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Index: R

rabbit programs
11.1. Programmed Threats: Definitions
11.1.7. Bacteria and Rabbits
race conditions : 23.2. Tips on Avoiding Security-related Bugs
eavesdropping : Eavesdropping by radio and using TEMPEST
transmissions : Kinds of eavesdropping
transmitters : Electrical noise
rain : (see water)
RAM theft : 12.2.6. Preventing Theft
rand function : 23.7.1. rand ( )
random device : 23.7.4. Other random number generators
random function : 23.7.2. random ( )
random numbers : 23.6. Tips on Generating Random Numbers
raw devices : 5.6. Device Files
rc directory : C.5.1. Process #1: /etc/init
RC2, RC4, and RC5 algorithms
6.4.1. Summary of Private Key Systems
6.4.8. Proprietary Encryption Systems
RC4 and RC5 algorithms : 6.4.1. Summary of Private Key Systems
rcp command
1.4.3. Add-On Functionality Breeds Problems
7.4.5. Backups Across the Net
RCS (Revision Control System)
7.3.2. Building an Automatic Backup System
17.3. Primary UNIX Network Services
rdist program
7.4.5. Backups Across the Net rdist
rdump/rrestore program : 7.4.5. Backups Across the Net
read permission
5.1.7. File Permissions in Detail
5.4. Using Directory Permissions
read system call : 5.1.7. File Permissions in Detail
time-outs on : 23.3. Tips on Writing Network Programs
read-only exporting filesystems : Writable system files and directories
read-only filesystems : 9.1.2. Read-only Filesystems
READ= command : 15.5.2. Permissions Commands
readdir library call : 5.4. Using Directory Permissions
real UIDs/GIDs
4.3.1. Real and Effective UIDs
C.1.3.2. Process real and effective UID
realpath function : 23.2. Tips on Avoiding Security-related Bugs
Kerberos : 19.6.4. Using Kerberos
Secure RPC : Setting the window
Receive Data (RD) : 14.3. The RS-232 Serial Protocol
Redman, Brian E. : 15.2. Versions of UUCP
refer_log file : 18.4.2. Eavesdropping Through Log Files
reflectors (in Enigma system) : 6.3. The Enigma Encryption System
reformatting attack : 25.1. Destructive Attacks
relative humidity : Humidity
relative pathnames : 5.1.3. Current Directory and Paths
command execution
15.1.2. uux Command
15.4.3. L.cmds: Providing Remote Command Execution
17.3.17. rexec (TCP Port 512)
comparison copies : Remote copies
transferring files to : 15.1.1. uucp Command
file access (UUCP)
15.4.1. USERFILE: Providing Remote File Access Some bad examples
network filesystems : 5.5.5. Turning Off SUID and SGID in Mounted Filesystems
procedure calls : (see RPCs)
remote file
10.3.1. aculog File
14.5.1. Hooking Up a Modem to Your Computer
remote.unknown file : 15.5. Security in BNU UUCP
renice command System overload attacks
C.1.3.3. Process priority and niceness
replay attacks
17.3.14. Network Time Protocol (NTP) (UDP Port 123) Using the ticket granting ticket
reporting security holes : 2.5.1. Going Public
Request to Send (RTS) : 14.3. The RS-232 Serial Protocol
REQUEST= command A Sample Permissions file
15.5.2. Permissions Commands
reserved memory space : Reserved space
resolution, time : 23.8. Picking a Random Seed
resolver library (bind) : DNS under UNIX
resolving (DNS) : 17.3.6. Domain Name System (DNS) (TCP and UDP Port 53)
response teams
27.3.5. Response Personnel?
F.3. Emergency Response Organizations
F.3.4.46. Westinghouse Electric Corporation
mailing lists for : E.1.1. Response Teams and Vendors
restore : (see dump/restore program)
8.1.5. Restricted Filesystem Checking new software
FTP : Restricting FTP with the standard UNIX FTP server
logins : 8.3. Restricting Logins
shells Restricted shells under System V UNIX Potential problems with rsh
su use : 4.3.6. Restricting su
restrictmailq (sendmail) : Improving the security of Berkeley sendmail V8
retention of backups
7.1.5. How Long Should You Keep a Backup? Retention schedule
(see also networks, backing up)
return calls : 23.2. Tips on Avoiding Security-related Bugs
reverse lookup
16.3.2. Security and Nameservice
23.3. Tips on Writing Network Programs
Revision Control System (RCS)
7.3.2. Building an Automatic Backup System
17.3. Primary UNIX Network Services
revocation certificate : Creating your PGP public key
rexd service : AUTH_KERB
rexec service : 17.3.17. rexec (TCP Port 512)
RFC 1750 : 23.8. Picking a Random Seed
.rhosts file
10.4.3. Network Setup The ~/.rhosts file Searching for .rhosts files
back door in : 11.1.2. Back Doors and Trap Doors
intruder's changes to : Changes in .rhosts files
searching for : Searching for .rhosts files
Ring Indicator (RI) : 14.3. The RS-232 Serial Protocol
RIP (Routing Internet Protocol) : 17.3.19. Routing Internet Protocol (RIP routed) (UDP Port 520)
risk assessment
2.2. Risk Assessment
2.2.2. Review Your Risks
2.5.3. Final Words: Risk Management Means Common Sense
risks : (see threats)
Ritchie, Dennis : 1.3. History of UNIX
Rivest, Ronald L.
6.1.3. Modern Controversy
6.4.1. Summary of Private Key Systems
6.4.2. Summary of Public Key Systems
6.4.6. RSA and Public Key Cryptography MD2, MD4, and MD5
RJE (Remote Job Entry) : 3.2.1. The /etc/passwd File
rlogin command
1.4.3. Add-On Functionality Breeds Problems
3.5. Verifying Your New Password
16.3.2. Security and Nameservice
17.3.18. rlogin and rsh (TCP Ports 513 and 514) /etc/hosts.lpd file
versus Telnet : 17.3.18. rlogin and rsh (TCP Ports 513 and 514)
rlogind command : 17.3.18. rlogin and rsh (TCP Ports 513 and 514)
rm command
5.4. Using Directory Permissions
15.4.3. L.cmds: Providing Remote Command Execution
and deep tree structures : Tree-structure attacks
rmail program : 15.4.3. L.cmds: Providing Remote Command Execution
root account
4. Users, Groups, and the Superuser
4.1. Users and Groups
4.2.1. The Superuser The problem with the superuser
5.5.2. Problems with SUID
(see also superuser)
abilities of : 27.1.3. What the Superuser Can and Cannot Do
8.1.5. Restricted Filesystem Checking new software
immutable files and : 9.1.1. Immutable and Append-Only Files
network services with : 17.4. Security Implications of Network Services
8.5. Protecting the root Account Trusted computing base
on remote machine, fingering : How to contact the system administrator of a computer you don't know
single-command accounts and : 8.1.3. Accounts That Run a Single Command
web server as : 18.2.1. The Server's UID
root directory : 5.1.1. Directories
backups of : 7.1.3. Types of Backups
UUCP access from : Some bad examples
root option for /etc/exports : /etc/exports
ROT13 algorithm
6.4.1. Summary of Private Key Systems
6.4.3. ROT13: Great for Encoding Offensive Jokes
rotating backup media
7.1.3. Types of Backups Media rotation
routed daemon : 17.3.19. Routing Internet Protocol (RIP routed) (UDP Port 520)
routers, intelligent : 21.2.3. Setting Up the Choke
routing : 16.2.2. Routing
Routing Internet Protocol : (see RIP)
RPC table (NIS+) : 19.5.3. NIS+ Tables
rpc.rexdserver : 17.3.22. RPC rpc.rexd (TCP Port 512)
rpcbind : (see portmapper program)
RPCs (remote procedure calls)
17.3.22. RPC rpc.rexd (TCP Port 512)
19. RPC, NIS, NIS+, and Kerberos
19.7.2. SESAME
authentication of
19.2.2. RPC Authentication AUTH_KERB
portmapper program : 17.3.11. Sun RPC's portmapper (UDP and TCP Ports 111)
Secure : (see Secure RPC)
spoofing : Spoofing RPC
RS-232 serial protocol : 14.3. The RS-232 Serial Protocol
RSA algorithm
6.4.2. Summary of Public Key Systems
6.4.6. RSA and Public Key Cryptography Strength of RSA
6.5.3. Digital Signatures
rsh (restricted shell) Restricted shells under System V UNIX Potential problems with rsh
17.3.18. rlogin and rsh (TCP Ports 513 and 514) /etc/hosts.lpd file
rsh command : 16.3.2. Security and Nameservice
rshd program : 11.1.2. Back Doors and Trap Doors
RUID : (see real UIDs/GIDs)
runacct command : 10.2. The acct/pacct Process Accounting File
ruusend command : 15.4.3. L.cmds: Providing Remote Command Execution
rw option for /etc/exports : /etc/exports

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