Index: P - e-Reading Library
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Index: P
- packages
(see also modules)
- global variables: 2.9. Packages and Lexicals
- 6.6. Closure Variables as Inputs
- @ISA variable and: 8.5. A Few Notes About @ISA
- 8.5. A Few Notes About @ISA
- lexicals and: 2.9. Packages and Lexicals
- 2.9. Packages and Lexicals
- main program in: 2.7. Packages as Namespace Separators
- as namespace separators: 2.7. Packages as Namespace Separators
- naming considerations: 2.7. Packages as Namespace Separators
- 8.2. Introducing the Method Invocation Arrow
- scope of directives: 2.8. Scope of a Package Directive
- 2.8. Scope of a Package Directive
- parameters
(see also return values)
- @_: 8.9. What to Do with @_
- adding to methods: 9.7. Adding Parameters to a Method
- 9.7. Adding Parameters to a Method
- callbacks and: 6.5. Returning a Subroutine from a Subroutine
- 6.5. Returning a Subroutine from a Subroutine
- hash references as: 3.9.2. Exercise 2 [30 min]
- instance methods and: 9.2. Invoking an Instance Method
- instances as: 9.2. Invoking an Instance Method
- method invocation and: 8.3. The Extra Parameter of Method Invocation
- 8.3. The Extra Parameter of Method Invocation
- passing to superclasses: 10.4. Additional Instance Variables in Subclasses
- returning updated values: 9.10. Getting Your Deposit Back
- shifting: 8.4. Calling a Second Method to Simplify Things
- 8.9. What to Do with @_
- parent-child relationships: 10.6. Weakening the Argument
- parsing
- file specifications: 12.1. Sample Function-Oriented Interface: File::Basename
- shifting style: 2.1. The Cure for the Common Code
- 3.1. Performing the Same Task on Many Arrays
- passing by reference (see references)
- PATH environment variable: 2.5. require and @INC
- paths, searching for installed modules/libraries: 12.7. Setting the Path at the Right Time
- 12.7. Setting the Path at the Right Time
- PAUSE (Perl Authors Upload Server) ID: 15.2. Getting Prepared
- 15.4. Uploading Your Distribution
- perl command
- -d option: 5.1. Using the Debugger to View Complex Data
- -I option: 2.5.3. Extending @INC with -I
- 13.10. Using the Alternate Library Location
- -M option: 13.10. Using the Alternate Library Location
- -V command line option: 2.5. require and @INC
- -V:make: 13.5. Controlling the Distribution with Makefile.PL
- -w option: 10.3. Indirect Object Notation
- A.3.1. Exercise 1 (Section 4.9.1)
- PREFIX= option (Makefile.PL): 13.6. Alternate Installation Locations (PREFIX=...)
- 13.10. Using the Alternate Library Location
- perl-packrats mailing list: 15.1. The Comprehensive Perl Archive Network
- PERL5LIB environment variable: 2.5.2. Extending @INC with PERL5LIB
- .pl (Perl Library) extension: 2.3. Using do
- .plx (Perl Executable) extension: 2.3. Using do
- .pm (Perl Module) extension: 12.6. What use Is Doing
- POD format: 13.4. Embedded Documentation
- prefixes, explicit: 2.6. The Problem of Namespace Collisions
- PREREQ_PM setting (Makefiles): 13.5. Controlling the Distribution with Makefile.PL
- programs
(see also OOP)
- behaviors of: 6. Subroutine References
- compile phase: 6.7. Closure Variables as Static Local Variables
- object destruction and: 10. Object Destruction
- run phase: 6.7. Closure Variables as Static Local Variables
- sharing code: 2.1. The Cure for the Common Code
- whitespace: 3.3. Dereferencing the Array Reference
- 4.7. Autovivification
- properties, instances and: 9.1. A Horse Is a Horse, of Course of Course--or Is It?
- push function: 2.5.1. Extending @INC
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