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Learning Perl Objects, References & Modules

Learning Perl Objects, References <!-- **REPLACE WITH BANNER-MAP** -->amp; ModulesSearch this book

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Index: G

garbage collection: 4.4. When Reference Counting Goes Bad
AUTOLOAD method and: 11.4. Using AUTOLOAD for Accessors
11.4. Using AUTOLOAD for Accessors
creating easily: 11.5. Creating Getters and Setters More Easily
doubling as setters: 9.13. Getters That Double as Setters
9.13. Getters That Double as Setters
encapsulation and: 9.11. Don't Look Inside the Box
optimizing: 9.12. Faster Getters and Setters
glob operator: 7.8.1. Exercise 1 [15 min]
11.4. Using AUTOLOAD for Accessors
11.7. References to Filehandles
global variables
data destruction and: 10. Object Destruction
package variables as: 2.9. Packages and Lexicals
scope and: 6.6. Closure Variables as Inputs
grep operator (see also Schwartzian Transform)
filehandles and: 11.7. References to Filehandles
11.7. References to Filehandles
functionality: 5.4. The map and grep Operators
indices and: 7.2. Sorting with Indices
indirection and: 5.6. Applying a Bit of Indirection
scalar context and: 3.1. Performing the Same Task on Many Arrays
5.4. The map and grep Operators
selecting complex data: 5.7. Selecting and Altering Complex Data

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