Index: F - e-Reading Library
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Index: F
- <fieldset> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions
- <Files> directive (Apache): 18. Apache Configuration
- <FilesMatch> directive (Apache): 18. Apache Configuration
- <font> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions
- <form> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions
- 6.1. The <form> Tag
- <frame> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions
- 4. Frames
- 4.3. The <frame> Tag
- <frameset> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions
- 4. Frames
- 4.1. Frame Layout
- face attribute
- <basefont> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions
- <font> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions
- family, font: 9. Cascading Style Sheets
- fancy directory indexing: 19.7. mod_autoindex
- turning off to improve performance: 20.4.8. FancyIndexing Off
- FancyIndexing directive (Apache): 19.7. mod_autoindex
- file compression as performance consideration: 20.3.3. Compressing Files
- file-selection form fields: 6.2.2. File-Selection Fields
- FileETag directive (Apache): 18. Apache Configuration
- filefield( ) ( 14. The Module
- filename( ) (Perl): 15.8. The Perl API
- fileno( ) (Perl): 15.8. The Perl API
- files
- descriptive phrase for: 19.7. mod_autoindex
- including as part of web application: 16.2.1. Including Files
- :first-letter style pseudo-class: Style pseudo-classes
- :first-line style pseudo-class: Style pseudo-classes
- flashing text: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions
- flastmod directive (SSI): 13.2. Basic SSI Directives
- float property (CSS): 9. Cascading Style Sheets
- floating frame: 4.5. Frame Border Attributes
- floating point number datatypes, PHP: 16.5.2. Floating Point Numbers
- focus( )
- Input object: 11.4.1. Alphabetical Listing of JavaScript APIs
- Select object: 11.4.1. Alphabetical Listing of JavaScript APIs
- Textarea object: 11.4.1. Alphabetical Listing of JavaScript APIs
- Window object: 11.4.1. Alphabetical Listing of JavaScript APIs
- FollowSymLinks option: 20.4.7. Set FollowSymLinks
- font-family property (CSS): 9. Cascading Style Sheets
- font property (CSS): 9. Cascading Style Sheets
- font-size property (CSS): 9. Cascading Style Sheets
- font-style property (CSS): 9. Cascading Style Sheets
- font-variant property (CSS): 9. Cascading Style Sheets
- font-weight property (CSS): 9. Cascading Style Sheets
- footers, table: 5.6.1. Table Section Tags
- for attribute, <label>: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions
- for loop, PHP: 16.8.5. for
- for statement (JavaScript): Alphabetical statement reference
- Forbidden (403) HTTP error: 17.2.4. Client Request Incomplete
- ForceType directive (Apache): 18. Apache Configuration
- 19.24. mod_mime
- foreach loop, PHP: 16.8.6. foreach
- for/in statement (JavaScript): Alphabetical statement reference
- :form method group ( module): 14.2. Importing Method Groups
- Form object (JavaScript): 11.4.1. Alphabetical Listing of JavaScript APIs
- forms, HTML: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions
- 6. Forms
- elements of: 6.2. The <input> Tag
- encoding URLs for: 12.2. URL Encoding
- example of: 6.5. An Example Form
- push buttons in: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions
- transferring data (CGI): 12.1.1. Transferring the Form Data
- validating: Form validation
- forward( ) (History object): 11.4.1. Alphabetical Listing of JavaScript APIs
- frame attribute, <table>: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions
- frameborder attribute
- <frame> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions
- 4.5. Frame Border Attributes
- <frameset> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions
- <iframe> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions
- frames, HTML: 4. Frames
- layout: 4.1. Frame Layout
- multiple: Multiple windows and frames
- nested framesets: 4.2. Nested Framesets
- frames property (Window object): Multiple windows and frames
- framesets: 4. Frames
- nested: 4.2. Nested Framesets
- framespacing attribute, <frameset>: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions
- 4.5. Frame Border Attributes
- fromCharCode( ) (String object): 11.4.1. Alphabetical Listing of JavaScript APIs
- fsize directive (SSI): 13.2. Basic SSI Directives
- full-path authentication, reconfiguring: 20.4.1. AllowOverride
- function-local symbol table, PHP: 16.4. Variables
- Function object (JavaScript): 11.4.1. Alphabetical Listing of JavaScript APIs
- function statement (JavaScript): Alphabetical statement reference
- functions, PHP: 16.9. Functions
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