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Index: Symbols & Numbers

& (ampersand)
&& (logical AND) operator: 7.8. Relational and Boolean Operators
in replacement text: 5.3. Substitution
5.3.1. Replacement Metacharacters
* (asterisk)
** (exponentiation) operator: 7.6. Expressions
**= (assignment) operator: 7.6. Expressions
*= (assignment) operator: 7.6. Expressions
as metacharacter: 3.1. That's an Expression
3.2.5. Repeated Occurrences of a Character
multiplication operator: 7.6. Expressions
(backslash): 7.6. Expressions
(see also escape sequences, awk)
<, > escape sequences: 3.2.11. What's the Word? Part II Extended regular expressions
`, ' escape sequences: Extended regular expressions
character classes and: 3.2.4. Character Classes
as metacharacter: 3.2. A Line-Up of Characters
3.2.1. The Ubiquitous Backslash
in replacement text: 5.3. Substitution
5.3.1. Replacement Metacharacters
{} (braces)
in awk: 2.1. Awk, by Sed and Grep, out of Ed
2.4.1. Running awk
8.1. Conditional Statements
{} metacharacters: 3.2. A Line-Up of Characters
3.2.8. A Span of Characters
grouping sed commands in: 4.2.1. Grouping Commands
5.1. About the Syntax of sed Commands
[] (brackets) metacharacters: 3.2. A Line-Up of Characters
3.2.4. Character Classes
[::] metacharacters: POSIX character class additions
[..] metacharacters: POSIX character class additions
[==] metacharacters: POSIX character class additions
^ (circumflex)
character classes and: 3.2. A Line-Up of Characters Excluding a class of characters
^= (assignment) operator: 7.6. Expressions
exponentiation operator: 7.6. Expressions
as metacharacter: 3.2. A Line-Up of Characters
3.2.7. Positional Metacharacters
in multiline pattern space: 6.1.1. Append Next Line
: (colon) for labels: 6.4. Advanced Flow Control Commands
$ (dollar sign)
as end-of-line metacharacter: 3.2. A Line-Up of Characters
3.2.7. Positional Metacharacters
for last input line: 4.2. A Global Perspective on Addressing
in multiline pattern space: 6.1.1. Append Next Line
. (dot) metacharacter: 3.1. That's an Expression
3.2.2. A Wildcard
3.2.5. Repeated Occurrences of a Character
= (equal sign)
== (equal to) operator: 7.8. Relational and Boolean Operators
for printing line numbers: 5.9. Print Line Number
! (exclamation point): 4.2. A Global Perspective on Addressing
A.2.1. Pattern Addressing
branch command versus: 6.4.1. Branching
csh and: 1.4. Four Hurdles to Mastering sed and awk
!= (not equal to) operator: 7.8. Relational and Boolean Operators
!~ (does not match) operator: 7.5.1. Referencing and Separating Fields
7.8. Relational and Boolean Operators
7.8. Relational and Boolean Operators
logical NOT operator: 7.8. Relational and Boolean Operators
> (greater than sign)
>= (greater than or equal to) operator: 7.8. Relational and Boolean Operators
for redirection: Saving output
4.3. Testing and Saving Output
10.5. Directing Output to Files and Pipes
relational operator: 7.8. Relational and Boolean Operators
- (hyphen)
character classes and: A range of characters
-= (assignment) operator: 7.6. Expressions
-- (decrement) operator: 7.6. Expressions
7.6. Expressions
subtraction operator: 7.6. Expressions
< (less than sign)
<= (less than or equal to) operator: 7.8. Relational and Boolean Operators
relational operator: 7.8. Relational and Boolean Operators
# for comments: 5.2. Comment
7.4.1. Describing Your Script
B.2.2.2. Comments
#n for suppressing output: 5.2. Comment
#!, invoking awk with: 10.9. Invoking awk Using the #! Syntax
B.1.1. Shell Wrapper for Invoking awk
( ) (parentheses): 2.2.1. Scripting
3.2. A Line-Up of Characters
3.2.10. Grouping Operations
with replacing text: 5.3.1. Replacement Metacharacters
% (percent sign)
for format specifications: 7.9. Formatted Printing
modulo operator: 7.6. Expressions
%= (assignment) operator: 7.6. Expressions
+ (plus)
addition operator: 7.6. Expressions
metacharacter: 7.4. Pattern Matching
+= (assignment) operator: 7.6. Expressions
++ (increment) operator: 7.6. Expressions
7.6. Expressions
? (question mark)
as metacharacter: 3.2. A Line-Up of Characters
3.2.5. Repeated Occurrences of a Character
?: (conditional) operator: 8.1.1. Conditional Operator
11.1.3. The C Conditional Expression
; (semicolon): 2.3.1. Specifying Simple Instructions
2.4.1. Running awk
B.2.2.1. Line termination
(single quotes): 2.2. Command-Line Syntax
2.3.1. Specifying Simple Instructions
/ (slash)
division operator: 7.6. Expressions
in ed commands: 2.1. Awk, by Sed and Grep, out of Ed
pattern addressing: 2.1. Awk, by Sed and Grep, out of Ed
A.2.1. Pattern Addressing
/= (assignment) operator: 7.6. Expressions
// as delimiter: 2.1. Awk, by Sed and Grep, out of Ed
5.3. Substitution
~ (match) operator: 7.5.1. Referencing and Separating Fields
7.8. Relational and Boolean Operators
7.8. Relational and Boolean Operators
| (vertical bar)
as metacharacter: 3.2. A Line-Up of Characters
3.2.9. Alternative Operations
piping output with: 10.5.1. Directing Output to a Pipe
|| (logical OR) operator: 7.8. Relational and Boolean Operators

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