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Chapter 15. me Macros


Alphabetical Summary of me Macros
Predefined Strings
Predefined Number Registers
Sample Document

This chapter presents the following topics:

15.1. Alphabetical Summary of me Macros



Return to single-column format. See .2c.



Enter two-column format. Force a new column with .bc; end two-column mode with .1c.



Set page number in arabic.


.b w x

Set w in bold and x in previous font.


.(b type

Begin block keep. End with .)b.



Centered block keep.


Filled block keep.


Left-justified block keep.



End block keep started with .(b.


.ba n

Set the base indent to n.



Begin column; used after .2c.


.bi w x

Set w in bold italics and x in previous font.


.bl n

Leave n lines of whitespace. Equivalent to .sp n inside a block.



Begin paragraph marked by a bullet.


.bx w x

Set w in a box and x immediately outside the box.


.+c title

Begin chapter with title.


.$c title

Begin numbered chapter with title.


.$C keyword n title

User-definable macro. Called by .$c, supplying keyword (e.g., “Chapter” or “Appendix”), chapter or appendix number (n), and title.



Begin centered block. End with .)c.



End centered block started with .(c.



Begin delayed text. End with .)d.



End delayed text. Print text with .pd.


.ef 'l'c'r'

Print three-part footer on all even pages. Parts are left-justified, centered, and right-justified at bottom of every even page.


.eh 'l'c'r'

Print three-part header on all even pages. Parts are left-justified, centered, and right-justified at top of every even page.



End equation display started with .EQ.



End this page and print footnotes.


.EQ format title

Start equation display to be processed by eqn, using output format and having title printed on the right margin next to the equation. End with .EN. See Chapter 17, for more information on eqn.










Call to print footer.



Begin text for footnote. End with .)f.



End footnote text started with .(f.


.fo 'l'c'r'

Print three-part footer on all pages. Parts are left-justified, centered, and right-justified at bottom of every page.



End a picture created by gremlin. Must be used with a preceding .GS. Recent versions of me only.



End a picture created by gremlin, and “flyback” to the initial vertical position. Must be used with a preceding .GS. Recent versions of me only.


.GS [flag]

Start a picture created by gremlin. Must be used with a following .GE or .GF. Recent versions of me only. (gremlin is a picture-drawing tool similar to pic that was developed at UCB.) The default action is to center the picture.

Values for flag

LPlace the picture next to the left margin.
RPlace the picture next to the right margin.



Normally undefined macro, called immediately before printing text on a page. Can be used for column headings, etc.



Call to print header.


.he 'l'c'r'

Print three-part heading on all pages. Parts are left-justified, centered, and right-justified at top of every page.



Draw a horizontal line equal to the width of page.



Don't print headings and footers on next page.


.i w x

Set w in italics (underline in nroff) and x in previous font.



End a picture created by ideal. Must be used with a preceding .IS. Recent versions of me only.



End a picture created by ideal, and “flyback” to the initial vertical position. Must be used with a preceding .IS. Recent versions of me only.



Start a picture created by ideal. Must be used with a following .IE or .IF. Recent versions of me only. (ideal is a picture-drawing tool similar to pic that was developed at Bell Labs.)


.ip label n

Indent paragraph n spaces with hanging label.


.ix [±n]

Indent but don't break the line. Equivalent to 'in n.


.(l type

Begin list. End with .)l.



Centered list


Filled list


Left-justified list



End list started with .(l.


.ll +n

Set line length to +n (all environments). This is a macro, not the nroff/troff .ll request.



Load a locally defined set of macros (usually /usr/lib/me/ (Not in recent versions.)



Begin block paragraph (left-justified).


.m1 n

Set n spaces between top of page and heading.


.m2 n

Set n spaces between heading and first line of text.


.m3 n

Set n spaces between footer and text.


.m4 n

Set n spaces between footer and bottom of page.



Number lines in margin beginning with 1.


.n2 n

Number lines in margin beginning with n; stop numbering if n is 0.



Begin a numbered paragraph. Current number is accessed via \n($p.


.of 'l'c'r'

Print three-part footer on all odd pages. Parts are left-justified, centered, and right-justified at bottom of every odd page.


.oh 'l'c'r'

Print three-part header on all odd pages. Parts are left-justified, centered, and right-justified at top of every odd page.


.$p title n d

Print section heading with specified title, section number n, and depth of section d.


.$0 title n d

Called automatically after every call to .$p. Normally undefined, but may be used to put every section title automatically into table of contents, or for some similar function.



These are traps called just before printing a section of depth n (n is 1–6). Called from .$p.


.pa [±n]

Equivalent to .bp.



Print delayed text, indicated by .(d and .)d.



End a picture created by pic. Must be used with a preceding .PS. Recent versions of me only.


.PS vert indent

Start a picture created by pic. Must be used with a following .PE. Recent versions of me only.

vert is the amount of vertical space to provide for the picture, and indent is how far from the left margin to place the picture.



Begin indented paragraph.


.q w x

Surround w with double quotes and x immediately outside the quotes.



Begin major quote. End with .)q.



End major quote started with .(q.


.r w x

Set w in roman font and x in previous font.


.rb w x

Set w in bold and x in previous font.



Reset tabs to every 0.5 inch (in troff) or to every 0.8 inch (in nroff).



Set page number in roman numerals.



Separate footnotes with a 1.5-inch horizontal line.



Begin numbered section heading.



Leave next page blank. Like the troff .bp request.


.sm small reg

Concatenate small and reg, with small set one point smaller in size. Recent versions of me only.


.sx +n

Begin a paragraph at level n.


.sz n

Set character point size to n, with line spacing set proportionally.



End table. See .TS.



End table header. Must be used with a preceding .TS H.



Initialize for a thesis. (Not in recent versions.)



Initialize for a title page.


.TS [H]

Start table to be processed by tbl. Use H to put a table header on all pages (end table header with .TH). End table with .TE. See Chapter 17 for more information on tbl.


.u w x

Underline w and set x in previous font.


.uh title

Begin unnumbered section heading using title.



Begin index entry. End with .)x.


.)x [page] [author]

End index entry started with .(x. Print index with .xp.

The arguments are optional. If page is “_” (an underscore), the page number for this index entry is omitted. Otherwise, page is the page number to use instead of the one that is automatically calculated.

The second argument is printed right-justified at the end of the entry; it might be used for the author's name, for example. If author is specified, page must be too: use \n% to get the current page number.


.xl n

Set the line length to n (current environment only). (This is actually the nroff/troff internal .ll request.)



Print index. See also .(x and .)x.



Begin floating keep.



End floating keep.


.++ type header

Define the section of the paper being entered. Specify a type with a header title string.











Preliminary section (table of contents, etc.).


Appendix, with page numbers reset to 1.


Chapter, with page numbers reset to 1.

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