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Index: R

r command 2.4.4. Installing Modules with the CPAN Module
Perl debugger: 6.2. Debugger Commands
R command (Perl debugger): 6.2. Debugger Commands
-R file test operator: 4.5.8. File Test Operators
-r option
dprofpp: 6.5. The Perl Profiler
form geometry manager: 21.2.4. The form Geometry Manager
perlbug: 6.6. The perlbug Program
r (carriage return) sequence: 4.6.3. Escaped Sequences
radiobutton( ) (Menubutton): 21.14.2. Menubutton Methods
Radiobutton widget (Perl/Tk): 21.6. The Radiobutton Widget
radio_group( ) ( 10.7. Reference
raise( ) (Canvas): 21.12.3. Canvas Methods
rand( ): 5. Function Reference
range (..) operator: Range operator
range (...) operator: Range operator
raw_cookie( ) ( 10.7. Reference
RC_ mnemonics (HTTP::Status): 20.3.4. HTTP::Status
RCPT command (SMTP): 16.1.2. The SMTP Protocol and the SMTP Session
re module: 8.178. re
read( ): 5. Function Reference
DirHandle module: 8.59. DirHandle
Read( ) (Win32::EventLog): 22.4. Win32::Eventlog
readable( ) (SOAP::Lite): 14.2.1. SOAP::Lite Methods
ReadAttr( ) (Win32::Console): 22.2. Win32::Console
read_buffer( ) (HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn): HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn methods
ReadChar( ) (Win32::Console): 22.2. Win32::Console
readdir( ): 5. Function Reference
ReadEntireFile( ) (Win32::Internet): 22.7.1. General Internet Methods
reader( ) (Net::NNTP): 17.2.2. Net::NNTP Reference
ReadFile( ) (Win32::Internet): 22.7.1. General Internet Methods
reading email messages
Mail::Audit: 16.2.9. Mail Filtering with Mail::Audit
Mail::RBL: 16.2.8. Checking Blacklisted Hosts with Mail::RBL
reading news articles: 17.1. The NNTP Protocol
readline( ): 5. Function Reference
ReadLine option (PERLDB_OPTS): 6.4. Customizing the Debugger
readlink( ): 5. Function Reference
readme command ( 2.4.4. Installing Modules with the CPAN Module
ReadParse( ) ( 10.7. Reference
readpipe( ): 5. Function Reference
ReadRect( ) (Win32::Console): 22.2. Win32::Console
Read( ) (Win32::Pipe): 22.13.1. Win32::Pipe Methods
$REAL_GROUP_ID ($( ) variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables
$REAL_USER_ID ($<) variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables
reason( ) (HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn): HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn methods
recipient( ) (Net::SMTP): Net::SMTP methods
recompile command ( 2.4.4. Installing Modules with the CPAN Module
records, functions for: 5.1. Perl Functions by Category
recv( ): 5. Function Reference
Socket module: 15.1. Built-in Socket Functions
redirect( ) ( 10.7. Reference
redo( ): 5. Function Reference
redo command: Loop control
ref( ): 4.8.2. Dereferencing
5. Function Reference
references: 4.8.1. Creating References
passing to subroutines: 4.7.3. Passing References
referer( ) ( 10.7. Reference
refile( ) (Mail::Folder): 16.2.3. Handle Folders with Mail::Folder
-regex option (perlcc): 3.4. The Perl Compiler
Registry access and management: 22.15. Win32::Registry
regular expressions: 4.6. Regular Expressions
anchors: 4.6.5. Anchors
character classes: 4.6.4. Character Classes
escaped sequences: 4.6.3. Escaped Sequences
extended, syntax for: 4.6.8. Extended Regular Expressions
functions for: 5.1. Perl Functions by Category
metacharacters: 4.6.2. Regular Expression Syntax
pattern match variables: 4.6.7. Pattern Match Variables
pattern matching operators: 4.5.7. Pattern Match Operators
4.6.1. Pattern-Matching Operators
quantifiers: 4.6.6. Quantifiers
special (predefined) variables: 4.4.5. Regular Expression Special Variables
rel( ) (URI::URL): 20.5.3. URI::URL
relational operators: Relational operators
release( )
Win32::Mutex module: 22.9. Win32::Mutex
Win32::Semaphore module: 22.16. Win32::Semaphore
-relheight, -relwidth options (place geometry manager): 21.2.3. The place Geometry Manager
-relief option (widgets): 21.3. Common Widget Configuration Options
reload command ( 2.4.4. Installing Modules with the CPAN Module
-relx, -rely options (place geometry manager): 21.2.3. The place Geometry Manager
remote_host( ) ( 10.7. Reference
remote_user( ) ( 10.7. Reference
remove_header( ) (HTTP::Headers): 20.3.3. HTTP::Headers
remove_sig( ) (Mail::Internet): 16.2.5. Mail::Internet Reference
rename( ): 5. Function Reference
Net::FTP module: 18.2. Net::FTP
Rename( ) (Win32::Internet): 22.7.2. FTP Functions
-repeatdelay option
Scale widget: 21.13. The Scale Widget
Scrollbar widget: 21.9. The Scrollbar Widget
-repeatinterval option
Scale widget: 21.13. The Scale Widget
Scrollbar widget: 21.9. The Scrollbar Widget
reply( ) (Mail::Internet): 16.2.5. Mail::Internet Reference
Report( ) (Win32::EventLog): 22.4. Win32::Eventlog
reporting bugs in Perl: 6.6. The perlbug Program
request( ) (LWP::UserAgent): 20.2.3. LWP::UserAgent
Request( ) (Win32::Internet): 22.7.3. HTTP Functions
request_method( ) ( 10.7. Reference
requests, HTTP
HTTP::Request module: 20.1. LWP Overview
20.3.1. HTTP::Request
UserAgent object for: 20.1. LWP Overview
20.2. The LWP Modules
20.2.3. LWP::UserAgent
require( ): 5. Function Reference
require directives: 7.2. Modules
reset( ): 5. Function Reference module: 10.7. Reference
Data::Dumper: 8.50. Data::Dumper
Digest modules: 8.57. Digest
Digest::MD5 module: 8.58. Digest::MD5
Net::POP3 module: 16.1.3. Retrieving Email with Net::POP3
Net::SMTP module: Net::SMTP methods
Win32::ChangeNotify module: 22.3. Win32::ChangeNotify
resizable( ) (Frame widget): 21.18.1. Toplevel Methods
-resolution option (Scale): 21.13. The Scale Widget
Resolve( ) (Win32::Shortcut): 22.18. Win32::Shortcut
resources for further reading: 1.4. Perl Resources
resources, managing shared: 22.11. Win32::NetResource
responses, HTTP: 20.3.2. HTTP::Response
Resume( ) (Win32::Process): 22.14.1. Win32::Process Methods
ResumeService( ) (Win32::Service): 22.17. Win32::Service
retr( ) (Net::FTP): 18.2. Net::FTP
retrieving email messages: 16.1.3. Retrieving Email with Net::POP3
return( ): 5. Function Reference
return statement: 4.7.2. Passing Arguments
return_clause function (ExtUtils::Constant module): 8.69. ExtUtils::Constant
Reuse option (IO::Socket::INET): 15.2.4. IO::Socket::INET Reference
reverse( ): 5. Function Reference
revert( ) (HTTP::Cookies): 20.3.6. HTTP::Cookies
rewind( ) (DirHandle module): 8.59. DirHandle
rewinddir( ): 5. Function Reference
RFC 1617, LDAP data storage: 19.1. How Data Is Stored in LDAP
-right option, form geometry manager: 21.2.4. The form Geometry Manager
-rightspring option, form geometry manager: 21.2.4. The form Geometry Manager
rindex( ): 5. Function Reference
rmdir( ): 5. Function Reference
Net::FTP module: 18.2. Net::FTP
Rmdir( ) (Win32::Internet): 22.7.2. FTP Functions
Robot User Agent: 20.2.1. LWP::RobotUA Sections
rollback( ) (DBI): 12.3. DBI Methods
-row option (grid manager): 21.2.2. The grid Geometry Manager
rows( ) (DBI): 12.3. DBI Methods
-rowspan option (grid manager): 21.2.2. The grid Geometry Manager
-rp option, form geometry manager: 21.2.4. The form Geometry Manager
RPCs (remote procedure calls): 14.1. What Is SOAP?
-rs option, form geometry manager: 21.2.4. The form Geometry Manager
rules( ) (LWP::RobotUA): 20.2.1. LWP::RobotUA Sections
-run option (perlcc): 3.4. The Perl Compiler
RunSQL( ) (Win32::ODBC): 24.1. ODBC Methods and Properties

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