Index: I - e-Reading Library
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Index: I
- importing
- -nosticky option: 12.11. Custom Import Routines
- custom routines: 12.11. Custom Import Routines
- Exporter module and: 12.8. Importing with Exporter
- 12.8. Importing with Exporter
- File::Basename module and: 12.2. Selecting What to Import
- subroutines: 12.6. What use Is Doing
- 12.9. @EXPORT and @EXPORT_OK
- use operation and: 12.6. What use Is Doing
- @INC array
- require operator and: 2.5. require and @INC
- use operation and: 12.7. Setting the Path at the Right Time
- indices, sorting with: 7.2. Sorting with Indices
- 7.2. Sorting with Indices
- indirect object notation: 10.3. Indirect Object Notation
- indirection
- applying: 5.6. Applying a Bit of Indirection
- sorting indices: 7.2. Sorting with Indices
- inheritance
- code reusability through: 8.6. Overriding the Methods
- composition versus: 10.4. Additional Instance Variables in Subclasses
- constructors and: 9.5. Inheriting the Constructor
- 9.5. Inheriting the Constructor
- DESTROY method and: 10.2. Beating a Dead Horse
- 10.2. Beating a Dead Horse
- isa method testing: 11.2. Testing Your Objects for Good Behavior
- @ISA variable and: 8.5. A Few Notes About @ISA
- method invocation and: 8.4. Calling a Second Method to Simplify Things
- 8.4. Calling a Second Method to Simplify Things
- multiple inheritance: 11.6. Multiple Inheritance
- installation (of modules)
- alternate library locations: 13.10. Using the Alternate Library Location
- alternate locations: 13.6. Alternate Installation Locations (PREFIX=...)
- distribution considerations: 13. Writing a Distribution
- instance methods
- APIs and: 9.7. Adding Parameters to a Method
- class methods and: 9.2. Invoking an Instance Method
- invoking: 9.2. Invoking an Instance Method
- 9.2. Invoking an Instance Method
- Math::BigInt module: 12.4. A More Typical Object-Oriented Module: Math::BigInt
- OO modules and: 12.5. The Differences Between OO and Non-OO Modules
- parameters and: 9.7. Adding Parameters to a Method
- restricting to: 9.14. Restricting a Method to Class-Only or Instance-Only
- instance variables
- defined: 9.1. A Horse Is a Horse, of Course of Course--or Is It?
- filehandles as: 10.1. Nested Object Destruction
- hash keys: 9.8. More Interesting Instances
- object destruction and: 10. Object Destruction
- in subclasses: 10.4. Additional Instance Variables in Subclasses
- 10.4. Additional Instance Variables in Subclasses
- instances
- accessors and: 11.5. Creating Getters and Setters More Easily
- blessed references and: 9.2. Invoking an Instance Method
- 9.2. Invoking an Instance Method
- building: 9.4. How to Build a Horse
- defined: 9.1. A Horse Is a Horse, of Course of Course--or Is It?
- 9.1. A Horse Is a Horse, of Course of Course--or Is It?
- hashes and: 9.8. More Interesting Instances
- isa method testing: 11.2. Testing Your Objects for Good Behavior
- methods working with: 9.6. Making a Method Work with Either Classes or Instances
- interfaces
- distribution considerations: 13. Writing a Distribution
- File::Basename module: 12.1. Sample Function-Oriented Interface: File::Basename
- 12.1. Sample Function-Oriented Interface: File::Basename
- File::Spec module: 12.3. Sample Object-Oriented Interface: File::Spec
- maintenance considerations: 11.5. Creating Getters and Setters More Easily
- version numbers and: 13.3. The Prototype Module Itself
- IO::File class: 11.7. References to Filehandles
- 11.7. References to Filehandles
- is function (Test::More): 14.3. Writing Tests with Test::More
- 14.6. Testing Things That Write to STDOUT and STDERR
- @ISA variable
- features: 8.5. A Few Notes About @ISA
- 8.5. A Few Notes About @ISA
- inheritance hierarchies and: 11.1. UNIVERSAL Methods
- multiple inheritance: 11.6. Multiple Inheritance
- isa method (UNIVERSAL): 11.2. Testing Your Objects for Good Behavior
- 11.2. Testing Your Objects for Good Behavior
- isa_ok function (Test::More): 14.3. Writing Tests with Test::More
- isnt function (Test::More): 14.3. Writing Tests with Test::More
- iteration versus recursion: 7.5. Recursively Defined Data
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