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Appendix C. Supplement for Chapter 12


Full Listing of spellcheck.awk
Listing of masterindex Shell Script
Documentation for masterindex

This appendix contains supplemental programs and documentation for the programs described in Chapter 12, "Full-Featured Applications".

C.1. Full Listing of spellcheck.awk

# spellcheck.awk -- interactive spell checker
# AUTHOR: Dale Dougherty
# Usage: nawk -f spellcheck.awk [+dict] file 
# (Use spellcheck as name of shell program) 
# SPELLDICT = "dict" 
# SPELLFILE = "file"

# BEGIN actions perform the following tasks: 
#      1) process command line arguments
#      2) create temporary filenames
#      3) execute spell program to create wordlist file
#      4) display list of user responses

# Process command line arguments
# Must be at least two args -- nawk and filename
      if (ARGC > 1) {
      # if more than two args, second arg is dict 
            if (ARGC > 2) {
            # test to see if dict is specified with "+"  
            # and assign ARGV[1] to SPELLDICT
                  if (ARGV[1] ~ /^\+.*/) 
                        SPELLDICT = ARGV[1]

                        SPELLDICT = "+" ARGV[1]
            # assign file ARGV[2] to SPELLFILE 
                  SPELLFILE = ARGV[2]
            # delete args so awk does not open them as files
                  delete ARGV[1]
                  delete ARGV[2]
      # not more than two args
            else {
            # assign file ARGV[1] to SPELLFILE 
                  SPELLFILE = ARGV[1]
            # test to see if local dict file exists
                  if (! system ("test -r dict")) {
                  # if it does, ask if we should use it
                        printf ("Use local dict file? (y/n)")   
                        getline reply < "-"
                  # if reply is yes, use "dict" 
                        if (reply ~ /[yY](es)?/){
                              SPELLDICT = "+dict"
      } # end of processing args > 1 
      # if args not > 1, then print shell-command usage 
      else {
            print "Usage: spellcheck [+dict] file"
            exit 1
# end of processing command line arguments

# create temporary file names, each begin with sp_
      wordlist = "sp_wordlist"
      spellsource = "sp_input"
      spellout = "sp_out"

# copy SPELLFILE to temporary input file
      system("cp " SPELLFILE " " spellsource)

# now run spell program; output sent to wordlist
      print "Running spell checker ..."
      if (SPELLDICT)
            SPELLCMD = "spell " SPELLDICT " "
            SPELLCMD = "spell "
      system(SPELLCMD spellsource " > " wordlist )

# test wordlist to see if misspelled words turned up
      if ( system("test -s " wordlist ) ) {
      # if wordlist is empty, (or spell command failed), exit
            print "No misspelled words found."
            system("rm " spellsource " " wordlist)

# assign wordlist file to ARGV[1] so that awk will read it.   
      ARGV[1] = wordlist

# display list of user responses 
      responseList = "Responses: \n\tChange each occurrence," 
      responseList = responseList "\n\tGlobal change," 
      responseList = responseList "\n\tAdd to Dict,"  
      responseList = responseList "\n\tHelp," 
      responseList = responseList "\n\tQuit" 
      responseList = responseList "\n\tCR to ignore: "
      printf("%s", responseList)

} # end of BEGIN procedure

# main procedure, executed for each line in wordlist.
#     Purpose is to show misspelled word and prompt user
#     for appropriate action.

# assign word to misspelling
      misspelling = $1 
      response = 1
# print misspelling and prompt for response
      while (response !~ /(^[cCgGaAhHqQ])|^$/ ) {
            printf("\n%d - Found %s (C/G/A/H/Q/):", word, misspelling)
            getline response < "-"
# now process the user's response
# CR - carriage return ignores current word 
# Help
      if (response ~ /[Hh](elp)?/) {
      # Display list of responses and prompt again.
            printf("%s", responseList)
            printf("\n%d - Found %s (C/G/A/Q/):", word, misspelling)
            getline response < "-"
# Quit
      if (response ~ /[Qq](uit)?/) exit
# Add to dictionary
      if ( response ~ /[Aa](dd)?/) { 
            dict[++dictEntry] = misspelling
# Change each occurrence
      if ( response ~ /[cC](hange)?/) {
      # read each line of the file we are correcting
            newspelling = ""; changes = ""
            while( (getline < spellsource) > 0){
            # call function to show line with misspelled word
            # and prompt user to make each correction 
            # all lines go to temp output file
                  print > spellout
      # all lines have been read 
      # close temp input and temp output file
      # if change was made
            if (changes){ 
            # show changed lines
                  for (j = 1; j <= changes; ++j)
                        print changedLines[j]
                  printf ("%d lines changed. ", changes) 
            # function to confirm before saving changes
# Globally change
      if ( response ~ /[gG](lobal)?/) {
      # call function to prompt for correction
      # and display each line that is changed.
      # Ask user to approve all changes before saving.
} # end of Main procedure

# END procedure makes changes permanent.
# It overwrites the original file, and adds words
# to the dictionary.
# It also removes the temporary files.

# if we got here after reading only one record, 
# no changes were made, so exit.
      if (NR <= 1) exit
# user must confirm saving corrections to file
      while (saveAnswer !~ /([yY](es)?)|([nN]o?)/ ) {
            printf "Save corrections in %s (y/n)? ", SPELLFILE
            getline saveAnswer < "-"
# if answer is yes then mv temporary input file to SPELLFILE
# save old SPELLFILE, just in case
      if (saveAnswer ~ /^[yY]/) {
            system("cp " SPELLFILE " " SPELLFILE ".orig")
            system("mv " spellsource " " SPELLFILE)
# if answer is no then rm temporary input file
      if (saveAnswer ~ /^[nN]/)
            system("rm " spellsource) 

# if words have been added to dictionary array, then prompt
# to confirm saving in current dictionary. 
      if (dictEntry) {
            printf "Make changes to dictionary (y/n)? "
            getline response < "-"
            if (response ~ /^[yY]/){
            # if no dictionary defined, then use "dict"
                  if (! SPELLDICT) SPELLDICT = "dict"
            # loop through array and append words to dictionary
                  sub(/^\+/, "", SPELLDICT)
                  for ( item in dict )
                        print dict[item] >> SPELLDICT
            # sort dictionary file 
                  system("sort " SPELLDICT "> tmp_dict")
                  system("mv " "tmp_dict " SPELLDICT)
# remove word list
      system("rm sp_wordlist")
} # end of END procedure

# function definitions

# make_change -- prompt user to correct misspelling 
#                for current input line.  Calls itself
#                to find other occurrences in string.
#     stringToChange -- initially $0; then unmatched substring of $0
#     len -- length from beginning of $0 to end of matched string 
# Assumes that misspelling is defined. 

function make_change (stringToChange, len,   # parameters
      line, OKmakechange, printstring, carets)   # locals
# match misspelling in stringToChange; otherwise do nothing 
   if ( match(stringToChange, misspelling) ) {
   # Display matched line 
         printstring = $0
         gsub(/\t/, " ", printstring)
         print printstring
         carets = "^"
         for (i = 1; i < RLENGTH; ++i)
               carets = carets "^"
         if (len)
               FMT = "%" len+RSTART+RLENGTH-2 "s\n"
               FMT = "%" RSTART+RLENGTH-1 "s\n"
         printf(FMT, carets)
   # Prompt user for correction, if not already defined
         if (! newspelling) {
               printf "Change to:"
               getline newspelling < "-"
   # A carriage return falls through
   # If user enters correction, confirm  
         while (newspelling && ! OKmakechange) {
               printf ("Change %s to %s? (y/n):", misspelling, newspelling)
               getline OKmakechange < "-"
               madechg = ""
         # test response
               if (OKmakechange ~ /[yY](es)?/ ) {
               # make change (first occurrence only)
                     madechg = sub(misspelling, newspelling, stringToChange)
               else if ( OKmakechange ~ /[nN]o?/ ) {
                     # offer chance to re-enter correction 
                     printf "Change to:"
                     getline newspelling < "-"
                     OKmakechange = ""
         } # end of while loop

   # if len, we are working with substring of $0
         if (len) {
         # assemble it
               line = substr($0,1,len-1)
               $0 = line stringToChange
         else {
               $0 = stringToChange
               if (madechg) ++changes

   # put changed line in array for display
         if (madechg) 
               changedLines[changes] = ">" $0

   # create substring so we can try to match other occurrences
         len += RSTART + RLENGTH
         part1 = substr($0, 1, len-1)
         part2 = substr($0, len)
   # calls itself to see if misspelling is found in remaining part 
         make_change(part2, len) 

   } # end of if

} # end of make_change()

# make_global_change --
#        prompt user to correct misspelling 
#        for all lines globally.  
#        Has no arguments
# Assumes that misspelling is defined. 

function make_global_change(    newspelling, OKmakechange, changes)
# prompt user to correct misspelled word
   printf "Globally change to:"
   getline newspelling < "-"

# carriage return falls through
# if there is an answer, confirm 
   while (newspelling && ! OKmakechange) {
               printf ("Globally change %s to %s? (y/n):", misspelling,
               getline OKmakechange < "-"
         # test response and make change
               if (OKmakechange ~ /[yY](es)?/ ) {
               # open file, read all lines 
                     while( (getline < spellsource) > 0){
                     # if match is found, make change using gsub
                     # and print each changed line.
                           if ($0 ~ misspelling) {
                                    madechg = gsub(misspelling, newspelling)
                                    print ">", $0
                                    changes += 1  # counter for line changes
                     # write all lines to temp output file
                           print > spellout
                     } # end of while loop for reading file

               # close temporary files
               # report the number of changes   
                     printf ("%d lines changed. ", changes) 
               # function to confirm before saving changes
               } # end of if (OKmakechange ~ y) 

   # if correction not confirmed,  prompt for new word
               else if ( OKmakechange ~ /[nN]o?/ ){
                     printf "Globally change to:"
                     getline newspelling < "-"
                     OKmakechange = ""

   } # end of while loop for prompting user for correction

} # end of make_global_change()

# confirm_changes --  
#        confirm before saving changes

function confirm_changes(  savechanges) {
# prompt to confirm saving changes
      while (! savechanges ) {
            printf ("Save changes? (y/n)")
            getline savechanges < "-"
# if confirmed, mv output to input
      if (savechanges ~ /[yY](es)?/)
            system("mv " spellout " " spellsource) 

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