Index: M - e-Reading Library
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Index: M
- managing bandwidth: 8.2.2. Managing Bandwidth
- 8.5. Bandwidth Management
- streaming audio example: 8.5.1. Streaming Multimedia
- web browser example: 8.5.2. Web Browsing
- MarshalException: D.1. The java.rmi Package
- marshaling data: 3.2.2. Remote Method Calls
- MD5 message digest format: The Provider API
- Mediator interface (example): 9.3.1. Building the Infrastructure with Message Passing
- MediatorMessage class (example): 9.3.1. Building the Infrastructure with Message Passing
- mediators: 9.3. A Basic Collaborative Infrastructure
- 9.3.1. Building the Infrastructure with Message Passing
- Message class (example): 6.5.4. An Adaptable Message Handler
- message handlers: 6.3. Message Processing
- adaptable: 6.5.4. An Adaptable Message Handler
- asynchronous vs. synchronous: 6.3.1. Asychronous vs. Synchronous Message Handling
- example processor: 6.3.2. A Basic Message Processor
- for heterogeneous argument lists: 6.4.1. Heterogeneous Argument Lists
- message-passing systems
- advantages to: 6.2. Why Do We Need Messages?
- chess-playing agents example: 6.4. Fixed Protocols
- collaborative: 9.3.1. Building the Infrastructure with Message Passing
- databases and remote data: Message passing with the data server
- Java events with: 6.6. Message Passing with Java Events
- remote objects for: 6.7. Using Remote Objects
- MessageCollaborator interface (example): 9.3.1. Building the Infrastructure with Message Passing
- 9.3.1. Building the Infrastructure with Message Passing
- as applet: A.1. Whiteboard Applet
- MessageHandler class (example): 6.5.4. An Adaptable Message Handler
- collaboration by using: 9.3.1. Building the Infrastructure with Message Passing
- MessageMediator class (example): 9.3.1. Building the Infrastructure with Message Passing
- as applet: A.1. Whiteboard Applet
- messages
- adaptable message types: 6.5.3. Adaptable Message Types
- adaptable protocols for: 6.5. Adaptable Protocols
- definition of: 6.1. Messages Defined
- fixed protocols for: 6.4. Fixed Protocols
- heterogeneous argument lists: 6.4.1. Heterogeneous Argument Lists
- identifiers for: 6.1. Messages Defined
- objects as arguments: 6.4.2. Objects as Message Arguments
- rationale for: 6.2. Why Do We Need Messages?
- variable arguments: 6.5.1. Variable Number of Arguments
- methods
- Method class: 3.2.2. Remote Method Calls
- public key: 5.4.2. Public Key Methods
- remote invocation of: 3.2.2. Remote Method Calls
- synchronized: 4.3.1. Synchronizing Threads
- monitoring bandwidth: 8.2.1. Monitoring Bandwidth
- raw data throughput: 8.4.1. Raw Data Monitoring
- real data throughput: 8.4.2. Real Data Monitoring
- monitoring sytem performance: 4.4.3. Improving Efficiency with Thread Priorities
- mouse events
- browser example and: 8.5.2. Web Browsing
- whiteboard example and: 10.2. A Shared Whiteboard
- mouseDragged( ): 8.5.2. Web Browsing
- moveAccepted( ): 6.4. Fixed Protocols
- MoveMessage class (example): 6.4. Fixed Protocols
- 6.4.1. Heterogeneous Argument Lists
- adaptable version of: 6.5.4. An Adaptable Message Handler
- with object arguments: 6.4.2. Objects as Message Arguments
- MsgWhiteboardUser class (example): A.1. Whiteboard Applet
- multi-database applications: 7.3. Multi-Database Applications
- multi-way agent authentication: One-, two-, and many-way cryptography
- multicast sockets: 2.1.3. Multicast Sockets
- multicasting: 2.1.3. Multicast Sockets
- MulticastSocket class: 2.1.3. Multicast Sockets
- multimedia, streaming (example): 8.5.1. Streaming Multimedia
- multithreading (see threads)
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