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Index: I

i attribute (case-insensitive matching): 23. Core JavaScript Reference
23. Core JavaScript Reference
i flag (regular expressions): 10.1.6. Flags
10.3.2. RegExp Instance Properties
id attribute
Layer object: 17.4. DOM Compatibility with Netscape 4
style sheet rules and: 18.1.1. Applying Style Rules to Document Elements
id property: 17.1.3. The DOM HTML API
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference
25. W3C DOM Reference
identifier property: 25. W3C DOM Reference
identifiers: 2.7. Identifiers
arguments: 7.3. Function Scope: The Call Object
case-sensitivity in: 2.2. Case Sensitivity
elements, getting by: 25. W3C DOM Reference
unique, function for: 7.5.3. Defining Your Own Function Properties
identity (===) operator: 5.4.1. Equality (==) and Identity (===)
5.4.1. Equality (==) and Identity (===)
rules for determining identity of values: 5.4.1. Equality (==) and Identity (===)
IE (see Internet Explorer)
if statements: 5.10.1. The Conditional Operator (?:)
6.3. if
if/else statements: 6.3. if
boolean values in: 3.3. Boolean Values
else if statement with: 6.4. else if
ignoreCase property: 10.3.2. RegExp Instance Properties
23. Core JavaScript Reference
ignoring incompatibility problems: 20.1.6. Ignore the Problem
Image object: 14.6. Images
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference
event handlers: 14.6.3. Image Event Handlers
image replacement
implementing ToggleButton with: 14.6.5. Image-Replacement Example
src property, using: 14.6.1. Image Replacement with the src Property
name attribute and: 14.1.4. Naming Document Objects
off-screen images, caching and: 14.6.2. Offscreen Images and Caching
properties, accessing: 3.5. Objects
properties, size, borders, and resolution: 14.6.4. Other Image Properties
images[] property: 14. The Document Object
14.1.2. Document Properties
14.6. Images
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference
25. W3C DOM Reference
images, rollover and animation effects: 1.6.6. Still More Features
immutability of strings: 11.2.2. Copying and Passing Strings
implementation property: 17.1.5. DOM Conformance
25. W3C DOM Reference
importNode( ) method: 25. W3C DOM Reference
in clause (for/in loops): 6.9. for/in
in (operator): 5.5.2. The in Operator
including JavaScript files: 12.2.2. Including JavaScript Files
increment (++) operator: 5.3. Arithmetic Operators
5.3. Arithmetic Operators
6.1. Expression Statements
incrementing loop variables: 6.8. for
indenting code: 2.3. Whitespace and Line Breaks
6.3. if
index property: 25. W3C DOM Reference
Array object: 10.2. String Methods for Pattern Matching
Option object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference
array: 3.6. Arrays
9.1. Arrays and Array Elements
sparse: 9.1.3. Adding New Elements to an Array
associative arrays: 3.5. Objects
selected options: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference
string and array, starting with 0: 3.2.3. Working with Strings
indexOf( ) method: 3.2.3. Working with Strings
16.3. Reading Cookies
23. Core JavaScript Reference
inequality (!=) operator: 5.4.2. Inequality (!=) and Non-Identity (!==)
5.4.2. Inequality (!=) and Non-Identity (!==)
infinity: 3.1.5. Special Numeric Values
division by 0, yielding: 5.3. Arithmetic Operators
-Infinity (negative infinity): 23. Core JavaScript Reference
Infinity property: 23. Core JavaScript Reference
23. Core JavaScript Reference
inheritance: 1. Introduction to JavaScript
8.4. Prototypes and Inheritance
prototype-based vs.: 8.5. Object-Oriented JavaScript
superclasses and subclasses: 8.5.7. Superclasses and Subclasses
classes, client-side JavaScript: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference
DOM interfaces: 25. W3C DOM Reference
from Object object: 8.7. Object Properties and Methods
object properties and: 23. Core JavaScript Reference
init( ) method (Applet), using JavaScript from: 22.2.2. Using JSObjects in Applets
initEvent( ) method: 25. W3C DOM Reference
arrays: 3.6.1. Creating Arrays
event object properties: 19.2.9. Synthesizing Events
loop variables: 6.8. for
object properties: 8.4. Prototypes and Inheritance
objects: 8.1.1. Creating Objects
variables, with statements and: 6.18. with
initMouseEvent( ) method: 25. W3C DOM Reference
initMutationEvent( ) method: 25. W3C DOM Reference
initUIEvent( ) method: 25. W3C DOM Reference
inline frame: 13.11.1. Relationships Between Frames
inline styles: 18.1.5. CSS Example
computed style vs.: 18.5.2. Computed Styles
override styles vs.: 18.5.3. Override Styles
innerHeight property: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference
innerHTML property: 17.2.4. Adding Content to a Document
17.3.3. Modifying Documents
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference
innerText property: 17.3.3. Modifying Documents
Anchor object: 14.8. Anchors
HTMLElement object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference
innerWidth property: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference
form, validating: 1.6.3. Interact with HTML Forms
15.4. Form Verification Example
prompt( ) method: 6.17. try/catch/finally
Input object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference
input property: 10.2. String Methods for Pattern Matching
insertAdjacentHTML( ) method: 17.3.3. Modifying Documents
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference
insertAdjacentText( ) method: 17.3.3. Modifying Documents
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference
insertBefore( ) method: 17.1.2. Nodes
17.2.5. Working with Document Fragments
25. W3C DOM Reference
insertCell( ) method: 25. W3C DOM Reference
insertData( ) method: 17.2.3. Modifying a Document
25. W3C DOM Reference
inserting new elements into arrays
push( ): 9.2.7. push( ) and pop( )
splice( ): 9.2.6. splice( )
unshift( ): 9.2.8. unshift( ) and shift( )
inserting text (within Text node): 17.2.3. Modifying a Document
insertNode( ) method: 25. W3C DOM Reference
insertRow( ) method
HTMLTableElement: 25. W3C DOM Reference
HTMLTableSectionElement: 25. W3C DOM Reference
insertRule( ) method
CSSMediaRule object: 25. W3C DOM Reference
CSSStyleSheet object: 18.5.4. Creating Style Sheets
25. W3C DOM Reference
instance properties, RegExp objects: 10.3.2. RegExp Instance Properties
instanceof operator: 5.5.3. The instanceof Operator
instances: 8.5. Object-Oriented JavaScript
methods: 8.5.2. Instance Methods
properties: 8.5.1. Instance Properties
instructions, processing: 25. W3C DOM Reference
integer literals: 3.1.1. Integer Literals
Integer type (Java), in JavaScript: 22.5. LiveConnect Data Conversion
in array indexes: 3.6. Arrays
9.1.2. Reading and Writing Array Elements
bitwise operators, requiring as operands: 5.8. Bitwise Operators
converting to strings: 3.1.4. Working with Numbers
JavaScript and: 22.1. Scripting Java Applets
parsing, string to number conversion: 11.1.4. Converting Strings to Numbers
interacting windows: 13.11.3. JavaScript in Interacting Windows
interacting with users: 1.6.4. Interact with the User
interfaces, DOM: 17.1.2. Nodes
17.1.3. The DOM HTML API
event: 19.2.5. Event Modules and Event Types
Event: 19.2.5. Event Modules and Event Types Event
MouseEvent: 19.2.5. Event Modules and Event Types MouseEvent
MutationEvent: 19.2.5. Event Modules and Event Types MutationEvent
UIEvent: 19.2.5. Event Modules and Event Types UIEvent
language-independent: 17.1.6. Language-Independent DOM Interfaces
NodeList: 17.2.3. Modifying a Document
Range: 17.5.2. The DOM Range API
internalSubset property: 25. W3C DOM Reference
Internet Explorer: 0. Preface
case sensitivity: 2.2. Case Sensitivity
client-side JavaScript features for browser versions: 1.3. Client-Side JavaScript
Document object properties: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference
elementFromPoint( ) method (Document): 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference
embedded data, displaying with ActiveX controls: 14.10. Embedded Data
event model: 19. Events and Event Handling
19.3. The Internet Explorer Event Model
dragging document elements (example): 19.3.5. Example: Dragging with the IE Event Model
event bubbling: 19.3.3. Event Bubbling in IE
Event object: 19.3.1. The IE Event Object
registering event handlers: 19.3.4. IE Event-Handler Registration
Event object properties: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference
image properties: 14.6.4. Other Image Properties
Java objects, treating as ActiveX controls: 22. Using Java with JavaScript
Java, support of: 14.9. Applets
JScript interpreter, use of: 1.4. JavaScript in Other Contexts
JSObject class definition, finding: Compiling applets that use the JSObject class
navigate( ) method (Window): 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference
Navigator object, support of: 13.6. The Navigator Object
nonstandard JavaScript in: 12.2.5. JavaScript in Nonstandard Contexts
scrollLeft and scrollTop properties (document.body): MouseEvent
security zones: 21.4. Security Zones and Signed Scripts
VBScript embedded in: 1.3. Client-Side JavaScript
Version 5
currentStyle property: 18.5.2. Computed Styles
DOM standard, conformance to: DOM conformance in Internet Explorer
proprietary API for traversing style sheets: 18.5.5. Traversing Style Sheets
Window object properties: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference
interpreters, JavaScript
ECMA-262 standard-compliant versions: 0. Preface
embedded in web browsers: 1.3. Client-Side JavaScript
in web servers: 1.4. JavaScript in Other Contexts
intervals: 13.4. Timeouts and Intervals
clearing: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference
setting: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference
inverse cosine: 23. Core JavaScript Reference
invoking functions: 3. Data Types and Values
3.4. Functions
7.1. Defining and Invoking Functions
( ) (parentheses), use of: 3.5. Objects
Array( ) constructor: 9.1.1. Creating Arrays
call( ) and apply() methods: 7.5.4. The apply( ) and call( ) Methods
with event handlers: 12.3.3. Event Handlers
event handler: 19.2.2. Event Handler Registration
order of: 19.2.2. Event Handler Registration
JavaScript, from Java: 22.7. Java-to-JavaScript Data Conversion
as object methods: 23. Core JavaScript Reference
scheduling or canceling after set delay: 13.1. Window Overview
invoking methods: 8.3. Methods
isFinite( ) function: 3.1.5. Special Numeric Values
23. Core JavaScript Reference
isNaN( ) function: 3.1.5. Special Numeric Values
5.4.1. Equality (==) and Identity (===)
23. Core JavaScript Reference
ISO Latin-1 character encoding: 2.1. Character Set
isPrototypeOf( ) method: 8.7.7. The isPrototypeOf( ) Method
23. Core JavaScript Reference
23. Core JavaScript Reference
isSupported( ) method: 25. W3C DOM Reference
item( ) method
CSSRuleList object: 25. W3C DOM Reference
CSSStyleDeclaration object: 25. W3C DOM Reference
CSSValueList: 25. W3C DOM Reference
HTMLCollection object: 25. W3C DOM Reference
MediaList object: 25. W3C DOM Reference
NamedNodeMap object: 25. W3C DOM Reference
NodeList object: 25. W3C DOM Reference
StyleSheetList object: 25. W3C DOM Reference
iterations: 6.6. while
iterators (NodeIterator): 25. W3C DOM Reference

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