : Chapter 2, Reference: lprof
getting description of : Chapter 2, Reference: type
lexical analysis
generating : Chapter 2, Reference: lex
.project file : Chapter 2, Reference: finger
PROJECTDIR environment variable : 18.7.3. Solaris Notes
prompt shell variable : 5.3.3. Predefined Shell Variables
prs command (SCCS) : Chapter 18, Reference: prs
data keywords for : 18.5. Data Keywords
prt command (SCCS) : Chapter 18, Reference: prt
ps command : Chapter 2, Reference: ps
PS files : (see PostScript files)
PS# shell variables : 4.3.3. Other Shell Variables
pseudo-commands, SCCS : 18.7. sccs and Pseudo-Commands
pushd command : Chapter 5, Reference: pushd
put command (ex) : Chapter 9, Reference: put
putting and yanking commands (sed) : 10.4.4. Yanking and Putting
pwd command
Chapter 2, Reference: pwd
Chapter 4, Reference: pwd
PWD shell variable
4.3.2. Built-in Shell Variables
5.3.5. Environment Variables

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