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Unix Power Tools

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Index: I

i-number (inodes): 14.2. How Unix Keeps Track of Files: Inodes
i-numbers, deleting files by: 14.15. Removing a Strange File by its i-number
ICA client, installing: 47.9.1. Citrix Metaframe
ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol): 46.1. TCP/IP — IP Addresses and Ports
46.1.2. Layer 4 Protocols: TCP, UDP, and ICMP
diagnostic and traffic control messages: 46.1.2. Layer 4 Protocols: TCP, UDP, and ICMP
navigation, for resources shared with SMB network: 47.4. SWAT and GUI SMB Browsers
text, setting for xterms: 5.15. Setting the Titlebar and Icon Text
IDE (Integrated Development Environment), Emacs as: 19.2. Emacs Features: A Laundry List
identifiers: 24.3. Managing Processes: Overall Concepts
(see also entries under identifier names)
group ID (GID): 24.3. Managing Processes: Overall Concepts
process ID (PID): 24.3. Managing Processes: Overall Concepts
user IDs (UIDs): 24.3. Managing Processes: Overall Concepts
identity, Python objects: 42.3.3. Everything's an Object
if (! $?prompt) exit test: 3.9. Gotchas in set prompt Test
if command (awk): 20.10.7. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
if statements
: used as do-nothing place filler: 36.6. The Unappreciated Bourne Shell ":" Operator
debugging: 37.1.4. Missing or Extra esac, ;;, fi, etc.
syntax for Bourne shell: 35.13. Test Exit Status with the if Statement
test command, using with: 35.26. test: Testing Files and Strings
testing exit status with: 35.13. Test Exit Status with the if Statement
in xmessage command line: 36.26. Outputting Text to an X Window
if-then-else loops
cgrep script, using in: 34.18. Searching for Patterns Split Across Lines
csh aliases, use in: 29.9. How to Put if-then-else in a C-Shell Alias
Perl scripts, using in: 41.6. Perl Boot Camp, Part 3: Branching and Looping
ifconfig tool: 44.1. Quick Introduction to Hardware
44.8. Network Devices — ifconfig
46.3. Status and Troubleshooting
if/else block, testing multiple conditionals in: 35.13. Test Exit Status with the if Statement
IFS (internal field separator) shell variable: 36.23.3. Using set and IFS
ignoreeof variable: 4.19. Stop Accidental Bourne-Shell Logouts
ignoring filenames in ls command listing: 8.7. Some GNU ls Features
@INC array (Perl): 41.2. Checking your Perl Installation
module paths in: 41.4. Perl Boot Camp, Part 1: Typical Script Anatomy
incremental backups: 38.9. On-Demand Incremental Backups of a Project
incremental searches in Emacs: 19.8. Rational Searches
in Bourne shell scripts with <<- operator: 27.16. Here Documents
Perl script for text: 21.7. offset: Indent Text
in Python scripts: 42.3.1. Indentation
index command (awk): 20.10.7. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
Bourne shell arrays: 9.23.1. Using the Stored Lists
C shell arrays: 9.23.1. Using the Stored Lists
hashes: 41.5.3. Hashes
industrial strength backups: 38.14. Industrial Strength Backups
!= operator: 41.5.1. Scalars
ne operator: 41.5.1. Scalars
inetd daemon: 46.5. The Director of Operations: inetd
disabling for security reasons: 48.10. Disabling inetd
Expect scripts with: 28.18.4. Other Problems
running Samba daemons: 47.2. Installing and Configuring Samba
infinite loops
tail -f command, creating with: 12.10. How to Look at Files as They Grow
info command: 2.9. The info Command
process information: 24.3. Managing Processes: Overall Concepts
variables: 35.9. Shell Variables
_ _init_ _( ) method (Python classes): 42.3.3. Everything's an Object
init program: 23.1. Job Control in a Nutshell
23.2.1. How Job Control Works
24.2. fork and exec
collecting child processes after parent exits: 24.19. Why You Can't Kill a Zombie
initialization files (Emacs): 19.3. Customizations and How to Avoid Them
initializing new cvsroot: 39.7. CVS Basics
inodes: 10.2. What's Really in a Directory?
14.2. How Unix Keeps Track of Files: Inodes
-ctime (change time) operator, using with find: 9.5. Searching for Old Files
file permissions in: 50.2.1. User, Group, and World
i-numbers for parent directory entries: 10.4.2. Links to a Directory
information in: 14.2. How Unix Keeps Track of Files: Inodes
ls -c command for: 8.3. Finding Oldest or Newest Files with ls -t and ls -u
ls -i command, listing number for each directory entry: 10.4.1. Differences Between Hard and Symbolic Links
tar utility and: 38.2. tar in a Nutshell
input (see input/output standard input)
input events: 6.4. X Event Translations
input/output (I/O): 1.5. Programs Are Designed to Work Together
(see also standard error; standard input; stardard output)
checking statistics for security problems: 48.6.4. Other Checks
find command -print0 option: 9.9. Running Commands on What You Find
output from at command, quieting: 25.6. Making Your at Jobs Quiet
output from background jobs, stopping: 23.9. Stop Background Output with stty tostop
output from command, sending to nohup.out file: 23.10. nohup
piping shell loop output to pager: 2.4. Searching Online Manual Pages
Python: 42.3.5. I/O and Formatting
redirecting (see redirecting input and output)
redirecting for programs: 36.15. Overview: Open Files and File Descriptors
stopped terminal output, debugging: 5.6.1. Output Stopped?
INPUTRC environment variable: 35.5. Predefined Environment Variables
.inputrc file: 3.3. Shell Setup Files — Which, Where, and Why
insert command (ex): 20.4. Useful ex Commands
insert mode for pasting text: 5.13. Simple Copy and Paste in xterm
insertion mode (Emacs): 19.5. Putting Emacs in Overwrite Mode
installing, Python: 42.2. Installation and Distutils
installing Perl: 41.3. Compiling Perl from Scratch
installing software: 40.1. /usr/bin and Other Software Directories
challenges of: 40.2. The Challenges of Software Installation on Unix
curl application, using: 40.8. The curl Application and One-Step GNU-Darwin Auto-Installer for OS X
Debian apt-get tool, using: 40.6. Installing Software with Debian's Apt-Get
configuring sources.list file: 40.6.1. Configuring the sources.list File
Debian dselect tool, using: 40.5. Using Debian's dselect
access method, choosing: 40.5.1. Choosing the Access Method
choosing packages for installation or removal: 40.5.3. Choosing Packages for Installation or Removal
configuring packages: 40.5.6. Configuring Packages
exiting: 40.5.8. Exiting dselect
exiting select function: 40.5.4. Exiting the Select Function
installing packages: 40.5.5. Installing Packages
removing packages: 40.5.7. Removing Packages
updating information on available packages: 40.5.2. Updating Information on Available Packages
FreeBSD packages, using: 40.10. Installing with FreeBSD Packages
FreeBSD Ports, using: 40.9. Installation with FreeBSD Ports
GNU wget utility, using: 40.7. Interruptable gets with wget
make utility, problems with differing versions: 40.3. Which make?
RPM, using: 40.11. Finding and Installing RPM Packaged Software
simplifying the make process: 40.4. Simplifying the make Process
/usr/bin and other directories for: 40.1. /usr/bin and Other Software Directories
instance of an object, application resources associated with: 6.3. X Resource Syntax
instance variables (Python): 42.3.3. Everything's an Object
instances of Python classes: 42.3.3. Everything's an Object
int command (awk): 20.10.7. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
INT (interrupt) signal: 24.10. What Are Signals?
killing processes waiting for NFS resources: 24.12. Destroying Processes with kill
sending with CTRL-c command: 24.11. Killing Foreground Jobs
Integrated Development Environment (IDE), Emacs as: 19.2. Emacs Features: A Laundry List
interactive command-line editing: 30.1. The Lessons of History
30.14. Shell Command-Line Editing
bash: 30.14.5. bash Editing
Emacs editing mode: 30.14.2. Emacs Editing Mode
ksh (Korn shell): 30.14.4. ksh Editing
tcsh shell: 30.14.3. tcsh Editing
vi editing mode: 30.14.1. vi Editing Mode
zsh shell: 30.14.6. zsh Editing
interactive commands: 1.4. Communication with Unix
interactive logins, starting remote X clients from: 6.10.1. Starting Remote X Clients from Interactive Logins
interactive mode for shells: 27.3.2. Interactive Use Versus Shell Scripts
interactive programs
controlling with Expect program: 28.18. Expect
nice command and: 26.6. A nice Gotcha
testing with Expect: 28.18.3. Testing: A Story
interactive renaming of files: 10.10. Renaming a List of Files Interactively
interactive shells: 3.4. Login Shells, Interactive Shells
3.4.2. Interactive Shells
3.4.2. Interactive Shells
Bourne shell, ENV environment variable: 3.3. Shell Setup Files — Which, Where, and Why
setup files, reading at different times: 3.8. Setup Files Aren't Read When You Want?
interactive spell checking: 16.2. Check Spelling Interactively with ispell
interation in loops: 31.6. Loop Control: break and continue
intergers in Perl: 41.5. Perl Boot Camp, Part 2: Variables and Data Types
internal commands: 1.9. Internal and External Commands
internal field separator (IFS) shell variable: 36.23.3. Using set and IFS
Internet: 1.21. Unix Networking and Communications
Internet Control Message Protocol (see ICMP)
Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP): 46.8. Mail — SMTP, POP, and IMAP
Internet Protocol (IP): 46.1. TCP/IP — IP Addresses and Ports
interoperability, POSIX standard: 1.3. The Core of Unix
interpolating variables: 41.4. Perl Boot Camp, Part 1: Typical Script Anatomy
interpretation of commands by shells (see commands)
interpreted languages: 42.1. What Is Python?
interpreter, Python: 42.2. Installation and Distutils
interpreter, perl: 41.2. Checking your Perl Installation
interrupt characters, setting: 5.8. Setting Your Erase, Kill, and Interrupt Characters
interrupting commands, in a string of commands separated by semicolons: 28.16. Separating Commands with Semicolons
interrupting jobs: 23.9. Stop Background Output with stty tostop
interrupts, shell scripts, trapping exits caused by: 35.17. Trapping Exits Caused by Interrupts
intr key: 5.8. Setting Your Erase, Kill, and Interrupt Characters
intruder detection: 48.7. Intruder Detection
-inum operator (find command): 9.9. Running Commands on What You Find
9.24. Finding the (Hard) Links to a File
14.15. Removing a Strange File by its i-number
invalid symbolic links: 10.6. Stale Symbolic Links
"inverse if" statement: 35.13. Test Exit Status with the if Statement
35.14. Testing Your Success
invisible files: 14.16. Problems Deleting Directories
I/O-bound processes: 26.1. Timing Is Everything
nice command, effect of: 26.5. Know When to Be "nice" to Other Users...and When Not To
IP Control Message Protocol (see ICMP)
IP (Internet Protocol)
DHCP and: 46.10. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
displaying with dig: 46.3. Status and Troubleshooting
mapping hostnames to: 46.9. Domain Name Service (DNS)
network devices: 44.8. Network Devices — ifconfig
private network addresses and: 46.11. Gateways and NAT
addresses and ports: 46.1. TCP/IP — IP Addresses and Ports
addresses: 46.1.1. Internet Protocol (IP)
ports: 46.1.2. Layer 4 Protocols: TCP, UDP, and ICMP
IP masquerading on Linux: 46.11. Gateways and NAT
TCP, UDP, and ICMP with: 46.1.2. Layer 4 Protocols: TCP, UDP, and ICMP
Version 6 (IPv6): 46.1.1. Internet Protocol (IP)
irc utility: 1.21. Unix Networking and Communications
IRIX systems
restricted shell (rsh): 6.10.2. Starting a Remote Client with rsh and ssh
isc-dhcpd daemon: 46.10. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
ispell program: 16.2. Check Spelling Interactively with ispell
through arrays: 41.5.2. Arrays
through key-value pairs in hashes: 41.5.3. Hashes
through list elements with foreach: 41.6. Perl Boot Camp, Part 3: Branching and Looping
iterating shell variables over arguments: 37.5. Quoting and Command-Line Parameters

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