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Index: A

a command (sed): 5.5. Append, Insert, and Change
abort statement (tawk): Tawk language extensions
acronym processor (example): 8.5. An Acronym Processor
addition (+) operator: 7.6. Expressions
addresses, line: 2.1. Awk, by Sed and Grep, out of Ed
2.1. Awk, by Sed and Grep, out of Ed
4.2. A Global Perspective on Addressing
4.2. A Global Perspective on Addressing
5.1. About the Syntax of sed Commands
addressing by pattern: 2.1. Awk, by Sed and Grep, out of Ed
A.2.1. Pattern Addressing
printing with =: 5.9. Print Line Number
adj script (example): 13.5. adj—Adjust Lines for Text Files
alignment of output fields: 7.9. Formatted Printing
ampersand (&)
&& (logical AND) operator: 7.8. Relational and Boolean Operators
in replacement text: 5.3. Substitution
5.3.1. Replacement Metacharacters
anchors: 3.2. A Line-Up of Characters
3.2.7. Positional Metacharacters
AND (&&) operator: 7.8. Relational and Boolean Operators
append command (see a command (sed))
ARGC variable: 8.6. System Variables That Are Arrays
ARGI variable (tawk): Tawk language extensions
ARGIND variable (gawk): Additional variables
ARGV variable: 8.6. System Variables That Are Arrays
ARGI variable with (tawk): Tawk language extensions
ARGIND variable with (gawk): Additional variables
arithmetic functions: 9.1. Arithmetic Functions
11.1.10. Functions
arithmetic operators, awk: 7.6. Expressions
arrays: 8.4. Arrays
11.1.8. Arrays
B.2.5.4. Arrays
deleting elements of: 8.4.6. Deleting Elements of an Array
11.1.8. Arrays Deleting all elements of an array
multidimensional: 8.5.1. Multidimensional Arrays Tawk language extensions
parsing strings into elements: 8.4.4. Using split( ) to Create Arrays Obtaining individual characters
sorting elements in (tawk): Tawk language extensions
splitting: Obtaining individual characters
system variables that are: 8.6. System Variables That Are Arrays
testing for membership in: 8.4.2. Testing for Membership in an Array
assigning input to variables: 10.1.2. Assigning the Input to a Variable
assignment operators, awk: 7.6. Expressions
associative arrays: 8.4.1. Associative Arrays
asterisk (*)
** (exponentiation) operator: 7.6. Expressions
**= (assignment) operator: 7.6. Expressions
*= (assignment) operator: 7.6. Expressions
as metacharacter: 3.1. That's an Expression
3.2.5. Repeated Occurrences of a Character
multiplication operator: 7.6. Expressions
automatic edits: 4.4.4. Edits To Go
awk: 1.3. A Pattern-Matching Programming Language
2.1. Awk, by Sed and Grep, out of Ed
2.4. Using awk
11.1. Original awk
arrays (see arrays)
built-in functions: 11.1.10. Functions
built-in variables: 7.7. System Variables
11.1.11. Built-In Variables
command-line syntax: 2.2. Command-Line Syntax
B.1. Command-Line Syntax
commands: 5.1. About the Syntax of sed Commands
B.3. Command Summary for awk
documentation for: 0.. Other Sources of Information About sed and awk
error messages: 2.4.2. Error Messages
escape sequences: B.2.5.2. Escape sequences
extensions to: 11.2.1. Common Extensions
functions (see functions)
invoking with #!: 10.9. Invoking awk Using the #! Syntax
B.1.1. Shell Wrapper for Invoking awk
limitations to: 10.8. Limitations
obtaining: 0.2. Availability of sed and awk
operators: 7.6. Expressions
B.2.5.6. Operators
options: 2.4.3. Summary of Options
POSIX standards for: 7. Writing Scripts for awk
programming model: 7.3. Awk's Programming Model
quick reference: B. Quick Reference for awk
regular expression metacharacters: B.2.4. Regular Expressions
with sed: 2.5. Using sed and awk Together
system variables: B.2.5.5. System variables
versions of: 0.2. Availability of sed and awk
11.2.2. Bell Labs awk
writing scripts in: 7. Writing Scripts for awk
AWKPATH variable (gawk): An awk program search path

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