Index: S - e-Reading Library
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Index: S
- s (whitespace) character class: 4.6.4. Character Classes
- s command (Perl debugger): 6.2. Debugger Commands
- -S file test operator: 4.5.8. File Test Operators
- -s option (dprofpp): 6.5. The Perl Profiler
- -S option (perlbug): 6.6. The perlbug Program
- s pattern match modifier: 4.6.1. Pattern-Matching Operators
- 4.6.8. Extended Regular Expressions
- s/// (substitution) operator: 4.6. Regular Expressions
- 4.6.1. Pattern-Matching Operators
- Safe module: 8.179. Safe
- -sav option (perlcc): 3.4. The Perl Compiler
- Save( )
- Win32::Registry module: 22.15.1. Win32::Registry Methods
- Win32::Shortcut module: 22.18. Win32::Shortcut
- save_as( ) (News::Newsrc): 17.3.1. News::Newsrc Reference
- scalar( ): 4.2.6. Scalar and List Contexts
- 5. Function Reference
- scalar context: 4.2.6. Scalar and List Contexts
- scalar prototype symbol ($): 4.7.5. Prototypes
- scalars
- arrays of: Arrays
- functions for manipulating: 5.1. Perl Functions by Category
- lists of: 4.2.3. Here Documents
- 4.2.4. Lists
- references: 4.8.1. Creating References
- Scalar::Util module: 8.180. Scalar::Util
- scale( ) (Canvas): 21.12.3. Canvas Methods
- Scale widget (Perl/Tk): 21.13. The Scale Widget
- scan( )
- HTTP::Cookies module: 20.3.6. HTTP::Cookies
- HTTP::Headers module: 20.3.3. HTTP::Headers
- scheme( ) (URI::URL): 20.5.3. URI::URL
- scope, variable: 4.2.7. Declarations and Scope
- 4.7.4. Private and Local Variables
- functions for: 5.1. Perl Functions by Category
- -screen option (toplevel): 21.18. The Toplevel Widget
- script_name( ) ( 10.7. Reference
- scripts, Perl examples, obtaining: Perl examples
- Scroll( ) (Win32::Console): 22.2. Win32::Console
- Scrollbar widget (Perl/Tk): The Scrollbar widget
- 21.9. The Scrollbar Widget
- scrollbars, widget (Perl/Tk): 21.1.2. Scrollbars
- Scrolled( ) (Perl/Tk): Using the Scrolled method
- scrolling_list( ) ( 10.7. Reference
- -scrollregion option (Canvas): 21.12. The Canvas Widget
- SDBM_File module: 8.181. SDBM_File
- Search::Dict module: 8.182. Search::Dict
- search( ) (Net::LDAP): 19.4. Net::LDAP Methods
- search( ) (Text widget): 21.11.2. Text Methods
- searching against LDAP: 19.2. Searching an LDAP Directory with Net::LDAP
- see( )
- Listbox widget: 21.10.2. Listbox Methods
- Text widget: 21.11.2. Text Methods
- seek( ): 5. Function Reference
- seekdir( ): 5. Function Reference
- Seen( ) (Data::Dumper)): 8.50. Data::Dumper
- select( ): 5. Function Reference
- Checkbutton widget: 21.5.1. Checkbutton Methods
- Mail::Folder module: 16.2.3. Handle Folders with Mail::Folder
- Radiobutton widget: 21.6.1. Radiobutton Methods
- Select( ) (Win32::Console): 22.2. Win32::Console
- -selectbackground option (widgets): 21.3. Common Widget Configuration Options
- -selectborderwidth option (widgets): 21.3. Common Widget Configuration Options
- -selectcolor option
- Checkbutton widget: 21.5. The Checkbutton Widget
- Menu widget: 21.15. The Menu Widget
- Menubutton widget: 21.14.1. Menu Item Options
- Radiobutton widget: 21.6. The Radiobutton Widget
- -selectforeground option (widgets): 21.3. Common Widget Configuration Options
- -selectimage option
- Checkbutton widget: 21.5. The Checkbutton Widget
- Menubutton widget: 21.14.1. Menu Item Options
- Radiobutton widget: 21.6. The Radiobutton Widget
- selection( )
- Entry widget: 21.8.2. Entry Methods
- Listbox widget: 21.10.2. Listbox Methods
- select_label( ) (Mail::Folder): 16.2.3. Handle Folders with Mail::Folder
- -selectmode option (Listbox): 21.10. The Listbox Widget
- SelectSaver module: 8.183. SelectSaver
- self( ) (SOAP::Lite): 14.2.1. SOAP::Lite Methods
- self_and_super_path( ) (Class::ISA module): 8.42. Class::ISA
- self_and_super_versions( ) (Class::ISA module): 8.42. Class::ISA
- sel.first, sel.last indexes
- Entry widget: 21.8.1. Text Indexes
- Text widget: 21.11.1. Text Indexes and Modifiers
- SelfLoader module: 8.184. SelfLoader
- self_url( ) ( 10.7. Reference
- semaphores, implementing: 22.16. Win32::Semaphore
- semctl( ): 5. Function Reference
- semget( ): 5. Function Reference
- semicolon (;)
- ending Perl statements: 4.1. Program Structure
- in prototype declarations: 4.7.5. Prototypes
- semop( ): 5. Function Reference
- send( ): 5. Function Reference
- Socket: 15.1. Built-in Socket Functions
- send_basic_header( ) (HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn): HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn methods
- send_crlf( ) (HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn): HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn methods
- send_error( ) (HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn): HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn methods
- send_file( ) (HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn): HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn methods
- sending email messages: 16.1.1. Send Email with Net::SMTP
- send_redirect( ) (HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn): HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn methods
- SendRequest( ) (Win32::Internet): 22.7.3. HTTP Functions
- send_response( ) (HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn): HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn methods
- send_status_line( ) (HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn): HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn methods
- separator( ) (Menubutton): 21.14.2. Menubutton Methods
- seq( ) (DB_File module): 8.52. DB_File
- serializer( ) (SOAP::Lite): 14.2.1. SOAP::Lite Methods
- server-side includes (SSI), mod_perl with: 11.5. Server-Side Includes with mod_perl
- server-side socket connections: 15.1.3. Server Connections
- 15.2.2. Server-Side Sockets
- service control interface: 22.17. Win32::Service
- set( )
- Mail::Send module: 16.2.2. Better Header Control with Mail::Send
- 16.2.2. Better Header Control with Mail::Send
- Scale widget: 21.13.1. Scale Methods
- Scrollbar widget: 21.9.1. Scrollbar Methods
- Set-Cookie2 header: 20.3.6. HTTP::Cookies
- SetAttributes( ) (Win32::File): 22.5. Win32::File
- SetConnectOption( ) (Win32::ODBC): 24.1. ODBC Methods and Properties
- set_cookie( ) (HTTP::Cookies): 20.3.6. HTTP::Cookies
- SetCursorName( ) (Win32::ODBC): 24.1. ODBC Methods and Properties
- setgrent( ): 5. Function Reference
- -setgrid option
- Listbox widget: 21.10. The Listbox Widget
- Text widget: 21.11. The Text Widget
- SetHandler directive (mod_perl): 11.3. mod_perl Handlers
- setHandlers( )
- XML::Parser module: 13.2. XML::Parser Methods
- sethostent( ): 5. Function Reference
- SetMaxBufSize( ) (Win32::ODBC): 24.1. ODBC Methods and Properties
- setnetent( ): 5. Function Reference
- set_option( ) (Mail::Folder): 16.2.3. Handle Folders with Mail::Folder
- SetOption( ) (Win32::Internet): 22.7.1. General Internet Methods
- setpgrp( ): 5. Function Reference
- SetPos( ) (Win32::ODBC): 24.1. ODBC Methods and Properties
- setpriority( ): 5. Function Reference
- SetPriorityClass( ) (Win32::Process): 22.14.1. Win32::Process Methods
- setprotoent( ): 5. Function Reference
- setpwent( ): 5. Function Reference
- set_readonly( ) (Mail::Folder): 16.2.3. Handle Folders with Mail::Folder
- ResizeBuffer(SIZE) (Win32::Pipe): 22.13.1. Win32::Pipe Methods
- setservent( ): 5. Function Reference
- setsockopt( ): 5. Function Reference
- SetStatusCallback( ) (Win32::Internet): 22.7.1. General Internet Methods
- SetStmtCloseType( ) (Win32::ODBC): 24.1. ODBC Methods and Properties
- SetStmtOption( ) (Win32::ODBC): 24.1. ODBC Methods and Properties
- SetValue( ) (Win32::Registry): 22.15.1. Win32::Registry Methods
- SetValueEx( ) (Win32::Registry): 22.15.1. Win32::Registry Methods
- shar: 2.3.1. Installing on Unix
- shared resources, managing: 22.11. Win32::NetResource
- share_info hash: 22.11. Win32::NetResource
- shebang (#!): 0.5. Acknowledgments for the Second Edition
- 3. The Perl Executable
- Shell module: 8.185. Shell
- shift( ): 5. Function Reference
- shmctl( ): 5. Function Reference
- shmget( ): 5. Function Reference
- shmread( ): 5. Function Reference
- shmwrite( ): 5. Function Reference
- shortcut files: 22.18. Win32::Shortcut
- -show option (Entry): 21.8. The Entry Widget
- Showlex backend (Perl compiler): 3.4. The Perl Compiler
- -showvalue option (Scale): 21.13. The Scale Widget
- Shutdown( ) (Win32::ODBC): 24.1. ODBC Methods and Properties
- -side option (pack geometry manager): 21.2.1. The pack Geometry Manager
- %SIG hash: 4.4.2. Global Special Arrays and Hashes
- signals, handling of: 4.10. Signals
- sigtrap module: 8.186. sigtrap
- Simple Mail Transport Protocol (SMTP): 16.1.1. Send Email with Net::SMTP
- sin( ): 5. Function Reference
- size( )
- Listbox widget: 21.10.2. Listbox Methods
- Net::FTP module: 18.2. Net::FTP
- sizefrom( ) (Frame widget): 21.18.1. Toplevel Methods
- Skip( ) (Win32::OLE::Enum): 23.3.1. Win32::OLE::Enum Methods
- slash (/)
- division operator: 4.5.3. Arithmetic Operators
- encoding in URLs: 9.2. URL Encoding
- /= (assignment) operator: 4.5.6. Assignment Operators
- /.../ pattern match operator: 4.6. Regular Expressions
- /.../ Perl debugger command: 6.2. Debugger Commands
- slave( ) (Net::NNTP): 17.2.2. Net::NNTP Reference
- sleep( ): 5. Function Reference
- slider (Scale) widget: 21.13. The Scale Widget
- -sliderlength option (Scale): 21.13. The Scale Widget
- SMTP protocol, interface to: 16.1.1. Send Email with Net::SMTP
- smtpsend( ) (Mail::Internet): 16.2.5. Mail::Internet Reference
- SOAP 1.1 specification: 14.2. SOAP::Lite
- SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol): 14.1. What Is SOAP?
- implementations: 14.2. SOAP::Lite
- SOAP::Data: 14.3. SOAP::Data
- SOAP::Fault: 14.5. SOAP::Fault
- SOAP::Lite: 14.2. SOAP::Lite
- methods: 14.2.1. SOAP::Lite Methods
- SOAP::Serializer: 14.4. SOAP::Serializer
- sockaddr( ) (IO::Socket::INET): IO::Socket::INET methods
- sockaddr_in( ) (Socket): 15.1.3. Server Connections
- 15.1.4. Socket Module Functions
- sockaddr_un( ) (Socket): 15.1.4. Socket Module Functions
- sockdomain( ) (IO::Socket): 15.2.3. IO::Socket Methods
- socket( ): 5. Function Reference
- Socket module: 15.1. Built-in Socket Functions
- Socket module: 8.187. Socket
- socket( ) (Socket): 15.1.1. Initializing a Socket
- socketpair( ): 5. Function Reference
- sockets: 15. Sockets
- built-in functions for: 15.1. Built-in Socket Functions
- client-side connections: 15.1.2. Client Connections
- 15.2.1. Client-Side Sockets
- initializing: 15.1.1. Initializing a Socket
- IO::Socket module: 15.2. The IO::Socket Module
- IO::Socket::INET subclass: 15.2.4. IO::Socket::INET Reference
- IO::Socket::UNIX subclass: 15.2.5. IO::Socket::UNIX Reference
- low-level access functions: 5.1. Perl Functions by Category
- server-side connections: 15.1.3. Server Connections
- 15.2.2. Server-Side Sockets
- Socket module functions: 15.1.4. Socket Module Functions
- sockhost( ) (IO::Socket::INET): IO::Socket::INET methods
- sockopt( ) (IO::Socket): 15.2.3. IO::Socket Methods
- sockport( ) (IO::Socket::INET): IO::Socket::INET methods
- socktype( ) (IO::Socket): 15.2.3. IO::Socket Methods
- sort( ): 5. Function Reference
- Mail::Folder module: 16.2.3. Handle Folders with Mail::Folder
- sort module: 8.188. sort
- source code for Perl, obtaining: 2. Installing Perl
- -spacing1, -spacing2, -spacing3 options (Text): 21.11. The Text Widget
- splain: 8.56. diagnostics
- splice( ): 5. Function Reference
- split( ): 5. Function Reference
- sprintf( ): 5. Function Reference
- Sql( ) (Win32::ODBC): 24.1. ODBC Methods and Properties
- SQL statement placeholders: 12.2.4. Placeholders and Statement Handles
- sqrt( ): 5. Function Reference
- srand( ): 5. Function Reference
- SSI (server-side includes), mod_perl with: 11.5. Server-Side Includes with mod_perl
- :ssl method group: 10.2. Importing Method Groups
- :standard method group: 10.2. Importing Method Groups
- standard modules, table listing: 8. Standard Modules
- Start handler (Expat): 13.3. Expat Handlers
- startform( ) ( 10.7. Reference
- start_html( ) ( 10.5. Using JavaScript Features
- 10.7. Reference
- start_multipart_form( ) ( 10.7. Reference
- StartService( ) (Win32::Service): 22.17. Win32::Service
- starttag( ) (HTML::Parser): 20.4.3. HTML::Element
- start_tls( ) (Net::LDAP): 19.4. Net::LDAP Methods
- stat( ): 5. Function Reference
- state( )
- DBI module: 12.3. DBI Methods
- Frame widget: 21.18.1. Toplevel Methods
- state, maintaining (CGI): 10.3. Maintaining State
- -state option (widgets): 21.3. Common Widget Configuration Options
- statement handles (DBI methods): 12.2.3. Database Handles and Statement Handles
- statements: 4.3. Statements
- STDERR filehandle: 4.4.3. Global Special Filehandles
- 4.9. Filehandles
- STDIN filehandle: 4.4.3. Global Special Filehandles
- 4.9. Filehandles
- STDOUT filehandle: 4.4.3. Global Special Filehandles
- 4.9. Filehandles
- -sticky option (grid manager): 21.2.2. The grid Geometry Manager
- StopService( ) (Win32::Service): 22.17. Win32::Service
- stor( ) (Net::FTP): 18.2. Net::FTP
- Storable module: 8.189. Storable
- stou( ) (Net::FTP): 18.2. Net::FTP
- Stream style (XML::Parser): 13.4. XML::Parser Styles
- strict module: 8.190. strict
- strict( ) (URI::URL): 20.5.3. URI::URL
- string literals: 4.2.2. String Interpolation
- character classes: 4.6.4. Character Classes
- comparing: Relational operators
- operators for: String operator
- string repetition (x) operator: String operator
- strings, alternate schemes for quoting: 4.2.2. String Interpolation
- str2time( ) (HTTP::Date): 20.3.5. HTTP::Date
- struct( ) (Class::Struct module): 8.43. Class::Struct
- structure of Perl programs: 4.1. Program Structure
- stub( ) (Devel::SelfStubber module): 8.55. Devel::SelfStubber
- study( ): 5. Function Reference
- sub( ): 5. Function Reference
- sub statement: 4.7. Subroutines
- sub_groups( ) (News::Newsrc): 17.3.1. News::Newsrc Reference
- subject( ) (Mail::Send): 16.2.2. Better Header Control with Mail::Send
- submit( ) ( 10.7. Reference
- subroutines: 4.7. Subroutines
- constructors: 7.3. Object-Oriented Perl
- subs module: 8.191. subs
- Subs style (XML::Parser): 13.4. XML::Parser Styles
- subscribe( ) (News::Newsrc): 17.3.1. News::Newsrc Reference
- subscribed( ) (News::Newsrc): 17.3.1. News::Newsrc Reference
- subscriptions( ) (Net::NNTP): 17.2.2. Net::NNTP Reference
- $SUBSCRIPT_SEPARATOR ($;) variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables
- $SUBSEP ($;) variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables
- substitution (s///) operator: 4.6. Regular Expressions
- 4.6.1. Pattern-Matching Operators
- substr( ): 5. Function Reference
- success code (NNTP): 17.1. The NNTP Protocol
- super_path( ) (Class::ISA module): 8.42. Class::ISA
- supported( ) (Net::FTP): 18.2. Net::FTP
- Suspend( ) (Win32::Process): 22.14.1. Win32::Process Methods
- Switch module: 8.192. Switch
- switch_clause function (ExtUtils::Constant module): 8.69. ExtUtils::Constant
- switches: 3.2. Command-Line Options
- 3.2. Command-Line Options
- sybperl package: 12.2. Design of DBI
- Symbol module: 8.193. Symbol
- symlink( ): 5. Function Reference
- sync( )
- DB_File module: 8.52. DB_File
- Mail::Folder: 16.2.3. Handle Folders with Mail::Folder
- Sys::Hostname module: 8.194. Sys::Hostname
- Sys::Syslog module: 8.195. Sys::Syslog
- syscall( ): 5. Function Reference
- sysopen( ): 5. Function Reference
- sysread( ): 5. Function Reference
- sysseek( ): 5. Function Reference
- system( ): 5. Function Reference
- System V interprocess communication functions: 5.1. Perl Functions by Category
- $SYSTEM_FD_MAX ($^F) variable: 4.4.1. Global Special Variables
- syswrite( ): 5. Function Reference
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