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Index: P

page format (see A4-sized pages)
9.3.7. PDF Files
panels (tutorial pages): 9.1. About the Toot-O-Matic
generating: 9.5.5. Generating the Individual Panels
global: 4.4.3. Global Parameters
passing to template: 4.4. Parameters
single quotes and: 4.4.1. Defining a Parameter in a Template
parent axis: Axis roll call
<path> element (SVG): Example: A library of trigonometric functions
PDF files
converting "Hello World" document into: 2.5.2. The Hello World PDF File
page formats and: 9.1. About the Toot-O-Matic
9.3.7. PDF Files
generating: 9.5.6. Generating the PDF Files
icons displaying: 9.3.1. Menu Panel
period (.) indicating self axis: Axis roll call
pie charts
generating: Example: A library of trigonometric functions
legends for: Example: A library of trigonometric functions
polymorphism: 4.3. Invoking Templates by Name
portability, extension functions and: Solution #4: Use an extension function
position( ) function: C. XSLT and XPath Function Reference
postal addresses
grouping: 6.2.1. Our First Attempt
sorting: 6.1.1. Our First Example
6.1.3. Another Example
preceding axis: Axis roll call
preceding-sibling axis: Axis roll call
predicates: 3.2.7. Predicates
prefix attribute: Example: Writing extensions in other languages
Previous link: Example: Generating multiple output files
procedural design: Procedural design
processing-instruction( ) node test: Selecting comments, processing instructions, and namespace nodes
B.2. XPath Node Tests
processing instruction nodes (XPath): 3.1.6. Processing Instruction Nodes
B.1.6. Processing-Instruction Nodes
processing instructions
?> closing: 3.1.6. Processing Instruction Nodes
selecting: Selecting comments, processing instructions, and namespace nodes
processors (see XSLT processors)
programming languages, functional: 1.1. The Design of XSLT
purchase orders
displaying total for: Using format-number( ) to control output
illustrating document( ) function: 7. Combining XML Documents

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