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& (ampersand)
& (logical AND) operator: 8.16.3. Discussion
argument separator for URLs: 8.9.3. Discussion
before function name, returning values by reference: 6.7.2. Solution
before function parameter names, passing parameters by reference: 6.4.2. Solution
converting to HTML entity: 8.9.3. Discussion
9.9.3. Discussion
11.10.2. Solution
placeholder in database queries: 10.8.3. Discussion
< > (angle brackets)
>& (redirection) operator: 18.24.3. Discussion
< and >, converting to HTML entities: 8.9.3. Discussion
9.9.3. Discussion
11.10.2. Solution
<? and ?>, PHP start and end tags: 18.14.3. Discussion
programming conventions in this book: 0.4.1. Programming Conventions
<<< in heredocs: 1.1. Introduction
1.8.3. Discussion
* (asterisk)
regular expression metacharacter: 13.1. Introduction
SQL and shell globbing wildcard: 10.10.3. Discussion
@ (at sign) in PHPDoc commands: 21.9.2. Solution
double-quoted string escape sequence: 1.1. Introduction
escaping for SQL: 10.1. Introduction
escaping regular expression pattern delimiters: 13.2.3. Discussion
escaping SQL and shell globbing wildcards: 10.10.3. Discussion
pathname separator on Windows: 18.1. Introduction
19.5.3. Discussion
{ } (braces)
array elements, resolving ambiguity about: 5.5.3. Discussion
dereferencing objects: 12.5.3. Discussion
in double-quoted strings: 1.1. Introduction
empty set: 4.25.3. Discussion
expressions between, evaluation in PHP: 5.5.3. Discussion
in variable interpolation: 17.4.3. Discussion
[ ] (brackets)
character classes in regular expressions: 13.1. Introduction
in double-quoted strings: 1.1. Introduction
variables, treating as arrays: 9.11.2. Solution
` (backtick) operator: 18.23.2. Solution
using with ls (Unix) or dir (Windows): 19.9.3. Discussion
^ (caret)
beginning of line anchor for patterns: 13.1. Introduction
inverting character class: 13.1. Introduction
:: (colon) operator, accessing class methods or member variables: 7.1. Introduction
, (comma)
array elements, separating: 4.10.1. Problem
data separated by, parsing: 1.10.1. Problem
$ (dollar sign)
$_ in superglobal array names: 9.1. Introduction
in double-quoted strings: 1.1. Introduction
end of line anchor for patterns: 13.1. Introduction
. (dot)
. (current directory) and .. (parent directory): 19.8.3. Discussion
in HTML field name, converting to PHP variable: 9.10.1. Problem
recreating full filename from parts: 19.5.3. Discussion
regular expression metacharacter: 13.1. Introduction
string concatenation operator: 1.8.2. Solution
= (equal sign)
= (assignment) operator, == vs.: 5.2.1. Problem
== (equality) operator: 4.12.3. Discussion
=== (identity) operator: 5.2.3. Discussion
=& (assignment) operator: 6.7.2. Solution
7.6.2. Solution
=> operator
instructing arrays to use different index: 4.2.2. Solution
specifying key/value pairs for arrays: 4.1. Introduction
| for alternation in pattern matching: 13.1. Introduction
-> operator, accessing methods or member variables: 7.1. Introduction
#! (hash-bang) syntax, PHP scripts beginning with: 20.1. Introduction
~ (logical NOT): 8.16.3. Discussion
!== (nonidentity) operator: 4.13.3. Discussion
19.8.3. Discussion
( ) (parentheses)
embedding comments in email addresses: 13.6.3. Discussion
grouping characters and capturing in patterns: 13.1. Introduction
% (percent sign)
SQL wildcard character: 10.10.3. Discussion
strftime( ), formatting characters preceded by: 3.5.3. Discussion
+ (plus sign)
+ operator, merging arrays: 4.8.3. Discussion
regular expression metacharacter: 13.1. Introduction
? (question mark)
?: (ternary) operator: 5.3.2. Solution
after quantifiers, for nongreedy matching: 13.5.2. Solution
placeholder in database queries: 10.8.3. Discussion
regular expression metacharacter: 13.1. Introduction
" (quotes, double)
converting to HTML entities: 8.9.3. Discussion
9.9.3. Discussion
11.10.2. Solution
in double-quoted strings: 1.1. Introduction
escaping for SQL: 10.1. Introduction
escaping in queried data: 10.10.2. Solution
in strings: 1.1. Introduction
variable interpolation in a double-quoted string: 17.4.3. Discussion
' (quotes, single)
escaping for SQL: 10.1. Introduction
in command-line arguments: 18.21.3. Discussion
in function return values: 6.10.3. Discussion
marking strings in queried data: 10.10.2. Solution
in strings: 1.1. Introduction
; (semicolon)
argument separator for URLs: 8.9.3. Discussion
end of statement character: 1.1. Introduction
/ (slash)
/** and */ in PHPDoc comments: 21.9.3. Discussion
pathname separator on Unix: 18.1. Introduction
19.5.3. Discussion
recreating full filename from parts: 19.5.3. Discussion
regular expression pattern delimiters: 13.1. Introduction
13.2.3. Discussion
_ (underscore)
_( ) alias for gettext( ): 16.11.3. Discussion
_ _FILE_ _ and _ _LINE_ _ constants: 8.18.3. Discussion
replacing . (dot) in variable names: 9.10.2. Solution
SQL wildcard character: 10.10.3. Discussion


0 (zero)
as empty variable: 5.1. Introduction
numbers beginning with: 3.10.3. Discussion
return values from functions: 6.10.3. Discussion
in string escape sequences: 1.1. Introduction

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