Index: Symbols & Numbers - e-Reading Library
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Index: Symbols & Numbers
- @_ array
- accessing instance data: 9.3. Accessing the Instance Data
- changes reflected: 3.1. Performing the Same Task on Many Arrays
- creating: 3.1. Performing the Same Task on Many Arrays
- dereferencing and: 3.3. Dereferencing the Array Reference
- nested data structures: 3.6. Nested Data Structures
- passing uninterrupted: 8.9. What to Do with @_
- references and scoping: 4.1. More than One Reference to Data
- removing items from: 2.1. The Cure for the Common Code
- \ (backslash): 3.2. Taking a Reference to an Array
- 3.8. References to Hashes
- 6.1. Referencing a Named Subroutine
- : (colon): 2.5.2. Extending @INC with PERL5LIB
- , (comma): 4.6. Creating an Anonymous Hash
- {} (curly braces)
- anonymous hash constructors: 4.6. Creating an Anonymous Hash
- arrays and: 3.3. Dereferencing the Array Reference
- coderefs and: 6.1. Referencing a Named Subroutine
- dereferencing: 3.7. Simplifying Nested Element References with Arrows
- dropping: 3.4. Dropping Those Braces
- 3.4. Dropping Those Braces
- hashes and: 3.8. References to Hashes
- indirect object syntax and: 10.3. Indirect Object Notation
- :: (double colon): 2.7. Packages as Namespace Separators
- 12.6. What use Is Doing
- ?: operator: 9.6. Making a Method Work with Either Classes or Instances
- ( ) (parentheses): 4.5. Creating an Anonymous Array Directly
- 6.1. Referencing a Named Subroutine
- 6.8.1. Exercise [30 min]
- + (plus sign): 4.6. Creating an Anonymous Hash
- 10.1. Nested Object Destruction
- # (pound sign): 4.9.2. Exercise 2 [30 min]
- 14.2. Writing Tests with Test::Simple
- ; (semicolon): 4.6. Creating an Anonymous Hash
- 6.4. Closures
- [] (square brackets): 4.5. Creating an Anonymous Array Directly
- 4.5. Creating an Anonymous Array Directly
- _ (underscore): 2.7. Packages as Namespace Separators
- $@ variable: 2.2. Inserting Code with eval
- 2.4. Using require
- & (ampersand): 6.1. Referencing a Named Subroutine
- 12.2. Selecting What to Import
- <=> (spaceship operator): 7.1. Review of Sorting
Symbols & Numbers
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