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Index: S

s command (ed): 2.1. Awk, by Sed and Grep, out of Ed
sample programs: 0.. Sample Programs
saving output: Saving output
4.3. Testing and Saving Output
10.5. Directing Output to Files and Pipes
scope control (tawk): Tawk language extensions
scripts: 2.1. Awk, by Sed and Grep, out of Ed
2.2. Command-Line Syntax
2.2.1. Scripting
B.1.1. Shell Wrapper for Invoking awk
debugging: 10.7. Debugging
examples of: 13. A Miscellany of Scripts
as files: 2.3.2. Script Files
format of: B.2.2. Format of a Script
modularizing: 10.7.3. Finding Out Where the Problem Is
names for: 2.2. Command-Line Syntax
passing parameters to: 7.10. Passing Parameters Into a Script
phrase (example script): 6.5. To Join a Phrase
stopping, sed (see q command (sed))
search-and-replace: 1.2. A Stream Editor
matching extent: The extent of the match
search path for awk files: An awk program search path
sed: 1.2. A Stream Editor
2.3. Using sed
with awk: 2.5. Using sed and awk Together
command-line syntax: 2.2. Command-Line Syntax
A.1. Command-Line Syntax
commands: 5. Basic sed Commands
5.1. About the Syntax of sed Commands
6. Advanced sed Commands
syntax of: 5.1. About the Syntax of sed Commands
commands for: A.3. Command Summary for sed
documentation for: 0.. Other Sources of Information About sed and awk
ed versus: 2.1. Awk, by Sed and Grep, out of Ed
error messages: Command garbled
obtaining: 0.2. Availability of sed and awk
options: 2.3.1. Specifying Simple Instructions Summary of options
programming tips for: 4.5. Getting to the PromiSed Land
quick reference: A.1. Command-Line Syntax
regular expression metacharacters: A.2.2. Regular Expression Metacharacters for sed
semicolon (;): 2.3.1. Specifying Simple Instructions
2.4.1. Running awk
B.2.2.1. Line termination
shell scripts (see scripts)
shells: 1.4. Four Hurdles to Mastering sed and awk
1.4. Four Hurdles to Mastering sed and awk
2.3.1. Specifying Simple Instructions
sin( ): 9.1.1. Trigonometric Functions
single quotation marks (?): 2.2. Command-Line Syntax
2.3.1. Specifying Simple Instructions
slash (/)
division operator: 7.6. Expressions
in ed commands: 2.1. Awk, by Sed and Grep, out of Ed
/= (assignment) operator: 7.6. Expressions
// as delimiter: 2.1. Awk, by Sed and Grep, out of Ed
5.3. Substitution
sort function (example): 9.3.1. Writing a Sort Function
9.3.3. Another Sorted Example
sort program: 2.5. Using sed and awk Together
sorting array elements (tawk): Tawk language extensions
source code, obtaining (see obtaining)
--source option (gawk): Command line options
space characters: 2.3.1. Specifying Simple Instructions
5.1. About the Syntax of sed Commands
as awk delimiters: 2.4.1. Running awk
7.5.2. Field Splitting: The Full Story
as string concatenator: 7.6. Expressions
span, character: 3.2. A Line-Up of Characters
3.2.8. A Span of Characters
special characters: 2.3.1. Specifying Simple Instructions
3. Understanding Regular Expression Syntax
(see also escape sequences, awk; metacharacters)
special filenames: Special filenames Additional special files
spell checker program (example): 12.1. An Interactive Spelling Checker
spellcheck.awk program: C.1. Full Listing of spellcheck.awk
split( ): 8.4.4. Using split() to Create Arrays
9.2. String Functions Obtaining individual characters
sprintf( ): 9.2. String Functions
9.2. String Functions
sqrt( ): 9.1.1. Trigonometric Functions
srand( ): 9.1.3. Random Number Generation
standard input/output: 2.2. Command-Line Syntax
of line (see ^ (circumflex))
of word (see <, > escape sequences)
statements, awk: B.2.6. Statements and Functions
stopping sed scripts (see q command (sed))
stream editor: 1.2. A Stream Editor
2.1. Awk, by Sed and Grep, out of Ed
4.4.4. Edits To Go
strftime( ): Time management for programmers
strings: 3.1. That's an Expression
7.6. Expressions
comparing: 9.2.5. The match( ) Function
concatenating: 7.6. Expressions
converting from numbers: 7.7. System Variables
fixed (see fixed strings)
functions for: 9.2. String Functions
length of: 9.2.2. String Length
limitations on: 10.8. Limitations
parsing into array elements: 8.4.4. Using split( ) to Create Arrays Obtaining individual characters
substitution functions (awk): 9.2.3. Substitution Functions A general substitution function
substrings: 9.2.1. Substrings
stripping non-printable characters: 5.6.1. Stripping Out Non-Printable Characters from nroff Files
sub( ): 9.2. String Functions
9.2.3. Substitution Functions A general substitution function
SUBSEP variable: 8.5.1. Multidimensional Arrays
substitute command (see s command)
substituting text (sed): 2.1. Awk, by Sed and Grep, out of Ed
5.3. Substitution
5.3. Substitution
(see also s command (sed))
relacement metacharacters: 5.3.1. Replacement Metacharacters
substitution functions (awk): 9.2.3. Substitution Functions A general substitution function
substr( ): 9.2. String Functions
9.2.1. Substrings Obtaining individual characters
substrings (see strings)
subtraction (-) operator: 7.6. Expressions
suppressing output: Suppressing automatic display of input lines
5.2. Comment
command-line: 2.2. Command-Line Syntax
A.1. Command-Line Syntax
B.1. Command-Line Syntax
sed commands: 5.1. About the Syntax of sed Commands
system( ): 10.3. The system() Function
system time: Time management for programmers
system variables: 7.7. System Variables
8.6. System Variables That Are Arrays
B.2.5.5. System variables
gawk: Additional variables
systime( ): Time management for programmers

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