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Index: X

x property
event objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference
img objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference
capabilities: 1.4. XHTML
HTML name changes: 1.3. HTML
modularization: 7.2. XHTML Modularization (XHTML Basic and 1.1)
validation: 6.1. Event Types
6.3.1. Event Handlers as Tag Attributes
6.3.2. Event Handlers as Object Properties
XHTML Basic: 7.2. XHTML Modularization (XHTML Basic and 1.1)
lang attribute: 8.2.1. Attributes
space attribute
script elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference
XML documents
behaviors: 6.3.4. Attaching Events (IE 5 and Later for Windows)
element requirements: W3C DOM document tree
table data sources: 5.8. Dynamic Tables
whitespace in: 5.9.2. Embedding XML Data
xml elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference
XML Events: 6.3.3. Event Handlers as <script> Tags (IE 4 and Later)
XML (Extensible Markup Language)
embedding data: 5.9.2. Embedding XML Data
external documents and: 5.9. Client-Side Includes
HTML 4 standard and: 1.4. XHTML
repopulating tables: 2.4.4. Dynamic Content
slash technique: 1.4. XHTML
W3C DOM and: 5.7. Changing Content
xml objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference
XMLDocument property
xml objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference
xmlns attribute
html elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference
xmp elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference
xmp objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference

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