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Unix Power Tools

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Index: G

:g (global) operator: 30.8. History Substitutions
g or G (get) commands, sed editor: 30.8. History Substitutions
34.17. The Deliberate Scrivener
34.17. The Deliberate Scrivener
G (Get) command: 34.15. Transforming Part of a Line
/g regular expression modifier: 41.7. Perl Boot Camp, Part 4: Pattern Matching
gateways: 46.11. Gateways and NAT
functioning as firewalls: 46.12. Firewalls
personal LAN over a modem: 46.13. Gatewaying from a Personal LAN over a Modem
gawk utility: 20.10. Quick Reference: awk
paired item check script: 16.8. Looking for Closure
standard I/O: 43.1. Using Standard Input and Output
variables: 20.10.3. awk System Variables
version history: 20.11. Versions of awk
geometry variable (xmessage utility): 36.26. Outputting Text to an X Window
get command
copying files from remote host to Unix machine: 47.6. Connecting to SMB Shares from Unix
get (g or G) commands, sed editor: 34.17. The Deliberate Scrivener
34.17. The Deliberate Scrivener
G (Get) command: 34.15. Transforming Part of a Line
getline command (nawk): 20.10.7. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
getopt command: 35.21. Handling Command-Line Arguments with a for Loop
parsing output: 35.24. Standard Command-Line Parsing
getopts command: 35.22. Handling Arguments with while and shift
35.24. Standard Command-Line Parsing
getty program: 23.1. Job Control in a Nutshell
23.2.1. How Job Control Works
24.2. fork and exec
Linux virtual consoles, use in: 23.12.1. What Are They?
GID (group ID): 24.3. Managing Processes: Overall Concepts
primary group, finding for: 49.6. Groups and Group Ownership
zero, for superuser group: 49.2. When Does a User Become a User
global aliases: 29.6. zsh Aliases
global command (ex): 20.4. Useful ex Commands
global commands, using in vi editor: 17.8. Using Search Patterns and Global Commands
global searches: 17.8.1. Global Searches
global commands with pattern matches: 17.14. Useful Global Commands (with Pattern Matches)
global crontab entries: 25.3. Adding crontab Entries
global (:g) string editing operator: 28.5. String Editing (Colon) Operators
global initializations (Emacs), disabling: 19.3. Customizations and How to Avoid Them
global replacements: 17.8.1. Global Searches
enabling/preventing in shells: 33.2. Filename Wildcards in a Nutshell
shell failure to match wildcards and: 33.4. What if a Wildcard Doesn't Match?
Gnome: 1.10. The Kernel and Daemons
autoconf and automake utilities: 40.4. Simplifying the make Process
context greps: 13.8. GNU Context greps
dircolors command: 4.10. Highlighting and Color in Shell Prompts
Emacs (see Emacs editor)
fast find utility (locate): 9.18. Using "Fast find" Databases
find command, {} and: 9.9. Running Commands on What You Find
head command: 12.12. Printing the Top of a File
ls command: 8.7. Some GNU ls Features
-Q (quoting) option: 8.11. Can't Access a File? Look for Spaces in the Name
displaying color names: 8.6. Color ls
slocate command: 9.18. Using "Fast find" Databases
spell, download site for: 16.1. The Unix spell Command
tail program: 12.10. How to Look at Files as They Grow
follow=name and retry options: 12.11. GNU tail File Following
follow option: 12.11. GNU tail File Following
tar command: 15.7. Save Space: tar and compress a Directory Tree
tar utility: 38.2. tar in a Nutshell
command-line arguments, order of: 38.12. Getting tar's Arguments in the Right Order
gzip and bzip2 options: 38.4. More Ways to Back Up
remote tape drive, using with: 38.8. Using GNU tar with a Remote Tape Drive
storing absolute pathnames: 38.11. Avoid Absolute Paths with tar
wildcards, using with: 38.10.2. With GNU tar
wget utility: 40.7. Interruptable gets with wget
GNU-Darwin auto-installer for OS X (One-Step): 40.8. The curl Application and One-Step GNU-Darwin Auto-Installer for OS X
GNU Readline: 3.3. Shell Setup Files — Which, Where, and Why
GNUS (Emacs Usenet client): 19.2. Emacs Features: A Laundry List
gprof profiler: 26.1. Timing Is Everything
grabchars program: 35.18. read: Reading from the Keyboard
graphical user interfaces (see GUIs)
graphics, conversion programs: 45.19. The Portable Bitmap Package
graymaps: 45.19. The Portable Bitmap Package
greater than (>) operator: 36.21.1. Syntax
41.5.1. Scalars
greater than or equal to (>=) operator: 41.5.1. Scalars
greedy and non-greedy regular expressions: 32.14. Regular Expressions: Potential Problems
grep command: 13.1. Different Versions of grep
-exec operator (find command), using for: 9.11. Custom -exec Tests Applied
-l option: 28.14. Command Substitution
listing matching files: 33.6. Getting a List of Matching Files with grep -l
-n option, number lines with: 12.13. Numbering Lines
-Z option for compressed files: 2.4. Searching Online Manual Pages
cgrep script: 34.18. Searching for Patterns Split Across Lines
finding commands containing the word "error": 28.14. Command Substitution
finding file with particular word or string in it: 9.21. grepping a Directory Tree
lookfor script, using in: 9.22. lookfor: Which File Has That Word?
piping output to pager: 43.4. Problems Piping to a Pager
redirecting output: 36.15. Overview: Open Files and File Descriptors
regular expressions, evaluating and matching: 32.3. Understanding Expressions
regular expressions, use of
printing every address in your incoming mailbox: 32.6. Regular Expressions: Matching a Character with a Character Set
regular expressions used with, search pattern examples: 32.21.1. Examples of Searching
v option, excluding files from deletion: 14.18. Removing Every File but One
who command, using with: 2.8. Who's On?
-c option, listing nonmatching files: 33.7. Getting a List of Nonmatching Files
-e option: 33.7.2. The vgrep Script
grep commands
agrep: 13.1. Different Versions of grep
13.6. Approximate grep: agrep
case-insensitive searches: 13.12. Faking Case-Insensitive Searches
compound searches: 13.10. Compound Searches
13.11. Narrowing a Search Quickly
egrep: 13.1. Different Versions of grep
13.4. Extended Searching for Text with egrep
egrep -f and fgrep -f: 13.5. grepping for a List of Patterns
fgrep: 13.1. Different Versions of grep
GNU context greps: 13.8. GNU Context greps
-A option: 13.8. GNU Context greps
-B option: 13.8. GNU Context greps
-C option: 13.8. GNU Context greps
grep: 13.1. Different Versions of grep
-c option: 13.2. Searching for Text with grep
-i option: 13.2. Searching for Text with grep
-l option: 13.2. Searching for Text with grep
-v option: 13.2. Searching for Text with grep
13.11. Narrowing a Search Quickly
-w option: 13.2. Searching for Text with grep
ps command, using with: 13.2. Searching for Text with grep
highlighting text with hgrep: 13.16. A Highlighting grep
multiline context grep using sed: 13.9. A Multiline Context grep Using sed
rcsgrep: 13.1. Different Versions of grep
13.7. Search RCS Files with rcsgrep
running on RCS files with rcsgrep script: 13.7.1. rcsgrep, rcsegrep, rcsfgrep
searching files for matching line of text: 1.4. Communication with Unix
group ID (see GID)
-group operator (find command): 9.16. Searching by Owner and Group
grouping operator (( )): 9.6. Be an Expert on find Search Operators
13.5. grepping for a List of Patterns
32.15. Extended Regular Expressions
denying permissions with: 49.7. Add Users to a Group to Deny Permissions
file ownership: 50.2.1. User, Group, and World
file ownership, determining: 50.2.2. Which Group is Which?
group ownership and: 49.6. Groups and Group Ownership
ownership of files, changing: 41.8. Perl Boot Camp, Part 5: Perl Knows Unix
ownership of files in directories: 7.3. Access to Directories
denying: 50.2.1. User, Group, and World
directory with setgid bit: 49.5. Group Permissions in a Directory with the setgid Bit
listing for files: 50.11. Juggling Permissions
setting to same as file owner: 50.6. The Handy chmod = Operator
process groups: 24.3. Managing Processes: Overall Concepts
Unix user/group infrastructure: 49.1. Unix User/Group Infrastructure
groups command: 49.6. Groups and Group Ownership
50.11. Juggling Permissions
gsub command (awk): 20.10.7. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
:gt operator (C shell): 4.14. dirs in Your Prompt: Better Than $cwd
gt operator (Perl): 41.5.1. Scalars
guest accounts: 47.2. Installing and Configuring Samba
GUIs (graphical user interfaces): 1.4. Communication with Unix
operating systems: 1.2. Power Grows on You
Python: 42.3.6. wxPython
Tcl/Tk commands for, using in wish shell: 1.6. There Are Many Shells
wrapping interactive programs with, using Expect: 28.18.4. Other Problems
gunzip utility: 15.6. Compressing Files to Save Space
-N option: 15.6. Compressing Files to Save Space
recreating original tar files with: 21.12.1. uuencoding
-c option, writing uncompressed data to standard output: 15.6. Compressing Files to Save Space
gzcat command: 15.6. Compressing Files to Save Space
gzip utility: 15.6. Compressing Files to Save Space
38.4. More Ways to Back Up
38.5.3. Backing Up to Floppies or Zip Disks
38.5.4. To gzip, or Not to gzip?
gzip -c command: 43.1. Using Standard Input and Output
gzip -l command: 15.6. Compressing Files to Save Space

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