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Learning vi

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Index: B

b, B metacharacters: 11.7. Extended Regular Expressions
b (move word) command: 2.2.4. Movement by Text Blocks
-b option (vim): 11.2. Important Command-Line Arguments
11.4.1. Initialization for All vim Invocations
backquote (`)
`` (move to mark) command: 3.4.1. The G (Go To) Command
4.4. Marking Your Place
marking characters (vile): 12.8.7. Visual Mode
move to mark command: 4.4. Marking Your Place
backslash ( ) (see (backslash) metacharacter)
deleting in insert mode: 2.1. vi Commands
moving with: 2.2.1. Single Movements
backward searching: 3.3. Movement by Searches
"Bad file number" message: 1.1.2. Problems Opening Files
"Bad termpcap entry" message: 1.1.2. Problems Opening Files
bang (see exclamation point)
beep mode (see command mode)
:bg (hide window) command (nvi): 9.5. Multiwindow Editing
binary data, editing: 8.6.2. Arbitrary Length Lines and Binary Data
elvis editor: 10.8.4. Arbitrary Length Lines and Binary Data
nvi editor: 9.8.4. Arbitrary Length Lines and Binary Data
vile editor: 12.8.4. Arbitrary Length Lines and Binary Data
vim editor: 11.8.4. Arbitrary Length Lines and Binary Data
binary option (elvis): 10.8.4. Arbitrary Length Lines and Binary Data
:bind-key command: 12.10.1. The vile Editing Model
blinktime option (elvis): 10.6.4. Options
"Block device required" message: 1.1.2. Problems Opening Files
"Block special file" message: 1.1.2. Problems Opening Files
block (visual) mode: 8.6.6. Visual Mode
elvis editor: 10.8.6. Visual Mode
vile editor: 12.8.7. Visual Mode
vim editor: 11.8.7. Visual Mode
bookmarks, placing: 4.4. Marking Your Place
Bostic, Keith: 9.1. Author and History
bottom-line commands: 1. The vi Text Editor
braces {}
{...} metacharacter: 10.7. Extended Regular Expressions
11.7. Extended Regular Expressions
{ (move cursor) command: 3.2. Movement by Text Blocks
} (move cursor) command: 3.2. Movement by Text Blocks
[{, ]} (matching) commands (vim): Cursor motion commands for programming
finding and matching: 7.5.2. A Special Search Command
metacharacters: 8.4. Extended Regular Expressions
9.7. Extended Regular Expressions
bracket expressions, POSIX: 6.3.2. POSIX Bracket Expressions
brackets ([])
[*, ]* (matching) commands (vim): Cursor motion commands for programming
[{, ]} (matching) commands (vim): Cursor motion commands for programming
[[, ]] (move cursor) commands: 3.2. Movement by Text Blocks
[: :] metacharacters: 6.3.2. POSIX Bracket Expressions
[d, ]d (file search) commands (vim): Include file searching
[. .] metacharacters: 6.3.2. POSIX Bracket Expressions
[= =] metacharacters: 6.3.2. POSIX Bracket Expressions
[^I, ]^I (file search) commands (vim): Include file searching
[(, ]) (matching) commands (vim): Cursor motion commands for programming
[#, ]# (matching) commands (vim): Cursor motion commands for programming
[/, ]/ (matching) commands (vim): Cursor motion commands for programming
matching: 7.5.2. A Special Search Command
metacharacters: 6.3.1. Metacharacters Used in Search Patterns
:browse command: 10.11. elvis Futures
bs values (lptype option): 10.10.1. Display Modes
Buettner, Kevin: 12. vile—vi Like Emacs
bufdisplay option (elvis): 10.10.1. Display Modes
buffers: 1.1. Opening and Closing Files
4.3. Making Use of Buffers
autowrite and autosave options: 4.2.3. Recovering a Buffer
commands (see command-line history)
commands for (summary): 4.6. Review of vi Buffer and Marking Commands
copying file contents into: 5.4. Copying a File into Another File
executing contents of: 7.3.10. @-Functions
hold buffer (metacharacters): 6.3.1. Metacharacters Used in Search Patterns
11.7. Extended Regular Expressions
12.7. Extended Regular Expressions
multiwindow editing and: 8.2. Multiwindow Editing
named buffers: 2.3.7. Copying Text
4.3. Making Use of Buffers
4.3.2. Yanking to Named Buffers
5.5.5. Edits Between Files
arbitrarily naming (nvi): 9.10. Interesting Features
numbered buffers for deletions/yanks: 2.3.6. Moving Text
4.3. Making Use of Buffers
preserving manually: 4.2.3. Recovering a Buffer
recovering after system failure: 4.2.3. Recovering a Buffer
renaming (ex): 5.3.1. Renaming the Buffer
built-in calculator, elvis: 10.10. Interesting Features

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